Sensory organs and common integument Flashcards
In which species does tapetum lucidum not exist
Pig, rabbit, human
Which animals have tapetum fibrosum
Name the structure that bears all weight
Solea cornea
Aneus corneus
Name the segments of the skin ( enclosing distal phalanx)
Periophic segment (limbus)
Coronary segments (corona)
Wall segment (paries)
Sola segments (solea)
Name in latin the cone-shaped fibrous sack enclosing the eyeball and its muscles, vessels and nerves
What is the largest of the 3 chambers of the eye
Camera vitrea bulbi
What is the latin name of the parts of the hoof onlyvisible from the solar surface? what is the latin name for the groove located in their proximity
Corpus soleae
Crus soleae laterale
Crus soleae medial
Angulus soleae lateralis
Angulus soleae medialis
Sulcus paracunealis lateralis et medialis
Tela subcutanea, forms a triangle- like structure in a horse hoof (cushion) What is the latin name for both of thses parts
Pulvinus digitalis
Pars torica pulvini digitalis
Pars cornealis pulvini digitalis
Name at least 2 parts of membranous labyrinth
Semicircular canals
Substantial amounts of fat are found in what part of
a) pig
b) horse
a) subcutis
b) Nuchal region
What does the superficial fascial constitute
stratum fibrosum of subcutis
Name the parts of the external ear
External acoustic meatus
Give 5 examples of hair patterns in domestic animals
Capilli (hair of mammals coat)
Setae (pigs coat)
Pili longi (long hairs of horse)
Pili tactiles (stiff hairs, mainly on head)
Pili lanei (sheeps wool)
Name part of the eyeball where tapetum lucidum is located
Tunica vasculosa bulbi (the choroidea)
What is the surface of the skin marked by
Network of fine grooves (sulci cutis)
Ridges (cristae cutis)
Name the pads in the forelimb of horses
Layers of paries corneus
Stratum externum (limbs)
Stratum medium (corona)
Stratum internum (paries)
Which kind of tapetum lucidum is typical for
a) carnivores
b) Herbivores
a) Tapetum lucidum cellulosum
b) Tapetum lucidum fibrosum
Name the structures bounding the camera posterior bulbi
Ciliary body
Name the structure into which the milk flows directly from the ductus lactiferi
Pars glandularis sinus lactiferi
Name the vein which runs into the milk wall
Vena epigastrica cranialis superficialis
Camera anterior bulbi lies between what structures
3 mains parts of tunica vasculosa bulbi
Corpus ciliare
Name in latin the structure which creates tuncia flava abdominis in the udder
Lig. enspensorium uberis
Structure in angulus irdocornealis
Lig. pectinatum anguli iridocornealis
What muscle of the iris is innervated by the parasympathetic nerves
M. sphincter pupillae
Name in latin 2 enlargements in the centre of the membrane labyrinth
What structure accomodates the lens? which nerves innervate it
M. ciliaris
Nn. Ciliares breves, from ganglion ciliare on n. oculimotorius
Name 2 muscles connected in the middle ear
M. tensor tympani
M. tensor strapedius
Name the pouch of skin under the eye in sheep
Sinus infraorbitalis
What enters saccus lacrimalis
Canaliculi lacrimalis
What comes out from saccus lacrimalis
Ductus lacrimalis
What is the main structure of the mammary gland
Corpus mammae
Papillae mammae
Give the typical number of mammae in
a) dogs
a) 10
b) 4
Latin name for the largest circumference of the eyeball
Glands that produce sweat
gll sudoriferae
