Urogential Flashcards
Name 3 types of corpus luteum
Corpus luteum verum
Corpus luteum spurium
Corpus luteum perdistens
Name the median portion formed by the fusion of the medial walls of the uterine horns in car, swine, ru
Velum uteri
What structure of peritoneum connects to the wall of the uterus
Lig. latum uteri
Name the zone in which the ovarian follicles are located
zona parenchymatosa
Give the accessory genital glands in the bull
gl. vesicularis
gl. ampulla ductus deferentis
gl bulbourethralis
Name 2 main parts of the make copulatory organ accessory for the type of cavernous
fibroelastic type (rum, pig)
Musculocavernous type (eq, car)
Which animals have flexura sigmoidea penis
Pigs, ruminants
Give one example of an animal having fundus uteri and one with velum uteri
Fundus uteri - equine
Velum uteri - cow
Which animal has a) plicae circulares b)plica longitudinalis c) pulvini cervicales
a) cattle
b) Horse, cat, dog
c) pig
What do ductus deferens and ductus excretorius form in ruminant and horse
Ductus ejaculatorius
Name the three layers of the uterine wall from the innermost to outmost
Name the glandulae gentiales accessoria which are present in domestic animals and underline those absent in dogs
Ampulla gland
Prostate gland
Vesicular gland <- underlined
Bulbourethral gland <- underlined
What structures are located at the top of renal pyramids in cattle and pigs. What surrounds this structure in pigs
Calyces renalis
Pelvis renalis
Name the structural typical for pelvis renalis in dogs and horse. Which animals do not have the renal pelvis
Crista renalis
Name the tunic which envelops parenchyma testis
Tunica albuginea
What kind of hormone does corpus luteum produce?
Name the apices of the renal pyramids. Name the structures surrounding them in pig and ox
Renal papillae
Renal calices
Give the name of the organ where spermatozoa are stored
Name the type of uterus described in horse and cow
Eq - uterus bicornis nonsubseptus
Cow - uterus bicornis subseptus
Name the structure which appears after ovulation
Corpus luteum
name the zone in the ovary where folliculi vesicules are located
Zona parenchymatosa
Give another name of cortex ovarii
zona parenchymatosa
Name the main blood vessels which are located in funiculus spermaticus
A. testicularis
V. testicularis
Name two openings on urethra
Ostium urethrae internum
Ostium urethrae externum
Name the outermost layer of the uterine wall
Name the female homologue of the penis and the female analogue of this organ
Vestibulum vaginale
Give 1 example of animals that have the fundus uteri and one with velum uteri
Fundus uteri = horse
Velum uteri = cow
Name 3 types of uterus
Uterus simplex
Uterus duplex
Uterus bicornis
Name the layer of scrotal wall which forms septum scroti
Tunica dartos
Name 2 capsules surrounding the kidney
Fibrous and adipose capsule
Name the ligament connecting extremitas caudalis of testes and cauda epididymis
Lig testis proprium
Name the apex of the renal pyramind
Renal papilla
Describe the shape of commissura labiorum ventralis in the mare
Describe the type of uterus which is present in horse and rabbit
Uterus bicornis non-subseptalis
Uterus duplex
Name the lig. which connects the ovary to cornu uteri
Lig. ovarii proprium
Name the guide of testicles during its migration form the abdominal cavity
Gubernaculum testis
Name the region between anus and scrotum
Perineal region
Determine the type of kidney in the cat based on the degree of fusion
Smooth surface
Single papillae
Name the component of the testis where the rete testis is located
Mediastinum testis
Name the expansion of pelvis renalis in horse
Recessus terminalis
Name the stucture interconnecting cornua uteri in bovine
Lig interconuale dorsale et ventrale
Give 2 other name of tuba uterine
Name the openings that end the canalis cervicis
Ostium uteri interium
Ostium uteri externum
Name the convoluted structure which is the main component of corpus epididymidis
Ductus epididymidis
