Myology 2 Flashcards
Name the marked muscle (m. biceps brachii) and its antagonist
m. triceps brachii
List two types of articulationes cartilagineae
synchondrosis - bones fused by cartilage
symphysis - bones fused by fibrocartilage
List two layers of the capsule
outer fibrous layer, stratum fibrosum
inner layer, stratum synoviale
Name two membranes strengthening the atlanto-occipital joint
ventral and dorsal atlantooccipital joint
Name the joint having the discus articularis
temporomandibular joint
/ art. temporomandibularis
Name three branches of the biceps femoris
stifle branch
tibial branch
calcaneal branch
Name the layer of connective tissue that ensheaths a muscle fiber and the layer of CT that ensheaths the entire muscle and a layer the ensheaths a fascicle of a muscle fiber
Endomysium ensheaths a muscle fiber
Perimysium ensheaths a fascicle of muscle fibers
Epimysium ensheaths entire muscle
Name the passive part of the muscle and its less mobile attachment
Passive part - tendon
Less movable attachment - origin
Movable attachment - insertion
Give a definition of deep ingual ring. Name the muscular structure forming the ring
Area caudal to last muscle fibers of m. obliquus internus abdominis, lateral to m.rectus abdominis
caudolateral border formed by lig. inguinale
Inguinal canal is area between deep and superficial inguinal ring
Name three types of articulations
Art. fibrosae
Art. cartilagineae
Art. synoviales
What are common feature of joints
Joint cavity, capsule, hyaline cartilage
Name different types of articulations in articulations fibrosae? Give an example of each of these joints
Suture eg Sutura saggitalis
Gomphosis (alveolus dentalis)
Syndesmosis eg metacarpals in Horse
Name the different types of sutures and give examples of each
Sutura serrata - sutura interfrontalis
Sutura squamosa - between parietal and temporal bones
Sutura foliata - sutura interparietalis
Sutura plana - sutura internasalis
Schindylesis - sutura vomeroethmoidalis
Name two types of biaxial joints
Art. ellipsoidea and art. condylaris
Which movement decreases joint angles and which increases it
Increase - extensio
Decrease - Flexio
Which plane does flexion and extension movement occur in
saggital plane
What is hyperextension
angle increases beyond 180°
Describe rotatio. Give an example of a joint which moves like this
Shake head, axis-atlas
Which movement moves limb away from the body and which towards
Away- abduct
Towards adduct
Which movement points the dorsum upwards and which the palmar/plantar surface
Dorsum up = pronatio
Palmar/plantar up = supinatio
Name the three saturae of the skull
Sagittalis, coronalis, lamboidea
Which movement is not included in circumduction
What is the name of the ligament in temporomandibularis
Lig. caudale (ru+eq) and laterale
Name 2 parts of art. intermandibularis
Sutura and synchondrosis
What type of joint is atlantooccipitalis? Where are its two membranes and its ligament
Joint- art. ellipsoida
Ligament- Lig.laterale
membranes- Dorsal and ventral atlantooccipital membrane
What type of joint is atlantoaxialis, What are its 2 membranes and its ligaments
Joint - art. trochoidea
Membranes - dorsal atlantoaxial membrane, membrane tectoria
Ligg. - Lig. apicis dentis, lig. atlantoaxiale dorsale, ligg. alaria (can)
Name the three parts of symphesis intervertebralis
Discus intervertebralis
Anulus fibrosus
Nucleus pulposus
Name the 4 long ligaments of the vertebral column
Lig. longitudinale ventrale et dorsale
Lig. nuchae (absent in cat/pig)
Lig. supraspinale
List 3 short ligaments of vertebral column
Ligg. flava
Ligg. intertransversaria
Ligg. interspinalia
What type of joint is art. humeri? name its two ligaments and the labrum
Shoulder joint, simple and spherois
Labrum glenohumeralis (car)
Lig. coracohumerale (ung)
What type of joint is art cubiti
Elbow joint, composite, ginglymus-hinge joint
Which joint involves the radius,ulna, carpals and metacarpals? What are the ligaments this joint
Art. manus- art. carpi
Lig.collaterale carpi mediale et laterale
What is the name of lig. Sacrotuberale in Large animals? To which joint does this ligament belong to
Lig. sacrotubule latum
To art. sacroiliaca
