Neurology A Flashcards
Name 3 Nuclei in tegmentum mesencephali
Red nucleus
Substantia nigra
Nuclei of CN III,IV,V,VIII
Name the nuclei of the Pons
Chief nucleus of trigeminal nerve - sensory
Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
Aducens nucleus
Facial nerve nucleus
Vestibucochlear nuclei
Name 3 lobes of the cerebellum
Anterior lobe
Posterior lobe
Flocculonodular lobe
Name the nucleus in the corpus medullare (arbour vitae). What is the function of that nucleus?
Nucleus Fastigi
Balance and voluntary movement
Where is bulbus present in corpus striatum
Caudate nucleus
Amygdaloid body
Name the structures found in Rhinecephalon
Bulbus olfactorius
Tractus olfactorius
Olfactory peduncles
Trigonum olfactorium
Piniform lobe
Corpus amygdaloideum
Where do collicus rostralis (rostral colliculi) and colliculus caudalis (caudal colliculi) connect to?
Rostral colliculi - corpus geniculatum lateralis
Caudal colliculi - corpus geniculatum medialis
Name the visual and hearing reflex centres. Where are they located?
Colliculus rostralis (visual)
Colliculus caudalis (hearing)
Located at lectum mesencephali
Name the structure of the spinal cord where the motor nuclei are situated
Cornu ventrale (Ventral horn)
Ventral column
Name the ventral part of the midbrain
pedunculi ceribri
What are the connections between pons and cerebellum
Middle cerebellar peduncle
Branhium pontis
Name the part of the spinal cord where:
A) parasypatic nuclei
B) sypathetic nuclei
are located
A) sacral spinal cord
B) Thoracolumbar spinal cord
Where can you find the epidural cavum
Between dura mater spinalis and periosteum of canalis vertebralis.
Name 3 structures formed by substentia alba in the medulla spinalis
Funiculus spinalis
Funiculus lateralis
Funiculus ventralis
What is the function of the VI cranial nerve Through what foramen does it pass?
Innervates lateral rectus bulbi muscles and refractor bulbi muscle
Fissura orbitalis
What is the function of the VII Cranial nerve? Name the glands innervated by this
Motor fibres to facial muscles
Lacrimal gland, sublingual, mandibular salivary glands
What is the function of the IX cranial nerve? What foramen does it pass through
Gag reflex, taste mucosa of the tongue
Foramen lacerum/ jugularis
What is the function of the X cranial nerve?
What foramen does it pass?
Parasympathetic innervates the viscera of thoracic and abdominal, cardiac plexus
Where is the hippocampus located
Belongs to limbic system - memory
Located under cerebral cortex and in medial temporal lobe in primates
What nucleus is found in corpus striatum?
Caudate nucleus
Lentiform nucleus
Name all major structures of Diencephalon
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland
Name all parasympathetic nerves found in medulla oblongata
N glossaphargeus
N vagus
What structures surrounds the subarachniod cavity?
Pia mater spinalis
Arachnoidea spinalis
What is the thickest nerve in the body? Where does it originate?
N. ischiadicus
Originates from lumbosacral plexus
What nerve innervates and controls internal organs? Is it associated with the laryngeal?
Cranial nerve X- n. vagus
What is the ;argest nerve in the forelimb? What muscles does it innervate?
n. radialis
m. triceps brachii
Extensor muscles of elbow and carpal joint
How many nerve pairs of cervical nerves are there in the dog?
8 pairs
16 nerves
What nerves make up the brachial plaexus?
Ventral branches of C6, C7, C8, T1, T2
n. suprascapular
n. subscapular
n. musculocutaneous
n. radial
n. median
n. ulnar
Name the main parts of the encephalon
Cranial and spinal nerves are part of which system?
The central nervous system
What does the PNS consist of?
Nerves and ganglia outside of the brain and spinal cord
What makes up the CNS
The CNS is part of the nervous system containing the brain and spinal cord
Give 3 functions of the nerve system
What is the connection between adjacent neurons called
A synapse
What are the meninges of the spine?
Dura mater spinalis
Arachnoidea mater spinalis
Pia mater spinalis
What are the meninges of the encephalon?
Dura mater encephali
Arachnoidea mater encephali
Pia mater encephali
Where is the falx cerebri located.
In proximity to the ceribriform plate and to the frontal and ethmoid sinuses
How is the arachnoid es encephali connected with pia mater?