Female accessory gland in cattle
Gll. vestibularis majores
Name the two layers of the urinary bladder between which the ureter pass
Tunica mucosa
Tunica muscularis
Which structures connects a)lig. testis proprium b) lig. ovarii proprium
a)Tail of epididymis and caudal extremity of testis
b)Uterine horn and ovary
Name 2 main parts of the urethra masculine and underline the one which is connected with accessory glands
Pars pelvina <- underlined
- pars preprostatica
- pars prostatica
Pars penina
Name the tunic of the spermatic cord created by striated muscle
M. cremaster
Name 2 main types of penis according to their position
Penis retroversus (cat)
Penis anteversus
Name the external female genital organs
Name 3 layers of the testicle which are formed by CT and underline the one which contains rete testis
Tunica albuginea
Septula testis
Mediastinum testis <- underlined
Describe the morphological type of placenta in dog and in ruminant
Dog - placenta zonulosa
Ruminant - placenta multiplex
Name the peritoneal folds attaching cystic to the pelvic and abdominal walls. Underline the one which in fetal life contains urachus
Lig. Vesicae medianum <- underlined
Lig. Vesicae lateralis
Name the accessory genital glands in tomcat
Glandula ampulla ductus deferentis
Gll. bulbourethralis
Name 2 structures which are connected by lig. testis proprium
Cauda epididymis
Extremitas caudata of testis
What are the 3 main genital tracts in males
Ductus deferens
Urethra masculina
Name the special strucutres from which the female genital organs develop from during embryonic life
Ductus paramedoephricus
Ductus mesonephricus
Name 2 mucosal folds which extend from the uteric openings to ostium urethrae externum
Plica uretericae
Name 3 external investments of testicle. Underline which one forms septum scroti
Cutis scroti
Tunica dartos <- underlined
Fascia spermatica externa
Give names for the testicles
Name 2 parts of cervix uteri, underline the one which is absent in pig.
Protio vaginalis cervicis <- underline
Protio prevaginalis cervicis
Which animals have plicae circulares
Name the peritoneal folds attaching cystis to the pelvis and abdominal wall. Underline the one which contains urachus in foetal life
Lig. Vesicae mediastinum <- underlined
Ligg. Vesicae lateralia
Ligg. Teratium vesicae
Name the strucutres which are created by occluded umbilical arteries around cystis
Lig. Teretia vesicae
Name the ventral invagination that is formed in cow and sow
Diverticulum suburethrale
Name the endometrial structure which enlarges in gestation and in innervated by the villi of a cotyledon. Describe the histological type of such placenta
Placenta multiplex
Epitheliochorial, non-deciduate
Which branch of systemic anatomy descibes the urogential system
Structure which borders vagina and vestibulum vaginae
Ostium urethrae externum
Give another name of medulla ovarii. Name the convoluted narrow segment of salphinx/ uterine tube
Zona vasculosa ovarii
Name the point on the medial border of kidney where blood vessels and ureter are attached. Name the cavity
Hilus renalis
Sinus renalis
Name the parts of the corpus prostate in the dog
Par disseminata corpus prostatae
Name the structures that marks the scrotal septum externally
Groove - raphe scroti
Which ligament connects the tail of the epididymidis to the scrotum
Lig caudae epididymidis
Name all the openings limited by triangular vesicae/ trigonum vesicae
Ostium ureteris
Ostium urethrae internum
Name the structures forming the trigonum vesicae
Plicae uretericae
Name the process of gubernaculum testis and the vestiges (remnants) of this guide surrounding testicle
Processus vaginalis
lig. Teres proprium
Lig. Cauda epididymis
Name the most caudal part of the uterine cervix
Portio vaginalis cervicis
Name 2 extremities of the ovary
Extremitas uterina
Extremitas tubarina
Name the dorsal crest of the preprostatic portion of the urethra
Crista urethralis
Name the structure protruding into the lumen which ends in a thinkening
