U.S. History Exam 1 - FLASHCARDS - 1_26 Lecture 4
When did the Anglo Saxon race think they were superior?
In the mid-1800s. Non-whites were seen as savages
What was Phrenology?
Head measurements to distinguish race and mental ability
What was polygenism?
4 different races: Caucasian, Mongolian (Asian), American Indian, and African, created separately by God
Who was Charles Caldwell?
Believed Africans were tameable due to physiological and genetic differences. Advocated polygenism which says the four different races are different species
How many Native Americans lived on the great plains?
2/3 of all Native Americans. Sioux, Blackfoot, and Cheyenne
What was concentration?
Giving the Native Americans boundaries in which they could live
How did land cultivation change?
More land was in cultivation in the 30 years after the civil war than in previous 2.5 centuries
What contributed to the change in land cultivation?
1) Manifest Destiny is successful–US has all the land from Atlantic to Pacific 2) Homestead Act makes land really cheap and encourages people to go west to settle the land 3) completion of the transcontinental railroad makes travel west possible
What was the largest mass hanging in American history?
38 Native Americans of the Dakota Tribe in Minnesota were hanged by the Federal Government for their crimes against farmers who were moving onto their land
What was the 1867 peace commission?
Congress was afraid that conflict between farmers and natives would keep happening, so they created a peace commission that created reservations to isolate the tribes and get them to farm like white Americans
Why were the buffalo eradicated?
Several reasons: 1) hunting them for fun became a pastime in the West 2) the railroads didn’t like them because they got in the way 3) buffalo hides became popular back East so people killed them for their hides 4) horses were competing with them for grazing land
How did whites and Natives treat buffalo differently?
whites often shot them for fun or for one thing, like the hide; Natives used the whole animal (meat to eat, hides for clothes, sinews/tendons for string, etc)
What was the treaty in 1868?
Treaty gave the Sioux land in northern plains. Gold was then discovered and the whites wanted the land back
Who were Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse?
Two Sioux leaders who went to war to defend the land given to them in the treaty of 1868
What was the Battle of Little Big Horn?
Although the Indians had more men, Custer thought that because they had better weapons, they would be able to defeat a larger army. However, it doesn’t go as planned and Custer and all of his men are killed
What happened when Custer arrive to capture the Indians at Big Horn?
Arrived on the banks of the Little Big Horn river with 265 men. Surrounded by 3000 Indians. Custer and all of his men were killed
What were ghost dances?
Told of a day when whites had completely disappeared and the Buffalo had returned. Free of oppression and conflict.
What was the Wounded Knee Massacre?
Massacre against the Lakota indians by the US government. Army started shooting at them and killed more than 250 men, women, and children. 14 soldiers lost their lives and 25 were awarded medals of honor
When had the government eliminated the treaty system with Native Americans?
In 1871
What was the Carlisle Indian School?
Founded by Richard Pratt. Beginning of a trend of sending Indian children to boarding schools to assimilate. They would lose their culture and not fit into either white or Indian societies. Considered a huge human rights violation now.
Why did we assimilate native Americans?
Goal was to keep them away from their families and communities so they wouldn’t know the language, religion, culture
What was Carlisle Barracks?
First off reservation Indian boarding school. Taught machine repair, farming, English language
What was Pratt’s model?
Kill the Indian save the man, meaning he thought the only way the Indian could be civilized is if he gave up his way of life and assimilated with white society