Connected by arachnoid trabeculae
What fluid fills the cavum subarachnoidale
Liquor cerebrospinalis
What lig. is formed by pia mater
Lig. denticulatum
In what cavum is the encephalon located
Cavum craniale
What is the function of the 1st cranial nerve?
Through which foramen does it pass?
Sense of smell
Foramen ethmoidale
Name all 4 parts of the telencephalon
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital lobe
Name all 4 parts of the telencephalon
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital lobe
Name the structure within the fissura longitudinalis cerebri
Falx cerebri
What foramen connects ventriculus laterale with tertius
Interventricular foramen
Foramina interventricularis
Name all ventricles in the brain. What fluid runs in them?
2 lateral ventricles- ventriculus lateral
3rd ventricle- ventriculus tertius
4th ventricle- ventriculus quartus
Cerebrospinal fluid
What structure of blood vessels feeds the brain?
Circle of Willis
Where are the ventriculus tertius, chiasma opticum, hypophysis located?
What is the function of the 2nd cranial nerve? What foramen does it pass through?
Transmits visual information from the eye to the brain
Canalis opticus
Name major structures of metencephalon
What cranial nerves are found in fossa rhomboidea?
N. glossaphargeus
Where is the olvary nuclei located?
Medulla oblongata
What is the function of the limbic system
Responsible for emotional behavior such as fear, aggression, apparent pleasure
Has great input on thirst, hunger, sexual behavior
What is the function of cerebellum
Control balance and co-ordination of skeletal muscles
Which part of rhinencephalon is in the bottom of lateral ventricle
What makes up cerebellum
Cerebellar hemispheres
What does the pia mater form along the spinal cord? Name the ganglion it connects to
Lig denticulatum
Spinal ganglion
Name the sympathetic ganglion lying close to the head
Ganglion cervicale craniale
What is the function of the sympathetic nervous system
Flight of fight
Maintains homeostasis
What is the function of the parasympahtetic nervous system?
Rest and digest
Feed and breed
Regulates unconsious activity
Name the parts of the metencephalon (midbrain)
Name the two/four nerves that come trough the orbital fissure
N III- oculomotor nerve
N IV- trochlear nerve
N VI- abducent nerve
N V- n opthalmicus- first branch of n trigeminalis
What does pia mater create
lig denticulatum
Name the ganglion situated close the the dorsal root
Spinal ganglion
at nerve does the chorda tympani originate from? What muscles does it innervate?
N VII- facial nerve
Mimic muscles eg. m. levator nasolabialis
What is the function of III cranial nerve?
Which foramen does it pass through
Superior levator muscles of eyelid
Fissura orbitalis
What is a plexus?
A plexus is a network of nerves or vessels in the body
eg. brachial plexus, lumbosacral plexus
What membrane form diaphragma sellae?
Dura mater encephali
What does the brain stem include?
Medulla oblongata
What is the function of the IV cranial nerve?
Which foramen does it pass through
Innervates dorsal oblique muscle
Fissura orbitalis
2 branches of the plexus ischiadicus?
n. tibialis
n. fibulairis communis
Name the type of nerve fibres which form the spinal nerves
Afferent (to dorsal root)
Efferent (from ventral root)
Autonomous (to ventral root)
What is the name of the ganglion going to the heart? What is its affect on the heart?
Stellate (cervicothoracic ganlion)
Increase heart rate
What structures surround the 3rd ventricle
What is the corpus callosum?
White matter structure
The corpus callosum enables the two hemispheres to function coherently as single cognitive centre
What is the function of the VIII cranial nerve? What foramen does it pass through
Balance, hearing
Foramen ovale
What is the ventral branch of thoracic nerve also known as
Nn. intercostales
Name the nerve that runs in the mandibular canal? What muscle does it innervate to do with facial expression
N alveolaris inferiorus
M depressir nasi labii
What makes up the cerebellum
Left and right hemisphere
Arbor vitae
Where can you find a nucleus
Deep within the cerebral hemispheres and brainstem
What sinuses are located between the two layers of dura mater enceohali
Dural venous sinuses
Name all parts of medulla spinalis
Pars cervicalis
Pars thorcacica
Pars lumbalis
Pars sacralis
Pars caudalis
Name two enlargements in the spinal cord
Intumescentia cervialis
Intumescentia lumbalis
Name three cornu formed by substentia grisea
Cornu dorsale
Cornu ventrale
Cornu laterale
(also has canalis centralis and comissura grisea)
What truncus is formed by n. vagus with truncus sypathicus?