Name the glands in meatus acusticus externus
gll. ceruminosae
Name the 2 main cavities that the pupil divides
Camera anterior bulbi
Camera posterior bulbi
Give 2 other names of the membrane nictitans
Membrana nictitans = 3rd eyelid
- palpebra tertia
- plica semilunaris conjuctiva
What can skin be further divided into
Dermis (corium) - deep CT layer
Epidermis - superficial epithelium
Tela subcutanea
What species have skin pouches (sinus cutanei)
Sheep, cat , dog
Name the tactile hairs in cats
Pili tactiles carpales
Name the udder in latin
Which branch of systematic anatomy describes the sense organ and common integument
Which branch of anatomy describes among others urogential system
What are specialised structure of common integument
Subcutaneous tissue (subcutis, teal subcutanea)
Skin (cutis) with dermis, epidermis, horns
- skin glands (glandulae cutis) incuding mammary glands
- Foot pads (tori)
- Enclosure of distal phalanx: nail, claw, hoof
- Horn (cornu)
What are specialised structure of common integument
Subcutaneous tissue (subcutis, teal subcutanea)
Skin (cutis) with dermis, epidermis, horns
- skin glands (glandulae cutis) incuding mammary glands
- Foot pads (tori)
- Enclosure of distal phalanx: nail, claw, hoof
- Horn (cornu)
Name the structure connecting the middle ear and the nasopharynx
Tubae auditiva
Name the enlargements which is specific for equine (in ear)
Diverticulum tubae auditivae
Name the cone shaped fibrous sac (derived from periosteum) enclosing the eyeball, and its muscles, vessels and nerves
Structure of posterior surface of eyelids, which reflects itself into anterior surface of the eyeball to edge of cornea
Tunica conjunctiva
Name 2 parts of retina separated by ora serrata
Pars optica retinae
Pars caeca retinae
What are fetlock hairs called in latin
Cirrus metatarsus/ metacarpeus
Functions of common integument
Protect body against mechanical, chemical, physical and biological factors of the enviromnent
What is the white zone
Zona alba- the white line which forms the juction between the wall segments and sole segment
Consists of laminar and tubular horns
What does the lateral wall of the vestibule have
Vestibular window
Cochlear window
function and location of synovial bursa
Prevent damages to soft tissue (bursa synovialis subcutanea)
Against bony protuberances
What structure is tapetum lucidum located
Which species does not have tapetum lucidum
rabbit, pig
What is the greek name for mamma
Sutek, Mastos
What is the composition of subcutaneous fat in different species
Horse - yellowish and oily
Ox - White and dry
Pig - grey/White
Brown fat - perineal phase of domestic mammals ( in nuchae and shoulder region)
Which vein drains directly the udder of the cow in standing postition
V. epigastica cranialis superficialis
Which vein drains directly the udder of the cow when it’s lying
V. pudeuda externa
Name 2 parts of sinus lactiferi
Gland (pars glandularis sinus lactiferi)
Teat sinus (pars papillaris sinus lactiferi)
Name the cone shaped fibrous covering from periosteum around the eye
Name the segment of skin that forms lamelle epidermis
Epidermis parietalis
What is the name of the hairs surrounding blood sinus and nerve endings? Give examples of these hair characteristics in feline
Pili tactiles
eg. Pili tactiles carpales
What is the subcutaneous layer between… ???
