Male Reproductive system Flashcards
Give another name for penis
Give another name for testis
Orchis, didymis
Name the region between anus and scrotum
Perineal region
Function of the testis
Produce sperm and androgen
What divides the testis into lobules
Connective tissue
Name 3 layers of the testicles which are formed by CT. Underline which one contains rete testis
Tunica albuginea,
septula testis,
Mediastinum testis <-underlined
Name the tunic which envelops parenchyma testis
Tunica albuginea
Name the parenchymatous components of testis
Rete testis,
tubuli seminiferous contorti,
tubuli seminiferi recti,
ductuli efferentes
Which animal has no mediastium testis
Where are the rete testis locate
Mediastinum testis
Which animal has no rete testis
Name 3 parts of epidiymis and underline where efferent ducts are located
Caput epididymidis<- underlined
Corpus epididymidis
Cauda epididymidis
Name the duct that leads from rete testis to ductus epididymidis
Ductuli efferentes testis
Name the 2 ducts of epididymis
Ductuli efferentes testis (caput epididymidis)
Ductuli epididymis (cauda epididymidis)
Which ligament connects the tail of the epididymidis to the scrotum
Lig. cauda epididymidis
Name the organ where sperm is produced
Name the ligament connecting extermitas caudalis of testis and cauda epididymis
Lig. testis proprium
Name the two ligaments of the epididymis
Lig. testis proprium
Lig cauda epidiymis
Name the convoluted strucutre which is main components of corpus epididymis
Ductus epididymidis
Name 2 structures that are connected by lig. testis proprium
Cauda epididymis, Extremitas caudata of testis
What are the 3 main genital tracts in males
Ductus deferens
Urethra masculina
Name the structure which bursa testicularis is interposed
Corpus epididymidis and testis
Give another name for bursa testicularis
Sinus epididymidis
Name the blood vessels located in funiculus spermaticus
a. testicularis
v. testicularis
Name the structure which is formed by the testicular veins
plexiform pampiformis
Name all parts of funiculus spermaticus/spermatic cord
a. testicularis
V. testicularis
ductus deferens
Name 3 external investments of testicle, Underline which forms septum scroti
Cutis scroti
Tunica dartos <- underline
Fascia spermatica externa
Give the name of the median seam of cutis scroti
Raphe scroti
Name the layer of scrotal wall which forms septum scorti
Tunica dartos
Name the structures that mark the scrotal septum externally
Raphe scroti
Give the name of the tunic around the testicle corresponding to.. a)fascies transversalis
b) m. obliquus abdominis
a)Fascia spermatica interna
b)M. cremaster
Name the tunic of the spermatic cord created by striated muscle
m. cremaster
Name the process formed by the transverse fascia and the peritoneum
Processus vaginalis
Name the structure where the peritoneum is evaginated and forms lamina parietalis
Anulus vaginalis
Name the 2 structures that border the vaginal process
Lamina parietalis tunica vaginalis
Fascia spermatica
Name the serous membrane that covers the spermatic cord and testis
Tunica vaginalis
Name the 2 layers of tunica vaginalis
Lamina parietalis tunicae vaginalis
Lamina visceralis tunicae vaginalis
(parietal & visceral)
What is cryptochismus
Absences of one or both testes from the scrotum
Which animals have no ampulla ductus deferens
Name the enlargement of the terminal part of ductus deferens
Ampulla ductus deferens
Name the glands of ductus deferens
gll. ampullae
Name the cavity between lamina parietalis and visceralis around the testis
Cavum vaginale
Name the space between lamina pareitalis and visceralis around the spermatic cord
Canalis vaginalis
Name the fluid that helps reduce friction between the wall and enclosed organs
Peritoneal fluid
(liquor peritonaei)
What animals have ductus ejaculatorus
Ruminants, Horse
What do ductus deferens and ductus exretorius form in ruminant and horse
Ductus ejaculatorus
Name the 4 types of penis
anteversus, retroversus, affixus, pendulus
Name the 2 types of penis according to location
retroversus, ->
anteversus <-
What type of penis do the following animals have
a) cats
b) dog/ruminant/pig/horse
c) primates/ humans
a) penis retroversus
b) penis affixus
c) penis pendulus
Name the parts of the penis
Name 2 parts of radix penis
Crus penis sinister et dexter
Bulbus penis
Which animal has sulcus dorsalis penis
Which animals have flexura sigmoidea penis
Pig, ruminant
Name 2 parts of glans penis in dog
Pars longa glandis
bulbus glandis
Name the structure of the corpus spongiosum penis characteristic for root of penis
Bulbus penis (canine)
Which animal has fossa glandis
Name the erectile tissue which accounts for the increasing of the penis
Corpus cavernosum
Name 2 layers of the foreskin (praeputium) in dogs
Lamina externa + interna
In which animal is the cavum praeputial split by plica preputalis
Where is the cavum praeputial located
Between the internal lamina and pars libra penis
What are the 2 parts the plica preputialis splits the cavum praeputial into in horse
Pars externa praeputii
Pars interna praeputii
Give the accessory glands in the bull
gl. vesicularis
gl. ampulla ductus deferens
gl. bulbourethralis
Name the accessory glands present in domestic animals and underline those absent in dogs
ampulla gland
prostate gland
vesicular gland <- underlined
bulbourethral gland <- underlined
Which part of urethra masculine is connected to accessory glands
Pars pelvina
Name the accessory genital glands in tomcat
gl ampulla ductus deferens
gll. bulbourethralis
Name the organ overlapped with accessory glands in horse
Urethra - pars pelvina
Which animal has seminal vesicle
In which animals are corpus prostatae absent
Small ruminants