What type of joint is art. coxae
Hip joint, composite and spheroid
what bones does ligg patellae connect
from apex of patella to tuberositas tibiae
What is a musculus pennatus? name the types of musculus pennatus and give example of each
A muscle that has tendons along its volume
Unipennate- m.extensor digitorum communis
Bipennate m.rectus femoris
Multipennate m.deltoideus
Fusiform- m.biceps brachii
What kind of muscles is aponeurosis associated with
Flat muscles
Name the three types of accessory structures
Fascia, synovial tendon sheet, bursae synovial, sesamoid bones
functions of ossa sesamoidea
Protect tendons
increase surface area for attachement
Redirect pull of tendons
Where are ossa sesamoidea
Tendons - joint capsules
How many layers do vaginae synoviales tendinis have
Describe agonist and antagonist and give an example of each
Agonist - desired action eg m. triceps brachii
Antagonist - brings limb back to initial position and does the opposite of the agonist - m. biceps brachii
Name the type of muscle that works alongside the agonist
Name the structure which connects left and right m. recti abdominis
Linea alba
Name the structure which covers both surfaces of m. recti abdominis
vagina m. recti abdominis
Name the two layers of vagina recti abdominis and say what structures make them
Lamina externa - aponeuroses of m.obliquus externus abdominis and internus and transverses abdominis
Lamina interna - aponeuroses of m. obliquus internus abdominis and transveses abdominis
What does m. recti abdominis lack at its pelvic end
Internal aponeurotic covering
Name the transversely placed sheets of of connective tissue across m. recti calcanei
Tendo calcaneus communis
Name the muscles above the hock which attach to tuber calcanei and the muscle below the hock
m. triceps surae
m. becips femoris
m.flexor superficialis
Name the two facial sphincters
m.orbicularis oris (mouth)
m. orbicularis oculi (eyes)
Name the muscles that raise the upper lip and one that pulls it down
m. caninus
m. lavator nasolabialis
m. levator labii inferioris
Name the muscles that dilate the nostrils
m. caninus and m.levator nasolabialis
Name the muscles of mastication which are not visible laterally
m.pterygoideus medialis and lateralis
m. digastricus
Which muscle goes from the paracondylar fossa to the body of the mandible
m. digastricus
What is the function of m. temporalis
Raises mandible to close mouth
Name the muscles of inspiration
m. serratus dorsalis cranialis
m. rectus thoracis
mm. intercostales externi
mm. scaleni
Which large back muscle flexes the shoulder
m. latissimus dorsi
Name the muscles of expiration
m. serratus dorsalis caudalis
m. transcersus thoracis
mm. intercostalis interni
Name the muscle extending from atlas to spina scapulae
m. omotransversarius
Name the muscle which elevats and rotates the shoulder
m. trapezius
Name the mm. pectorales superficiales
Descendens, transversus, profundus
To which structure do the centrum tendineum vertex and foramen venae cavae belong?
Name the three parts of this muscle
Costal, lumbar, sternal
Which muscles are connected by linea alba
rectus thoracis and rectus abdominis
Which set of muscles has four heads.
Name the heads
m. triceps brachii. Caput longum, mediale, laterale, accessorium
Name the muslce with pars acromialis.
Name the other part
m. deltoideus
Pars scapularis
Name the muscles which adducts the hind limb
m. adductor and m. gracilis
Name two extensors and two flexors of the phalangeal joint
m.tibialis cranialis, m.extensor digitorum longus,
m. peroneus longus, m. extensor digitorum lateralis
Name the parts of the nuchal ligament
Funiculus nuchae
Lamina nuchae (absent in dogs)
Name two joints between the vertebrae and ribs
art. capitis costae,
art. costotransversaria
Name 4 types of bursae synoviales
Bursa synovialis subcutanea
Bursa synovialis submuscularis
Bursa synovialis subfascialis
Bursa synovialis subtendinea
What are the ligaments of art. femoropatellaris
Lig. patella
Lig femoropatellare laterale et mediale
Name the ligaments of the femorotibial joint
Ligg. cruciate genus
Lig. collaterale laterale and mediale
Heads of m. triceps brachii
Caput longum
Caput laterale
Caput medial
Caput accssorium