Truncus vagosympaticus
Name the brain strucures for emotional behavior
The limbic system
- hypothalamus
- hippocampus
- amygdalla
What is the function of the corpus striatum?
Voluntary movement
What is the function of the medulla oblongata
Co-ordinate respiration and circulation
What is corpus striatum? Which part of the brain does it belong to?
Accumulation of grey matter embedded within the white matter
Found in telencephalon
What is the function of the corpus straitum?
Produces appropriae direction and magnitude of movement
Name the dorsal and core part of the mid brain
Dorsal- tectum mesencephali
Core - tegmentum mesencephali
Name the main structure of the epithalamus and describe its function
Pineal gland
-secretes melatonin
-regulates sleep cycle
-sleep-wakefullness cycle
Habnulr nucleus
- olfactory pathway
Name the part of the hemisphere marked by gyri and sulci cerebri
Neopallium (In grey matter)
What type of cells are ependymal cells?
Subgroup of glial cells
Name the 3 pallium of cerebrum
What is the function of pons and mesencepalon (midbrain)
-controls motor function of body
- responsible for cooodrination pf voluntary movement
Name the two structures at the bottom of the lateral ventricle and the structures it separates
Caudate nuclues
Sepatares cuadal commissure
What is the function of the XII cranial nerve? What canal does it pass through?
Lingual muscle- muscle of the tongue
Canalis nervi hypoglossi
Name 4 enlargements of cavum subarachoidale
Cisterna Cerebromedullaris
Cisterna Chiasmatis
Cisterna Interpeduncularis
Cisterna Valleculae lateralis cerebri
What lig. connects to dura mater spinalis
Dorsal longitudinal ligament
Name 2 fasciculus formed by funiculus dormalis
Fasciculus gracialis
Fasciculus cuneatus
Name 3 sulcus and the name if the fissura created by substantia alba in medulla spinalis
Sulcus medianus
Sulcus lateralis dorsalis
Sulcus lateralis ventralis
Fissura mediana
List major structures of mesencephalon
Cerebral aqueduct
Cerebral peduncles
Name two folds of dura mater encephali. Name the fissures which named folds occupy.
Tentorium cerebelli membranaceum
Falx cerebri
Fissura longitudinal cerebri
Fissura transversus cerebri
Name one of the main parts of the brain (encephalon) in which the corpus striatum lies. Name precisely the structures of the corpus striatum which lies the rostral part of the floor of the lateral ventrical
Give the name and number of the nerve innervatin organs of abdominal cavity
Name the nerve and blood vessel the passes through it?
N infraorbitalis
A Infraorbitalis
Name the biggest nerve of the forelimb and what does it innervate
N radialis
Innervates extensor eg. m triceps brachii
Which nerve branches into lingual nerve, and which muscles does it innervate?
N linguofacialis
- N lingualis innervate tongue
- N facialis innervates mimic muscles
What nerve supplies motor innervations to the tongue and where does its nuclei lie in the brain?
N hypoglossue (XII)
Medulla oblongata of mylencephalon
Name the 2 subdivisions of the n. ischiadicus
N tibialis
N peroneus communis
Name in Latin the 2 enlargements of the spinal cord
Intumescentia cervialis
Intumescentia Lumbalis
Name the parts (segments) of the spinal cord where
a) parasympathetic fibres
b) sympathetic fibres
are located
a) Brainstem + sacral part of spinal cord
b) Lateral column of the spinal cord between Th1-L3
Name the nerves that innervate:
a)m.Biceps brachii
b)m.Quadraceps femoris
a)n. musculocutaneous
Name the thickest nerve in the body and the plexus from which it starts
n. ischiadicus
Plexus lumbosacralis
Give the names and numbers of nerves leaving the cranial cavity through the fissura orbitalis
- n. oculomortius
- n. trochlearis
- n.trigeminus
- n. abducens
Give 2 examples (names and numbers) of the sensory cranial nerves
- n. olfactorius
- n. opticus
- n.vestibulocochlearis
Name one of the main (5) parts of the brain (Encephalon) in which the third ventricle surrounds
Name precisely the strucure that the 3rd ventricle surrounds
Adhesio interthalmica
Structures that are related with the Telencephalon
Corpus amygdaloideum, Corpus striatum , Lobus pririformis, Tuber cinereum