Apush 4 Flashcards
1840s and 50s
expansion westward, mainfest destiny, nationalism, popilaion in, tech adv. (slavery)
texas 1820-1830s
mexico want settelers (not populated). Austin bought some families there. US migrate, more US than ME
causes of texas rebel
1829: ME stoped slavery and requre catholic conversion and stoped immingration (US ignored) and resistance
change in gov- Lopez (dctator) n end fed gov and force laws on texas
causes of texas rebel pt.2
1836 Houston revolt n decleared indep. Mexico killed some town. Battle San Jancinto Riv: US caught sana anna and forced treaty for indep (north rio grande), M legis reject
texas annex
P. Jackson n Buren declined bc slave there and threat of war
P. TYler (S) 1840) wanted bc brit infleunce on it. senate no
Main boundary disute Aroostook war 1840
bte lumbermen-fighting. neogitated treaty (Webster-Ashburton Treaty) and settle minnesota bound
Oregon boundary
Brit: Hudson Fur Company
US: c;aim discovered by US, Lewis n Clark
Oregon fever
missionary n farmer fertile vally
election 1844
Buren - no annex texas (NOrth whig) vs Calhoun
stalemate. dem wanted dark hourse (lesser known P) called Polk. Clay changed mind and lost vote
Polk 1840s
expansion and manifest
annexing texas
tyler wanted it- congr- joint resoltion (majority in eac house)
divided btw brit n US
Mexico war
polk, send Sidell to get ME to sell LA and NM and settle texas border. failed.
ME: border at Nueces
US: rio grande
CAuses of ME war
polk order army to Rio grande, ME army crossed and killed someppl. Polk used it to justiy war. North whig opposed (Lincoln) approved war
during ME war
in ME teritory, mexico city captured, US small armies
Consequence of ME war- end 1848
treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
rio grand border
us take LA n NM (mexican cession), us paid 15mil back
whig opposed it (slavery)
S dem: wanted all of ME, S wanted latin and cuba/plantation
increased NS tension
wilmot proviso
during ME war,
wilmot propose that his bills (forbid slavery in new territories from ME) passed house but not senate
ostend Manifesto
polk offered to buy Cuba from spain but no, some US tried to take it by forced but failed. !850 P.Pierce send dipolmate to negoitate with spain over cuba, manufest leaked and antislavery angry, droped cuba
walker expedition
tried to take Baja California n S nicaragia (proslavery central america wanted) but dfeated by central A countries
clayton-Bulwer treaty 1850
wanted to biuld cnal through centralA, brit wanted to do it too, us and brit treaty+ no one will take control over fututre canals here
gadsden purchase
P.Pierce: added land to southwest for railroads sold from Mexico
us purchesed alaska
after getting oregon and LA 1850s-1860s
us migrated, land btw misis and pacific: Great American Desert (not settled)
mtn men 50-70
fur trader, far west, provided info about trials and frontier conditions
overland trials 50-70
poinerrs made journies to clear forest in La n oregon. there were trialed ofr them (oregon, sanata fe, and mormon) harsh journey
mining 50-70
gold in california- migrations (from everywhere-china) to west. other gold/silver rushes in other west territories. bought ppl west and town set up
move west to farm and home (rich ppl) middle class, isolatedm communities developed
congress Preemtion Acts 30-40
squatters can settle public land for low prices from gov
Urban 50-70
west citites from bc railroad mine n farm.
