U.S. History Exam 2 - FLASHCARDS - 2_18 Lecture 3
What was the result of the 1904 election?
Roosevelt (Republican) ran against Alton Parker (Democrat) and Eugene Debs (Socialist). 336 electoral college votes for Roosevelt and 140 for Parker
Who saw socialism as the best alternative to capitalism?
Eugene Debs
Who organized the Social Deocratic Party?
Eugene Debs in 1896
Who organized the Socialist Party of America?
Eugene Debs in 1901
How many times did Eugene Debs run for president?
5 times
When had the social Democratic Party become the Socialist party?
What did socialists want?
People to take control of the means of production and a graduated income tax. Wanted to see an end to the US Senate. Wanted president’s veto power to be gone and to keep congress from refusing legislation
What was the 1906 Hepburn Act?
Gave Interstate Commerce Comission the power to examine railroad business records to set reasonable rates. It provided the government regulation Populists had wanted.
How many acres of land were protected by 1901?
45 million.
How many acres of land were protected by 1908?
195 million
How many national forests were there by 1910?
What was a major part of Teddy Roosevelt’s legacy?
Conservation of national forests
Who ran in the election of 1908?
Roosevelt decided not to run and Taft beat William Jennings Bryan. 3rd time Bryan had lost
What was the Payne Aldrich Act of 1909?
Reduced rates on imports but not enough to please reformers who wanted lower tariffs
Who was Richard Ballinger?
Secretary of interior. Claimed Roosevelt had exceeded authority with forest reserves, so some needed to be returned to public domain.
Why did Taft fire Pinchot?
Pinchot was accusing Ballinger of colluding with big business. This caused irreparable damage to the Republican party
What was one of Taft’s major advances in labor reform?
An 8 hour work day for government workers
What was the 16th amendment?
A graduated income tax. Taft supported it, it passed Congress in 1909 and went into effect in 1913
What major company did Taft go after in 1911 for being a monopoly?
Taft prosecuted Standard Oil
Why did Roosevelt decide to run again in 1912?
He wasn’t happy with Taft. He failed to get a nomination
What was the Progressive Party?
Formed by Teddy Roosevelt. Had New Nationalism
What was the platform for the Progressive party?
New Nationalism
What were the main points of new nationalism?
Strong national government, social justice reforms, primary election of senators, corporate regulation, graduated income tax, banking reform, women’s sufrage, and labor legislation
What was the platform for the Democratic Party?
New Freedom
What were the main points of new freedom?
Business competition and small government, prevent special privilege and restore competition, social justice reforms, and a free economy
What were the results of the 1912 election?
435 electoral college votes for Wilson, 88 for Roosevelt, and 8 for Taft.
What was the Underwood Tariff Act?
Act passed by Woodrow Wilson, which lowered tariffs by 15 percent. Removed duties for consumer goods, such as sugar and wool. A tax is placed on the rich.
What was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?
12 regional banks and one central bank
What was the Clayton Antitrust Act?
Prohibited unfair trade practices and pricing policies that created monopolies
What was the Adamson Act of 1916?
Required an 8 hour work day on interstate railways
What was the Revenue Act of 1916?
Boosted income tax and further tax reform