Respiratory Flashcards
What is the basic function of the respiratory system?
What are the additional functions?
Gas Exchange
Warming, Filtering, and Mositening of inspired Air
Olfactory Perception
Name 3 parts of the Cavum Larynges
Vestibulum Larynges
Cavum Infraglotticum
Name in Latin
A) Paired Cartilage of Larynx
B) Openings between Cavum Pharyngis and Middle Ear
A) Cartilagines Arythenoideae
B) Ostium Pharyngeum Tubae Auditvae
What makes the bony part of the Middle Nasal Cavity?
The second Endoturbinate (Endoturbinate II) - adjacent to the first
Explain the 1st Endoturbinate.
What does it form?
Longest, most dorsal turbinate
Extends furthest into the nasal cavity
Forms osseous base of dorsal nasal conchae (Concha Nasalis Dorsalis)
What does the Tuba Auditiva connect?
Middle Ear and Nasopharynx
Name in Latin the main parts of the lung which occupy the space known as Cupula Pleurae and the part which occupies the Recesses Costodiaphragmaticus
Apex Pulmonis
Margo Acutus
Accessory Lobe which occupies Recess space
Name the functional parts of the Nasal Cavity and underline the largest of them
Nasal Vestibulum ~> Vestibulum Nasi
Proper Nasal Cavity ~> Cavum Nasi Proprium (underlined)
Name in Latin the Rostral part of the Nasal Cavity lined by Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Vestibulum Nasi
Name in Latin the structures separating the Maxillary Sinus
Canalis Infraorbitalis
Name in English and Latin the structure which connects the dorsal and ventral portion of the Pharynx
Ostium Intrapharyngeum
Ostium Intrapharyngeum is formed by 2 mucosal folds, Name them in English and Latin
Free border of the Soft Palate
~> Arcus Veli Palatini
~> Arcus Palatopharyngeus Dexter st Sinister
Give the forms of the nostril in carnivores and small ruminants, cattle pigs, and horses
Planum Nasale - Nasal Plane (Carnivore/Small Ruminant)
Planum Nasolabiale - Nasolabiale Plane (Cattle)
Planum Rostrale - Rostrale Plane (Pig)
Almost unmodified skin (horse)
Name 2 Functional Regions of the Nasal Cavity
Regio Olfactoria
Regio Respiratoria
Specify Organs located in the Mediastinum Craniale
Thymus Gland
What notch in the Thyroid is important during surgery in Roaring Horses?
Caudal Thyroid Notch (Incisura Throidea Caudalis)
Name in Latin, lobe of the right lung which surrounds Vena Cava Caudalis
Accessory Lobe (Lobus Accessorius Pulmonis Dextri)
Name the 4 Larynx Cartilages and which
A) Forms the floor of the Larynx
B) Forms the caudal end of the Larynx
Epiglottic Cartilage
Thyroid Cartilage
Arytenoid Cartilage
Cricoid Cartilage
A) Thyroid Cartilage
B) Cricoid Cartilage
Name the parts of the Nasal Septum
Osseous Part ~> Perpendicular part of the Ethmoid Bone
Cartilaginous Part
Mucosal Part
Name in Latin, Tonsils which are visible during clinical examination of the throat of the dog
Tonsilla Palatina
Name all the Bones that give the framework of the nose
Ethmoid bone
In the Pig, name the disc-like movable part of the muzzle
Rostrum or Snout
Name the Nasal Cartilages
Dorsal Lateral Nasal Cartilage
Ventral Lateral Nasal Cartilage
Alar Nasal Cartilage
Name the Nasal Cartilage lacking in the Horse
Ventral Lateral Nasal Cartilage
Name the Cartilage only present in the Horse
Alar Cartilage
What divides the Planum Nasi?
