U.S. History Exam 1 - FLASHCARDS - Big Businesses and Organized Labor Lecture 1
When did the economy grow at its fastest rate in history?
From the 1870s to the 1880s.
By 1900, what dominated global markets?
American industries dominated global markets in thing like textiles, steel, cotton, oil, wheat, and timber. The United States market dominated other countries. This was called the second industrial revolution
By 1900, what other countries did the United State’s manufacturing output dominate?
United States manufacturing output was larger than Britain, France, and Germany’s combined
What were some reasons for the United States market growth?
Natural resources, labor supply, large markets, and increased capital.
When did industrial production rise by 4 percent annually?
From 1870 to 1910
What were major developments of the second industrial revolution?
- modern transportation such as automobiles and trolley lines, and better communication, such as railroads, steamships and telegraph cables. 2. invention of electricity increased the efficiency and power of machinery. 3. scientific research
What was modern transportation and communication?
railroads, steamships, telegraph
How many patents were issued by the U.S. Patent Office in 1890?
almost 250,000 patents
Who was Samual Morse?
Invented the telegraph and Morse code
Who was allowed to send the first message on the telegraph?
Annie Ellsworth. She chose a passage from the Bible
Who patented the telephone in 1876?
Alexander Graham Bell
What did Graham Bell form in 1877?
Bell Telephone Company
Who established AT&T in 1885?
Alexander Graham Bell
How many telephones were in use by 1900?
800 thousand
What were some of Thomas Edison’s early inventions?
The stock ticker and electric vote recorder
Where was Thomas Edison born?
In Ohio in 1847
Who invented the phonograph?
Thomas Edison in 1877
What was the importance of the phonograph?
You could record and play music
What was the first song ever recorded on the phonograph?
Mary had a little lamb
When did Edison build his industrial lab in New Jersey?
What was the Edison Electric company?
Built by Thomas Edison in 1879. Eventually renamed General Electric
How many patents were granted to Edison?
Over 1000 patents in the United States
Where did Edison present his phonograph?
To the National Academy of Scientists with Ruthorford B Hayes and other congressmen
Who built the kinetiscope in 1891?
Thomas Edison
What did the government give to railroad companies from 1850 to 1871 after the Civil War?
131 million acres of land. 90 percent of this construction took place west of the Mississippi River
How many miles of railroad track were built by 1897?
193 thousand miles of track
When was the transcontinental railroad completed?
1869 in Utah
What was the pacific railway act?
Congress wanted a transcontinental railroad that would connect the east to the west
What was the transcontinental railroad?
First continuous railroad across the United States. Connected the east and the west coasts. This made the economic export of Western resources to Eastern markets easier than ever before. The railroad also facilitated westward expansion, escalating conflicts between Native American tribes and settlers who now had easier access to new territories.
What was the fourth largest industry in the United States after the Civil War?
Steel, after lumber, flour, and textiles
Who helped with commercial production of steel?
Henry Bessemer, with the Bessemer converter. Produced one ton of steel every minute
By 1900, how many tons of steel were being produced?
11.2 million
How much was pre-Bessemer steel cost?
300 dollars a ton