Final Flashcards
Theory PQs on finals
Give 2 examples of bones having processus coracoideus
Name the bone where
a) processus hamatus
b) processus anconeus
is located
a) scapula
b) ulna
Name two animals in which tuber spinae scapulae is present
Name two bones which have the processus alveolaris
Os incisivum
Name the two bones that form the foramen obturatum
os ischii
os pubis
Give one example of sutura plana and one example of art. plana
Sutura interna
art. sacroiliaca/ art. carpometacarpea
Name the synovial joint related with the
a) labrum glenoidale
b) labrum acetabulare
a) art humeri
b) art coxae
Name the structures containing cuspis septalis
Valva atrioventricularis dextra et sinistra
Name the vessel, carrying blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver
v. portal
Name the vessel supplying the liver with oxygentated blood
a. hepatica
Give two examples of cranial nerves carrying parasympathetic fibres
n. oculomotorius
n. facialis
n. glossopharyngeus
n. vagus
Write latin name and number of the cranial nerve which innervates musculature of (tongue)??
n. hypoglossus
Name two chambers, which aqueductus mesencephali interconnects
Ventriculus tertius
Ventriculus quartus
What are the two divisions of the sciatic nerve
n. peroneus communis
n. tibialis
Name the organ that contains
a) the recessus periformis
b) the recessus terminalis
a) pharynx
b) renal pelvis
Name in latin two portions of the pharynx that meet in the ostium intraphayngeum
Pars nasalis pharyngeus
Pars oralis pharyngeus
Which cartilages articulate with the cartilago cricoidea
arytenoid, thyroid (trachea)
Name the structures bounding the aditus laryngeus
Arytenoid cartilages, epiglottis
Name 3 subdivisions of the parietal pleura
Pleura costalis
Pleura diaphragmatica
Pleura mediastinalis
Name the ducts which open on the papilla doudeni major in dog
Ductus choledochus, ductus pancreaticus
Name the part of the ascending colon in horse which contains ampulla coli
Which part of the colon does it continue
Colon dorsale dextrum
Colon transversum
Name two parts of glans penis
Pars longa glandis
Bulbus glandis
Which male accessory genital glands occur in cats
Prostata, gl bulbourethralis
Name 2 openings of the canalis cervicis uteri
Ostium uteri externum, internum
Name 3 major parts of the lig. latum uteri
Mesovarium, mesosalphhinx, mesometrium
Name the type of placenta typical for
a) ruminants
b) carnivores
a)Placenta multiplex
b)Placenta zonaria
From listed below, choose two ligaments which extend between two adjacent vertebrae:
lig flavum, lig. anulare, lig. interspinale, lig.interosseum, lig. falciforme, lig.pectinatum
Lig. flavum
Lig. Interpinale
Name two ‘spaces’ connected by the tuba auditiva
Phayrnx, tympanic cavity
Which intestines are seperated by diverticulum vitelinum in birds (meckles)
Jejunum, ileum
Give two examples of penne conturae
Reminges, Rectrices, Tectrices
Which tubular organs enter the male urodeum in birds
Ductus deferens. ureter
How many vertebrae in sacrum of dog
What bone contains processus condylaris
Os. occipitale
Name two fossae on the distal extremity of the humerus
fossa radialis
fossa olecranii
Name two joints affected by m.biceps femoris
Stifle joint
Tarsal joint
Where does a.subclavia dextra originate from
truncus brachiocephalicus
Name the branches of a.brachialis
a. profunda brachii, a. bicipitalis, a. colateralis ulnaris, a. transversa cubiti, a. interossea communis
One example of a muscle innervated by n. ulnaris
m. flexor carpi ulnaris
m. flexor digitorum profundus (head)
Name the parts of epidiymis
Caput, Corpus, cauda
Write the dental formula of cow
Name the formation of the mucosa typical for the omasum
omasal laminae