Colliculus semialis
What are the main parts of the uterus
Cornua uteri
Corpus uteri
Cervix uteri
Name the cranial end of the body of the uterus in the horse
Fundus uteri
Name the part of the uterus organ which contains fimbriae tueb
Infundibulum tubaw uterinae
What is the prepuce in latin
Name 3 strucutres which forms lig. latum uteri
Name 2 openings of oviducts
Ostium uterinum tubae
Ostium abdominale tubae uterinae
Name the part of the salphinx where fertilisation occurs
Ampulla tubae uterinae
The urethra structures from plicae ureteriae are fused and form a specific mucosal fold. Name this fold
Crista urethralis
Name in latin the strucutres created by stroma of testicle
Tunica albuginea
Septula testis
Mediastinum testis
What are the principle producers of the androgenic steriodal hormones and where are they located
Leydig cells
Interstitial tissue filling the space between contorted and straight seminiferous tubules
Name the strucutre which is formed by v testicularis around a testicularis
Plexus pampiniformis
Name two compounds of placenta
Par uterina
Pars fetalis
Name the layers of uterus wall from innermost to outermost
What are the layers of urinary bladder where the ureter goes
Tunica mucosa and mascularis
Write the name for the tubular structure forming the parenchyma testis
Tubuli seminiferi contori
Tubuli seminiferi recti
Rete testis
Name the structure which bursa tesicularis is interposed. Give the other name of this bursa
Corpus epididymidis and testis
Sinus epididymidis
Write the term describing the entire musculature of the urinary bladder
M. detrusor
The vagina extends between two strucutres, name them
Ostium uteri externum
Ostium urethral externum
What two structures border the vaginal process
Lamina parietalis tunica vaginalis
Fascia spermatica interna
Give the name of the tunic around the testicle corresponding to a) fascies transversalis and b)m. obliquus abdominis internus
Fascia spermatica interna
M. cremaster
Ligaments of bladder that constitutes the border between the pubovesical and vesicogenital excavation
lateral ligament of the bladder
Lig. vesicae lateralis
Name the parts of the penis
Radix penis
Corpus penis
Glans penis
Name the organ overlapped with genital accessory glands in the horse
Urethera - pars pelvini
Name the mucosal folds located in the cervix uteri in pigs
Pulvini cervicales
Name the special structures in ruminants that the endometrium forms
Carunculae uterinae
Name the commissure of the vulva within the homologue of the penis is present
Commissura labiorum ventralis
(location of clitoris)
Name the 3 main parts of the urinary baldder and underline the one located most cranially
Corpus vesicae
Cervix vesicae
Vertex vesicae <- underlined
Name the structure of the corpus spongiosum penis characteristic for root of the penis
Bulbus penis
The parenchymatous components of the testis
Rete testis
Tubuli seminiferi contorti
Tubuli seminiferi recti
Ductuli efferentes
What is the name of the cavity mesovarium, mesosalphinx and the proper ligament (lig ovarium proprium)
Bursa ovarica
Name 2 parts of the glans penis in dogs
Bulbus glandis
Pars longa glandis
Name the proximal opening which leads to the salphinx
Ostium uterinum tubae
Name the apex of the renal pyramid
Renal papilla
Name the parts of the corpus prostate in dog
pars disseminate
Corpus prostatae
Name the erectile tissue which accounts for the increasing of the penis
corpus cavernosum
Which ligament connects the epididymis with the orchis
Lig. testis proprium
What makes up ligg. latum uteri
Name the parts of the penis
Glans penis
Corpus penis
Radix penis
Name the endometrial structure which enlarges during gestation and is invaded by villi of cotyledons
Caruncles (carunculae uterinae)
List 3 parts of the epididymis and underline the one where the efferent ducts are located
Caput epididymidis <- underlined
Corpus epididymidis
Cauda epididymidis
Where does ampulla coli open to