US period one Flashcards
of native american
50-100 million ppl before columbus
1-10 mil in north america
when did Asian cross over bering
35,000 BCE - 10,000 BCE
before columbus
after crossing, groups of 25-50 ppl in group
ice age ended
central america & peru: densely populated
agricultural, norm population, multi structural dome.
most populated and developed. 1st to cultivate (5,000 BCE)
very advance
math, science, huge surplus, no wheels)
3 sister crops: grow together
south of alaskan coast
alot of natural resources. no agri. long houses.
West canada
stayed in nome. HnG, spare population, great basin
3sistercrop, seminomadic. HnG. live along river bank and along underneath earthen mounds
Eastern USA
creek, cherokee, eurique, mgonquin
Missipean period (1000-1340)
cahokoa, biggest AI settlement, big mound buildings. disperse bc of columbus
Large AI communities
- Algonquian= northeast
- siouan= great plains
- athabaskan= southwest
southwest AI
new mexico and arizona
(farming, caves and talll building)
Northwest AI
pacific coast and alaska
permanent longhouse/plank, hunting/fishing, HnG. tall mtn, isolation
great plain
nomadic/sedentary (buffalo, tepees). farming hunted and lived in permanent earthen lodges. 3 sistercrops. Horses: Lakota Sioux used them for hunting .
Apaches: migrated southward from canada to texas
Midwest AI
east of missippit
woodland american indiand, hunting/fishing and agri, permanent settle. Adena Hopewell: ohio, earthen mounds. large: Cahokia
Northeast AI
ohio to NY
hunting and farming. descendent of Adena-Hopewell. Iroquois: political union of 5 tribes . Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk
Atlantic Seaboard AI
new jersey south florida, coastalplains
descendant of woodland mound builders and built timber and bark lodging. lived near rivers
Protestant Reformation
revolt in: Germanu, England, France, Holland.
Catholic: Spain n portugal
Protestant: England and Holland
Portuguese slaves
African island for sugar: Madeira and Azores
Amerigo Vespucci
america named after this italian sailor
EU got syphilis
AI got smallpox and measles
line of demarcation
1493 pope drew verticle line to solve conflict btw spain and portugal
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494, spain and portugal moved pope line to the west
Spain voyage
- Isthmus of Panama to Pacific Ocean by Balboa
- Magellan around the world
- Cortes aztec
- Pizzaro incas
John cabot
explored newfoundland in 1497 for english.
English vs spanish
- 1570-1580, francis drake attracked spanish ship and settlement to get gold n silver that they had
- Walter Raleigh, establish settlement at Roanoke Island in 1587 but failed
explore NY harbor
explored St. Lawrence River
samuel de champlain
1608, 1st perm settle at quenec on st. Lawrence river
sailor 1600s dutch hudson river
pueblo revolt 1680
in snata fe, New Mexico. bc of harsh effort to christianize. Spanish are driven from area 1692
Valladolid Debate
over how indian is human or not. Las cases (good) vs Sepulveda
Las casas: help AI want New Laws 1542. Repealed
French places
trading posts st. lawrence valley, great lakes, Mississippi river. assisted Huron AI in fighting Iroquois AI
document granting special privileges
dissenters in plymouth n Massachusetts bay
influence by john calvin
Jamestown, Virginia
John smith, Virginia company, lots of ppl died. 1st royal colony
Plymouth and Massachusetts
Dissenters, Protestants: John Calvin
Plymouth colony
Separatist/pilgrims. Lots died, AI helped. Miles standish and William Bradford
Massachusetts bay colony
Puritans. Leader: John Winthrop founded Boston. Great migration
Virginia gov
1st representative assembly: house of burgesses. Ppl have same rights as British
Jamestown 1607
-Virginia company charter
- swampy, dysentery and malaria.
Leader: john smith, John Rolfe & Pocahontas (tobacco)
-1st royal colony bc debt
a document granting special privileges from the English monarch for a colony to existed
corporate colony
operated by joint-stock companies (jamestown)
royal colony
under direct rule of the king’s gov (Virginia)
proprietary colony
under authority if ppl granted power of ownership by the king (maryland and pennsylvania)
England gained naval power
defeating spanish armada (1588) fleet
Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay
religious motivation dissenters persecuted (John Calvin-God chooses destiny)
mayflower, andians helped. Miles standish, willian Bradford helped. Fish, fur and lumber
half separatist (pilgrims) other half for econ, planned to go to jamestown but did not
Massachusetts bay
puritans, religious freedom, royal, company. John winthrop.
Great Migration: civil war in England caused immigrations there
- James: 1602-1625 (seperatist)
- Charles: 1625-
- James 2: 1685 wanted to increase royal control
- Glorious Revolution: 1688 William and Mary.