san fransciso/denver bc rushes
growth econ 40-60
factory textile mills spread to northeast from brit. -railroads
howe invented sewing
40s-50s railroads
expand rail lines northeast n midwest, biggest industry, gov heped. illinois central railroad-fed grant, promote west afri
agri growth- west grain n south cotton
growth manufactured goods
large grouth export/imports
us expanded trade 1850s
whale boom (oil)
improve shop design- clipper ship fast
steamship then took over clipper (storage)
us got japan to open ports for us treaty
panic 1857
prices farmersdroped and unemply increased in north
south unaffected
causes of conflice NS
constitutional disputes
econ differences
sectionalism intense
freesoil party
north dem/whig want wilmote proviso
this party are north who don’t want slav in new territ and allow free land to farmer and intern improve
antislavery whig and demo
popular soverighnty
cass, dem
squatter: compromise
election 1848
taylor won for whig
compromise 1850
LA drafted constit baned slave. P.Talyor supported (NM free too). some radicals wanted secession S. clay compromise
- ca free
- divide left mexican cession into utah n NM and allow opoular soverighnty
- ban slave trade is capital
- adopt fugitive slave law
50-54 fugitive slave act
track down slaves in the north and send them back to owners
underground railroad 50s
free blacks n abolitionis help escaped slave reahc north/cansada
books on slavery 50-54
uncle tom’s cabin: about slave and owner, antisalvery- cruelty
impending crisis of the south: stat show slavery weakiened econ
south’s slave justification
positive fir slave and masterer, bible, wage workers like slave but slave is better
election 1852- demo n whig weakened
whig-ignored slavery, focused on internal improv but did not work, party almost broke apart
demo: pierce, support fugivie law
Kansas nebraska act 1854
douglas senator wanted to build railroad and west settlement n win south approv for a transcontinental railroad. s wanted it to be more in the south. doughlas passed bill to divide territy into kansas and nebraska-popular soverighnty. doesn’t fit missouri compromise. was into law
bleeding kansas 50
antislave farmer there, slavowners came too. Free soilers: NE emigrant aid compnay paid for transportation aniti to kan. fihting broke out. 2 legilaroe, pro destroyed homes and killed, anti kiled
VIOLENCE JANSAS to senate, sumner attacked demo (esp butler) butler’s nephew beat sumner
know nothing party 50
oppose catholic n immigrants in north, weakened whig, lost influence
republican 50
bc kannebract free soiler and antislav whig/demo, no spread of slavery. want repeal of kansas nebras n fugitive slave. abolitionist joined
election of 1856
demo won over repub and knownothing, Buchanan (weak president
Lecompton constitution 50
constitution of kanses accept/reject wanted to accept south’s, congress declined
dred scott v sandford 50
scott was in slavery then taken to free torritory the nreturned to missouri. scott blieved that he is free and sued for freedom. Rling -AA not citizen (cant sue) _congress cant take away property -missouri compromis unconsitiutional all west opened to slvary
lincoln douglas debates 58
doouglas wants reelection as senate, licoln challenged him (moderate) freeport doctrine, made south hate douglas, douglas won
freeport doctrine
slavery could not exist if the local citizens did not pass laws (slave codes) maintaining it
south fear
high tarrif, hurts only south
election 1860
democrate stalemate in nomination zux south hates douglas, slave states walked out and held their own convetion
republican: prtoective tariff, unternal improve for western settlement, railroad to pacific-Lincoln.south secede if lincoln became president
Nuchanan still president.
constitutional union party
former whig, know nothing, moderate demo
perserve unuon, enforce law`
60 sc after election
voted to secede, other states then leave. confederate states have constitution that limites gocc power for tarrif and restric presidnet. P.Davis
last effort to save union
ctittenden compromise
propose admendment for right to hold slaves in all sterritories south of a parallel. lincoln said no
civila war 60 begin
for sumter
was in SC and blockade by south, Lincoln send in food. SC fired, N won
Lincoln used alot of power and ignore congress
before sumter, some seced deep south after: uppor south seced confed capital richmond virgin weest virgin royal so split 4 slave state stayed (border) n if joined: would increase confed popula
confed: defensive war, shorter supply line, hard to blockade coastline, good leaders and high morale in troop 5.5 mil white
Union: offensive, high population 22 mil, US navy; inexperienced troop
confed: depended on euro demand for cotton
Union:dominated econ, banking, over 50% of facteries, railroads, farmland
Confed: lacked strong central gov and publick support (needed to win) VP stepehns urg GA to seced from confed
Union: had central gov and parties had strong suport
constitution give single 6 yr term and can veto part if the bill. congress cant levy tariff and no fund for internal improv. no foreign slave trade. no money-inflation
61-62 war, union lost most
- Bull Run; union to DC n attack confed its counterattacked n union retreated
- 2nd bul run: confed attacked union in north vi
General Scott union strategy
us navy to blackade ports
take control of mississ River
raise an army to get richmond
peninsula campaign
union invade virginia but stopped and retreated
Confed to maryland in union (vicotry would get brit support)bloodies battlle in a singleday. confed retreated
union: mcClellan (fired 2x) burnside, grant, farragut
Confed: lee
uniion attacked confed and both side ssuffred, reckless attacked
anacondra prob
confed ship Merrimac attacked union ships. its was ironclad, union send in its on called Monitor. ended in stalement
union control of missipipe
tenesse: union captored some fort on missippit, confed attacked but was forced to retreat, alot died on both sides. union got new orleans
trent affair
confed diplomates (Mason n Slidell) travel to england ons british steamer (Trent) to gain recognition for gov. union stopped the ship and made them prisoners. brite threatened war n want them let free. union did no recognition no euro intervention over all
confed with brit ships
confed commerce raiders harmed union merchant ships (ex. Alabama) brit paid union for damages caused by confed and stopall ship sales to them
brit not recognizing confed
- antietam
- emancipation proclamation appealed to brit
lincoln hesitiant to take actions.