The entrance to the Lateral Laryngeal Ventricle is boarded by 2 mucosal folds, Name them in English and Latin
Vestibular Fold (Plica Vestibularis) - Rostrally
Vocal Fold (Plica Vocalis) - Caudally
Name the Structure in the Nasal Vestibule
Nasal Septum (Septum Nasi)
Skin-like Mucosa
Nasolacrimal Opening
Nasal Diverticulum - Horse
Name in Latin and English the Biggest Paranasal Sinus in the Horse
Maxillary Sinus (Sinus Maxillaris - Rostralis et Caudalis)
Maxillary Sinus (Sinus Maxillaris - Rostralis et Caudalis)
Nasomaxillary Aperture (Apertura Nasomaxillaris)
Meatus Nasi Medius
The inlet to the Laryngeal Cavity is bounded by 2 structures located on the lateral sides, name these in English and Latin
Plica Aryepiglottis (Aryepiglottic Fold)
Cartilage Arytenoidea (Arytenoid Cartilage)
Name the most Rostral part of the larynx which protrudes into the oropharynx
Corona Laryngis
A) Upper Respiratory Tract
B) Lower Respiratory Tract
A) - Nose
- Paranasal Sinuses
- Nasopharynx
B) - Larynx
- Trachea
- Lungs
Name the Processes of the Arytenoid Cartilage and underline the one that is directed toward the lumen of the Pharynx
Corniculate Process
Vocal Process (underlined)
Muscular Process
Name in Latin or English the Processes of the Arytenoid Cartilages and underline the one which is attached to the cartilage Cricoidea
Corniculate Process
Vocal Process
Muscular Process
In dogs, the Pharyngoesophageal junction is marked by a mucosal fold, name it in Latin
Annular Mucosal Boundary (Limen Pharyngo-esophageum)
Write in Latin the term which describes the entrances to the esophagus
Aditus Esophageus
Name the sites of gas exchange in Latin
Bronchuli Respiratorii
Ductuli Alveolaris
Sacculi Alveolaris
Alveoli Pulmonaris
Name in Latin and English Nerves which play Sensory and Motor Innervation of the Larynx
Cranial Laryngeal Nerve (n. Laryngeus Cranialis)
Caudal Laryngeal Nerve (n. Laryngeus Caudalis)
Recurrent Nerves (nn. Laryngei Recurrentes)
What is the Maxillary Sinus broken into in the horse?
Sinus Maxillaris Rostralis
Sinus Maxillaris Caudalis
Where is the Lateral Nasal Gland situated in the dog?
Within the Maxillary Recesses
Name the biggest Paranasal Sinus in
A) Horse
B) Cattle
A) Sinus Maxillaris
B) Sinus Frontalis
Where are the vessels supplying the lungs?
What Vessels do you find here?
Radix Pulmonis
Hilus Pulmonis
Pulmonary Artery and Vein
Bronchial Artery and Vein
Lymph Vessel
Name in Latin the Opening Connecting the Upper and Lower Portion of the Pharynx and the Mucosal Fold surrounding the Ostium Intrapharyngeum
Arcus Veli Palatini
Arcus Palatopharyngeus
Name in English and Latin the Lobes of the Left Lung in the Dog
Cranial Lobe (Lobus Cranialis)
~> Divided into Pars Cranialis and Pars Caudalis
Caudal Lobe (Lobus Caudalis)
Name the Mucosal Folds of the Dog
Plica Obliqua
Plicae Parallelae
Name in Latin the Nerves which supply Sensory and Motor Innervation to the Larynx
N. Laryngis Cranialis ~> Sensory
N. Laryngis Caudalis ~> Motor
What is the function of Plica Vocalis?
Vocalisation by the vibration of vocal folds during inspiration and expiration by vocal muscles and fast twitching of the diaphragm
Name in Latin the Recess on the 2 sides of the epiglottis which serve as a channel for fluids
Recess Piriformis
Name in Latin and English the pathway for air flow in the nasal cavity which communicates with the paranasal sinuses.
The Middle Nasal Meatus (Meatus Nasi Medius)
What covers the Rostral opening of the Larynx during swallowing?
Name in Latin the biggest part of the pharynx located caudodorsal to the Soft Palate
Pars Nasalis Pharyngis
Name in Latin paired openings which are located on lateral walls of the above chamber
Ostium Pharyngeum Tubae Auditive
Name in Latin mucosal folds which run rostroventrally from the nasal conchae to the Vestibulum Nasi
Basal Fold (Plica Basalis)
Plica Alaris
Name precisely the space in the thoracic cavity where the Trachea is located
Name in English and Latin Triangular space between Vocal Folds
Rima Glottidis (Glottic Cleft)
Which lobe in ruminants is ventilated by Bronchus Trachealis?
Right Cranial Lobe
Write in Latin the name of the Tracheal Lumen Crest which is located on the Caudal side of its Bifurcation
Carina Tracheae
What forms the base of the Dorsal Nasal Conchae?
The First Endoturbinate
Name in Latin the Upper part of the Glottis
Pars Laryngea Pharyngis or Pars Intercartilaginea
Name the structures where the Trachea divides Dichotomously
Trachea Bifurcation
Name in Latin the part of the Respiratory passageways which is interposed between Bronchi Principles and Bronchi Segmentales
Bronchi Lobares
Name the opening which connects the maxillary Sinus to the Nasal Cavity
Apertura Nasomaxillaris
What covers the Outer Layer of the Trachea?
Tunica Adventitia ~ Cervical Part
Mediastinal Pleura ~ Thoracic Part
What makes the Mucosa in the Trachea
Pseudostratified Ciliated Epithelium
Tracheal Mucous Glands
How is the space between the Tracheal Rings branched?
M. Trachealis
What constricts the Lumen of the Larynx?
Plica Vocalis
Plica Vestibularis
What makes up the Vocal Fold of the Laryngeal Cavity?