Political Virginia
1619 1st representative assembly: House of Burgesses
Political NE
pilgrim signed doc to make decision by will of majority (Mayflower Compact)
Massachusetts bay: males can elect
Maryland 1632
tolerance and diversity among protestant
- heaven for catholics
- 1st proprietary, George Calvert (Lord Baltimore) died n son (Cecil Calvert) takes over in 1634
- Act of toleration: granting religious freedom to christians 1649
- Protestant Revolt vs catholoics, P wons
Virginia: population grew slowly
1619: not hereditary
end 1660s: hereditary by house of burgesses
Econ Maryland VI:
beginning 1600s, low tobacco prices
House of Burgesses: raise tobacco prices
Royal governor: William Berkeley (1641-1677). hated small farmer on inland and doesnt protect them fom indian attacks
Bacon Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon: farmer. Army raids on NA and accused of rebelling against king and burned Jamestown, Died and army collapse
Providence 1636
banished from Massachusetts. Rodger William questioned puritans (no church authority. paid indians for land
catholics quakers and jews
Anne Hutchinson
Portsmouth 1638
antinomianism faith alone is necessary for salvation. banishes from Bay, killed
RI (Portsmouth and Providence) 1644
tolerated religion, refuge. gov is elected by ppl
Hartford 1636
New Haven 1637 by John davenport.
Combine to form Connecticut royal
Thomas Hooker from Boston founded Hartford. Ppl found first written constitution: fundammental
Orders of Connectitcut (1639) representative gov legislature that chooses govr
New Hampshire
part of Bay, royal
halfway covenent
partial member of puritan no conversion
New England Confederation 1643-1684
attack from NA. military alliance (Plymouth, Massach. Bay, Connecticut, New Haven)
King Philip’s War
NE 1675
Metacom united tribe against settlers, died
Restoration Colonies
late 1600s, King Charles gained throne granted land to those who liked help
Carolinias 1729 established, given 1663
SC: trading fur, rice plantations slaves
NC:small tobacco farm, poor transportation, less slavery
1664: Duke of York , James, took it from Dutch, allowed them to keep culture, no assemply but gave back freedom 1683
NJ 1664 split
From NY, john berkeley and george Carteret (1674), combined to NJ (1702), quaker, proprietary
Pennsylvania 1681
Quakers: christian, peacful, equality, persectuted, one of them William Penn, royal owed him so they gave him his colony. religious refuge
-Charter of Liberties (1701): guaranteed religious freedom for all
-Frame of gov (1682-1683)elected representative assembly
treated NA fairly, founded Philadelphia
Delaware 1702
from pennsylvania, own assembly
GA 1732
prisoners, proprietary first: oglethorpe then royal
Navigation act (1650-1673)
Mbay, 1684, no charter bc it was smugglinng
Dominion of NE 1686
all NE clonies combines, no representative assembly. New govr: Edmund Andros. ended when glorious revolution
- 1641 MA, slaves are lawful captives
- 1661 VI, children are slaves
- 1664ML, white F can’t marry black
mostly middle colony and western frontier in southern colony
- few English
- African: 20%
west Philadelphia rich farmland. maintained culture, obeyed laws, little interest in politics
Scotch-Irish 7%
little respect for British gov, frontier in western parts of Penn. VI, Carolinas, and GA
Other 5%
french protestants (Huguenots)
Gov elected by ppl: RI, Connecticut
Appointed by the crown: NY, VI
Proprietor: Penn, ML
Religious Toleration
MA: conservative, accepted several types of Protestant
RI,Penn: most liberal
rocky soil, long winters, limited farming. industry: logging, shipbuilding, fishing, trading, and rum
rich soil, wheat and corn. hired worker, small manufacturing: iron making
most small subsistence farm and plantations, no slave.
tobacco: chesapeake and NC
timber and naval stores: carolinas
Rice and indigo: SC and GA. rivers
had to use gold and silver to pay for import
Religion most protestant
NY and Boston: jewish.
NE: Congregationalist (successor to puritans) and presbyterians.
NY: dutch-Reformed church
Pennsylvania: Lutherans. Mennonites and quakers
VI: anglican
Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards, Congregational Church: sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Massa. god is angry at sins. NE
Georgia Whitefield: God saves only those who believe Jesus
Architecture: 1740s-1750s
georgian style of London. east
West: one room log cabin
go from place to place, portrait. Benjamin West
John Copley
religious MA minister: Cotton Mather and Jonnathan Edwards
Ben franklin:Poor Richard Almanack
NE elementary edu
MA: >50 primary school for boys
tax supported
MC elementary
church sponsored or private
S elementary
Zenger: 1735
enlightment: 1700s
gov appointed by king
gov appointed by proprietors
mL, Penn, Delaware
govr elected
Connect and RI