Confiscation Acts
union general butler refuse to return captured slaves bc theyre contraband of war. congress passed act: legal for enemy to seize property and freed ppl who are enslaved by ppl in rebellion to US
emancipation proclamtion
freed slaves in states that are at war with union after antietnam.
freed little slaves bc border still had them and freed slaves can join union army
23th admendment after war: freed all slaves
alot of exslaves joined union army n navy
cvilar war 63-65
union sucess
confed deated
-vicksburg. union wanted it sto control missip, confed surrendered
confed to union territoru to try n capture a city. confed lost
sherman’s march
marched thorugh ga n parts of sourrounding states, destroyed everything in path that confed needs o survive n took atlanta. broke spirit of confed
election of 64
licoln won
end of war
confed: hunger. confed want negotiation. lee forced to surrender. booth shot lincoln and secretary state was attacked
poltical after war
reublican: radical/abolitionist n moderate
democrate: peacen copperhead: oppose war n want peace (vallandigam
central gov had power over state
during war habeas corpus
lincoln suspened it can be arrested w/o knowing charge, accused helo w/o trial
both sides drafted during war
irish against it n poor
finance of war
both used sale of gov bond. confed raised Morrill tariff and tac. prices rose in north. congress created a national banking system
war modernized north
increaded mass production and helped industry,
republicans controlled congress and passed
tarrif to hlep manufacturoers; homstead act promotes settlement of great plains. morril land grant act: help maintain colleges. pacific railway act: aithorize transcontinental railcora in north
social change cuz of war
women more responsibility and took en job and help soldiers, when war endedL came back to normal
- fild nursing was now open to women first time
2: started movment for women voting right
reconstruction 63-67
rebuilding south
lincoln reconstruction policy
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconsturction
(they never left union, were just disloyal rebeelion)
unions in charge of state gov in south.
1. one presedential parden for those who took allgiance oath and acceptated emancipation of slaves
2. state gov accepted if 10% of votors took loyalty oath.
each state would write new constititution to stop slavert
wade davis bill
50% of vtors take loyalty oath and allowed only nonconfed to vote for new constitution. lincoln did not like this billl
freedman bureau
welfare agency provided food, shelter, and medical for blacks n homless white and established schools for these ppl
lincoln’s last speech
want north to accept lusisianna as reconstructed state
Johnson-olitican help poor white, was loyal in conded state, tennese gov, was white sumpremises. became presisdent
reonctruction plan
1. all former leadrs of confed and those with money in property lost right to vote n hold offcie
did not have lasting effect
former confed leaders r n senate
black codes
restricted rights of AA. prohobit blacks from renting land or borrowing money to buy land, placed them into work contracts and prohbit testiffying against white
democratic party revived in house
many radical republicans wanted harsher s treatment and equal riights
civil right act of 1866
said that all AA are citiens and wanted to stop black codes. was rejected by johnson
14 admendment
all person born/naturalized in US were cititzens n states have to be equal. confed leaders can hold offices no accepting debts of confed
joint commitee
of bouth house and senate said that former cnfed sats cant b respresented in congress n congress should be responsible for reconostruction
election 1866
johnson no job in congress and verbally/speech attacked oponents
wavng bloody shirt- republicsns said south were demo and so all demo is rebellous, republican won election
reconstruction acts of 1867
south in military occupation, divided coned states into military district under union control n constitution iclude 14 admen and all males can vote. johnson vetoed but still passed. republican controlled gov during this time
johnson’s end
congress ppassed tenure of office act: cpresident cant remove fed official/miliatray commanders with senate’s opinion. johnson dismissed someone and house impeached hm, but in trial, did not
election of 1868
repub: grant-war heroe
15th admendemtn
prohibit states from denying citizen’s right to vote on account of face and job
civil rights act of 1875
equal accomodation in public places and aa can b in juries, not enforced
SC only state with aa controled gov
north webt to south
AA congress
bruce n revels
republicans in south
euqakuty n impernal improv, establish institution n public school
corrupted, wateful spending
AA in south
independ churches and schools/colleges for blacks made by blacks and move to frontier
white landwoners cant force laber contract so they provide seed and other farm sipplies for a shalre of harvest. whites did this too but always dependent and in debt
North- spoilsmen
conkling n blaine, senators fiving jobs to their supporting, corruption in north
corruption in north
business n political.
Gould scheme to corner gold marker
Mobilier affair- ppl give moeny to congeess to avoid investifation. grant was naaive among courrpe
-whiskey ring-dfraud
-tweed- alot of schemes n stole from txpayer
election of 1872
reformrepub-greely and demop also agree
norm repub choose grant n he won
panic of 1873
north laborers jobless n homeless, overbuilding=business failures. fix=money backed up by gold
end of reconstruction 70
southern redeemers took control of states: states right, reduce taces , white supremacy
Force Acts against KKK
amnesty act of 1872
removed restriction on exconfed except top leafers
election 1876
democrat won: tilden fought courruption. 3 states under trrop vote for hayes and had to send it to house of representative
compromise 1877
demo allow hayes but he has to end republicans troops in south and build transconinental railroad in south