U.S. History Exam 2 - FLASHCARDS - 2_28 Lecture 7
What changes took place in the roaring twenties?
industrial profits rose 62%, GNP increased 45%, and income rose 30%, manufacturing output rose 64%
What was the Roaring Twenties?
Age of flappers, speakeasies, and soaring stock market
Why did the culture change so much in the 1920s?
US had lost more than 100,000 men in the war; people were questioning the institutions (government and religion) they had trusted, young men who had fought overseas had experienced European culture which was more relaxed, women had worked outside of the home and experienced more freedom–this led to a more relaxed relationships between the sexes–people start dating, drinking, it’s OK for women to smoke and drink, dances become more active, women wearing shorter skirts
By 1920, what nation had the highest standard of living on Earth?
What percent of businesses had electricity in 1929?
70 percent
How many American homes had electricity by 1929?
By 1930, how many automobile owners were there across the country?
26 million
By 1929, how many American families owned a vehicle?
Half of all American families
What was the Sheppard Towner Act of 1921?
federal aid to states to provide for maternal and infant healthcare
What were flappers?
Women with short hair, short skirts, make up, many smoked and drank alcohol
What did prohibition cause?
increased crime. Era of bootlegging
What was the 21st Amendmant?
Ended prohibition
Who was Billy Sunday?
Preached to 100 million Americans
When was the 18th Amendment ratified?
What was the Volstead Act?
Gave power to enforce prohibition
Who founded the second Ku Klux Klan?
William J Simmons in 1915. Had 5 million members. Had to be a white Anglo Saxon to be a member.
Where was the second KKK controlled?
Controlled legislatures in Texas, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Indiana
What did you have to do to me a member of the second KKK?
Sign a fee and be white
When did the second KKK end?
What was the literacy test of 1917?
Congress pushed through a literacy test to keep out undesirables
What was the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921?
Restrict numbers of immigrants coming from Europe to 3% from each country based on the 1910 census
What was the National Origin Quota Act of 1924?
Promoted by the KKK and anti-immigrant feeling especially against Jewish and Catholic immigrants. Only 150 thousand from Europe. A country’s immigration was capped at 2% of their numbers in the 1890 census.
Why were Mexicans exempted from immigration laws?
We still needed them for labor