Avain Flashcards
Name the 2 main types of feathers
Penne Conturae, - contour
Plumae - Down
Write in latin names of bones forming cingulum membri thoracici (3 bones on zonopodium)
Scapula , clavicula, os coracoideum
Name the contour feathers (tectrices) of the wing and the feathers of the tail
Reminges- wing
rectrices- tail
Name the paranasal sinus occluding in birds. Specify cartilages supporting the larynx in birds
Sinus infraorbitalis
Cricoid and arytenoid (no thyroid)
Name two examples of skin outgrows of the head typical for a cock
Name in latin
a) the vessel for intravenous injections
b) the comb of the cock
a) v. basilica
b) crista galli
Name the part of the oviduct that produces albumin densorm
Infundibulum (stratum chalaziferum)
a)the bones forming the avian mandible
b)the product of the fusion of the 2nd and 5th thoracic vertebrae
a) os dentale, os articulare
b) os notarium
Which flight muscle does the tendon pass through canalis triosseus
m. supracoracoideus
Name the most cranial part of the sternum
Rostrum sterni
Name the processes of sternum directed caudally
Trabecula mediana
Trabeculae intermedia
Trabeculae lateralis
Give the name for
a) extension of the esophagus in front of aperture thoracis cranialis
b) part of the respiratory organ which contains cartilage cricoidea
a) crop - ingluvies
b) larynx
List parts of avian oviducts
Name the 2 openings of the avian palate
Rima infundibulum
Name the vein useful blood collecting
v. basilica
v. jugularis dextra
Which bones form the os innominatum
Os ilium, Os ischii, os pubis, synsacrum
what cavities does the septum horizontale separate
Cavitas pleuralis, subpulmonale
Name in latin all types of pennae conturae. Underline those responsible for steering
Reminges - Wing feathers
Retrices - Tail feathers <- underlined
Name the part of the cloaca to which ureters enter
Name the valve of the heart having the muscular lamella instead of cuspi
Valva atrioventricularis dextra
Give example of 2 pneumatic bones
Humerus, os fermoris, vertebrae, Os coracoideum, scapula, sternum
Which bones correspond to mammalian malleus on incus
Malleus - os articulare
Incus - os quadratum
Name the biggest bone of the zygopodium membri thoracici and zygopodium membri pelvini
Give the name for the integument fold located below meatus acusticus externus
Lobus auricularis alleicans
Ear lobe
Name the 2 parts of the avian ribs. Underline those that are connected with processus incinatus
Pars vertebralis <- underlined
Pars sternalis
Give the name for the valve which contains a) 3 cusps b) muscular lamella
Valva atrioventricularis sinistra
Valva atrioventricularis dextra
Name the outermost layer of the eyeball covered by lids, what is the latin for the largest lid of the chicken
Palpebra inferioris
Name the longest segment of avain oviduct. is it the left or right organ
Name 2 bones forming the carpeus
Os carpi radiale
Os carpi ulnare
Name the cartilages supporting the avian larynx
Cricoid and arytenoid
Name the air sacs forming diverticula in humerus and femur
Clavicular - humerus (saccus clavicularis)
Abdominal - femur (saccus abdominalis)
Name the avian organ of voice. Where is it located
Caudal to the larynx
Name the branches of rachis forming the vane
(and off them barbules, with barbicels holding them together)
What is the name for the part of the beak supported by mandible
Inferior part of the bill
Name the organ adjacent to the stomach, reminiscent of a cherry
Lein (spleen)
Name the openings of the urodeum in the cock
Ostium cloacale ureteris
Ostium cloacale ductus deferentis
Name in latin the biggest paranasal sinus in birds
Sinus infraorbitalis
Name the parts of cloaca and underline to which bursa cloacalis enters
Proctodeum <- underlined
Is the vesica urinaria a part of the avian urinary organ
Name the part of the skin covered with feathers and the naked part
Pterylae -concentrated part covered by feathers
Apleria - naked part
Name the two main structures forming syrinx
Name 2 main parts of the scapus
Rachis, Calamus
Name the basic parts of the feather. Underline the one embedded in the skin
Calamus <- Underlined
Name the structures that lead to the nasal cavity
Nares imperviae
Nares perviae
Name the gland of the skin in the chicken which produces bacteriostatic layer on it surface
gl. uropygialis
What is the latin name of the bones forming skeleton cruris in birds
Os tibia
Ossa tarsi
= tibiotarsus
What is the name of the part of the oviductus sinister which produces
a)Magnum oviductus
b)Uterus oviductus
Name the cavity corresponding to oral cavity and pharynx in mammals, name the cleft corresponding it with nasal cavity
Name the bones which os notarium form
2nd - 5th thoracic vertebrae
Name in latin the parts if the birds kindey
Divisio cranialis
Divisio media
Divisio caudalis
Name the renal circulatory system in birds, has specific arrangement
renal portal system
Name in latin air sacs which pneumatize
a)cervical vertebrae,
a) sacci cervialis
b) sacci clavicularis
Name the bones in carpeus which keeps independence
Os carpi radiale
Os carpi ulnare
What structure replaces processus spinosus in birds
Os notarium
Os synsacrum
Give example of an anisodactyl bird and azygodactyl bird
Ansiodactyl - Chicken
Zygodactyl - parrot
Tridactyl - emu
Didactyl - ostrich
give examples of thoracic girdle muscles used for flying
m. pectoralis
m. supracoracoideus
Name 2 parts of avian stomach
Ventriculus muscularis
a) the largest segment of the intestine in birds
b) name the paired segment on intestine
a) jejunum
b) cecum
name the lobes of avian liver
Left hepatic lobe (lobus hepatis sinister)
Right hepatic lober (lobus hepatis dexter)
Name the membrane separating the cavitas pleuralis from the cavum subpulmonale
Septum horizontale
What is the avian kidney divided into
List 3 features characteristic for avian skull
Septum interobitale
Only 2 occipital condyle
Which bones articulate with the sternum in birds
Os coracoideum
Write where
a) notarium
b) operculum
are located
a) 2nd - 5th thoracic vertebrae
b) base of beak
Name two membranes dividing the body cavity (celoma) into three parts
Septum horizontale
Septum obliquum
Name the cranial and caudal parts of the birds sternum
Cranial -rostrum sterni
Caudal - carina sterni
Name the 2 openings located in the dorsal part of oropharynx
Rima infundibuli
Which intestines are separated by diverticulum vitlinum
Name the parts of cloaca where
a) ostium cloacale ductus deferentis
b) bursa cloacalis opens
a) urodeum
b) proctodeum
Name the part of the avian oviduct where the egg remains the longest time
Uterus oviductus
Name the ossicle located in the middle ear in birds and its homologue in mammals
Give examples of sacci pneumatici in birds
Sacci cervicales
Sacci abdominalis
Sacci thoracici (pars cranialis + caudalis)
Sacci clavicularis