Lig. Vocalis
M. Vocalis
Tunica Mucosa
The intrapharyngeal opening is formed by 2 Mucosal folds, name them in Latin and English
Free Border of the Soft Palate (Arcus Veli Palatini)
Palatopharyngeal Arches (Arcus Palatopharyngeus)
Name the openings of the Auditory Tube in the middle Ear and Pharynx
Ostium Pharyngeum Tubae Auditivae
Ostium Tympanicum Tubae Auditivae
Give 3 branches of the bronchi, beginning with the primary one
Bronchi Principles
Bronchi Lobares
Bronchi Segmentales
Name 2 parts of the Glottis
Pars Intermembranacea
Pars Intercartilaginea
What are the endings of the Nasal Conchaes?
Underline the one which contains the Lacrimal Duct
Plica Recta ~ Straight Fold
Plica Alaris ~ Alar Fold
Plica Basalis ~ Basal Fold (Underlined)
Name the borders of the Lungs
Margo Costalis
Margo Dorsalis Seu Obtusus
Margo Ventralis and Basalis - Seu Acutus
Margo Mediastinalis
Margo Diaphragmatica
Name 2 parts of Margo Acutus
Margo Ventralis
Margo Basalis
Name in Latin the Main parts of the Pharynx
Nasopharynx - Pars Nasalis Pharyngis
Oropharynx - Pars Oralis Pharyngis
Laryngopharynx - Pars Laryngea Pharyngis
Name in Latin and English the structures surrounding the entrance to the Larynx
Plica Aryepiglottica
Cartilaginous Arytenoidea
Name in Latin the part of the Lungs which is Ventilate by the Bronchus Segmentalis
Segmenta Bronchopulmonalia
What is present on the floor of the Laryngeal Vestibule?
Recessus Laryngis Medianus
How is the Nasal Plate in the dog kept moist?
Lateral Nasal Gland
Name in Latin the opening between Sinus Maxillaris and Nasal Cavity
Apertura Nasomaxillaris
Name paired openings between Nasal Cavity and Nasopharynx
Name the openings between Oral Cavity and Oropharynx
Isthmus Faucium
What makes up the Fibro-Cartilaginous Layer of the Trachea?
Underline the Dorsal one
Cartilagines Trachealis
Ligamenta Anularia
M. Trachealis (underlined)
What is the Nose known as?
What structure at the base of the Nasal Cavity is responsible for Smell?
Organum Vomernasale
Name the crest at the tracheal Bifurcation
Carina Tracheae
Name in Latin the Median Caudal Blind Sac formed by the Mucous Membrane of the Nasopharynx
Pharyngeal Diverticulum (Pig)
Pharyngeal Recess (Ungulates)
Name in English the Triangular Space between Vocal Folds.
It consists of 2 structures, name them in Latin
Glottic Cleft (Rim Glottis)
Pars Intercartilaginea
Pars Intermembranacea
What is the Orifice of the Nasolacrimal Duct located?
Ventral Nasal Meatus
What Blood Vessels supply the Larynx?
Cranial Thyroid Artery
How is the Rostrum/Snout supported?
By the Rostral Bone Covered by Modified Skin
In the Dog, the Pharyngoesophageal junction is marked by a Mucosal Fold.
Name it in Latin
Annular Mucosal Boundary (Limen Pharyngo-Esophageum)
Write the Latin term which describes the entrance to the Esophagus
Aditus Esophageus
Name in Latin the part of the Pharynx extending Dorsally to the Soft Palate
Pars Nasalis Pharyngis
Name in Latin the opening which connects Maxillary Sinus and the Nasal Cavity.
Which Nasal Meatus does it open to?
Apertura Nasomaxillaris
Meatus Nasi Medius
Name the pathway for airflow (situated inside the Nasal Cavity) which communicates with the Paranasal sinuses
Middle Nasal Meatus (Meatus Nasi Medius)
Which animals have Sinus Lacrimalis?
Which animals have Recessus Lacrimalis?
Pig, Ruminantes
Name in English and Latin the Fluid filled Cleft between the Visceral and Parietal Pleura
Pleural Cavity (Cavum Pleurae)
Name the Blind Sac extending in the Horse Nostril.
What is another name for this?
Nasal Diverticulum
False Nostril
Pleura Parietalis is divided into 3 main parts.
Name them in English and in Latin
Costal Pleura (Pleura Costalis)
Mediastinal Pleura (Pleura Mediastinalis)
Diaphragmatic Pleura (Pleura Diaphragmatica)
(Pleura Pericardiaca)
Name the Nasal Meatus
Dorsal Nasal Meatus
Middle Nasal Meatus
Ventral Nasal Meatus
Common Nasal Meatus
Name in Latin the Largest Meatus in the Nasal Cavity
Meatus Nasi Ventralis
Name the Conchae which originate(s) from Labyrinthus Ethmoidalis
Concha Nasalis Dorsalis
Concha Nasalis Medius
Name 2 parts of the Rima Epiglottitis
Pars Cartilaginea
Pars Intermembranacea