HIST Exam 3 - FLASHCARDS - 4_1 Lecture 7
What was the Presidential Commission on Civil Rights?
Created by Truman, to try to improve the lives of African Americans. Government should shut off any aid to states that were still segregating. However, thwarted in Congress due to states’ rights movement
When did Truman integrate the armed forces?
How many children attended segregated schools in 1950?
40%. 28 million children
Who was Thurgood Marshall?
Grandson of a slave. Opposed to separate but equal and that it was harmful to children’s self esteem; he was a lawyer for NAACP, in 1960s becomes first black Supreme Court justice
What was one of the biggest Supreme Court cases?
Brown vs Board of Education in Topeka Kansas
Who was Oliver Brown?
Challenges school segregation in Topeka Kansas in 1954
What case did Brown v Board overturn?
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) which said separate but equal was constitutional
How did the Supreme Court rule on Brown v Board?
Agreed 9/0 that separate but equal was a violation of the 14th amendment.
What was the basis for the ruling?
Fourteenth Amendment–equal protection under the law, states can’t deny protection to citizens
What was Little Rock High School?
9 black students enrolled in central high school to test the SC ruling in 1957. Governor Orval Faubus, Capital Citizens Council, and the Mothers League were opposed. National guard called down to prevent 9 students from entering.
Who was Judge Richard Davies?
Launched legal proceedings against Faubus
How did Eisenhower respond to the Central High School protests?
Protests broke out, and on September 24, Eisenhower dispatched 1200 federal troops to make sure the students got access to the building
By 1961, how many African Americans attended desegregated schools?
2% of African Americans
What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
On Dec 1, 1955, black people were forced to sit separately at the back of the bus. Rosa Parks refused to yield her seat. Parks then arrested and calls Edward David Nixon to bail her out. A boycott was then called, in which 40,000 participated. Boycott went on for 381 days. Rosa parks lost her job and had to flee the state in fear of being lynched
Who was Rosa Parks?
Refused to give up her seat on a bus in 1955. She was then arrested and fined. By 1943, joined the NAACP
What percent of African Americans used the bus system?
What was the Montgomery Improvement Association?
Created to handle bus boycott. Elected Martin Luther King Jr to be their president, he was just a 26-year-old pastor at the time
Who created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference?
Created by Martin Luther King Jr. Stressed non violent civil disobedience. Leadership made up mostly of black Southern pastors
What was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee?
student branch of the civil rights movement–a little more radical, interracial, mostly college students who lead a lot of the protests, also emphasizes nonviolence
What were the Greensboro sit-ins?
lunch counter sit-ins in Greensboro, NC in 1960. Students protested segregation at lunch counters. Leads to formation of SNCC
What did the Montgomery Federal Court rule on December 5th, 1955?
14th amendment prohibited segregation on public transportation
Who was Emmet Till?
14-year-old black boy from Chicago, in Mississippi for summer visiting family. Spoke to a white woman who said something derogatory to him, and was killed by a mob. His mother chose to have an open casket and photos ran in magazines, people were horrified