Skin and superficial fascia
Where is the spiral organ of Corti localised
Paries tympanicus ductus cochlearis
What is the name of…
a) which means fields of hair pointing in 1 direction
b) In latin - sweat glands
c) Hairs close to the compedal joint in horses
d) Glands in meatus acusticus
e)Hair in the nasal vestibule
a) fulmina pilorum
b) gll. sudoiferae
c) Cirrus metatarseus
d) gll. ceruminosae
e) Vibrissae
Name the parts of the osseous labyrinth involving the 2 enlargements of the membrane labyrinth
Pars statica labyrinthi (vestibular labyrinth)
What fluid filters osseus labyrinth
Name the structure which gll. tarsals are situated
Palpebra superior and inferior
Where is the lens located
In the posterior chamber, infront of vitrous chamber
Fixed in position by zonula ciliaris
Name 3 main layers of the eyeball and underline the innermost
Tunica fibros bulbi
Tunica vasculosa bulbi
Tuncia interna bulbi <-underlined
Which layer of the eyeball contains area cribrosa
Tunica fibrosa bulbi
Name the hairs of the vestibulum nasi
Nasi vibrissae
Name the hairs of fetlock in horses
Cirrus metacarpeus/tarseus
Name 3 parts of osseous labyrinth
Canales semicirculares ossei
Where precisely lies the lens
Fossa hyaloidea of anterior surface of vitreous body
Name the main sheets of apparatus suspensorius mamorius, underline the one formins lig. suspensorium uberis
Lamina laterale
Lamina mediales <-underlined
Lamina suspensoriae
Name the parts of the stapes
Caput strapedia
Crus rostrale
Crus caudale
Basis stapedis
Name the pouches in limbs of sheep
Sinus infraorbitalis
Sinus inguinalis
Sinus interdigitalis
What is the general term for various cutaneous pouches
Sinus cutanei
Give 3 examples of intrinsic muscles of the eye
m. ciliaris
m. dilator pupillae
m. sphincter pupillae
Structure on posterior surface of eye
Limbi palpebralis posterior
Name 4 groups of hairs in horse
Juba (neck hairs)
Cirrus caudae
Cirrus capitis
Cirrus metacarpeus/tarseus
Fine holes in wall of sclera through which fibre bundles of optic nerve leave interior of eyeball
Area cribrosa sclerae
Name for structure surrounding the saccus conjuctivae
Palpebrae (inferior and superior)
Bulbus oculi
On the margo pupillaris, among others in a horse, there is characteristic structures, name them
Granula iridica (Corpora nigrans)
What is the precise structure on which the lens is located
in camera posterior
Name 3 parts which can be distinguished in capusla ungulae? Underline this which consists of 3 layers
Paries corneus <- underlined
Solea cornea
Torus corneus
2 latin names for membrana nictitans
Palpebra tertioa
Plica semilunaris conjuctivae
Name in latin 2 parts of the lactiferous sinus (sinus lactiferi)
Pars glandularis sinus lactiferi
Pars papillaris sinus lactiferi
Name the digital organ of the
Dog- os unguiculare
Horse- os unguare
What is the latin name for
Chestnut in pelvic limb
Ergot in thoracic limb
Torus carpeus/tarseus
Torus metacarpeus/tarseus
Structure on posterior surface of eyelids which reflects onto anterior surface of eyeball to edge of cornea
Tunica conjunctiva palpebranum
3 main parts of middle ear
Cavum tympanii (tympanic cavity)
Ossicles auditus (auditory ossicles)
Tuba auditiva (auditory tube)
Name the part of the retina that lines choroidea
Stratum pigmentum retinae
Name the structure which suspends the lens
zonula ciliaris
Give the name for the parts of tunica interna bulbi and name the structure between them
Pars caeca retinae (non visual part)
- Pars ciliaris retinae
- Pars iradica retinae
Pars optica retinae (visual part)
What are the sections of the tympanic membrane
Pars flaccida
Pars tensa
Umbro membrane tympani
What structures form saccus conjunctivus
Palpebra inferior
Bulbus oculi
Name the parts of osseous labyrinth
Canales semicirculares ossei
Name the ligament between the cornea and iris
Lig. pectinatum
Name the layer of retina which contains rods and cones
Stratum pigmentum retinae
Structure made up form cutis in analis in carnivores
gll. sinus paranalis
gll. ciircumanalis
In angulus oculi medialis there is a structure suppported by cartilage, what is is
Plica semilunaris conjunctivae
What does auricula consist of
Dorsum auriculae
Concha auriculae
Name 2 parts of external acoustic meatus and underline the proximal one
Porus acusticus externus <- underlined
Meatus acusticus exterus
Name the structure of the tunica fibrosa bulbi which is situated in the area called polus anterior bulbi. Is the indicated area of the eye crossed by the equator or the meridan?
Yes (WHICH?)
Name the parts of cuneus corneus
Apex cunei
Basis cunei
Sulcus cunealis centralis
Sulcus parocunealis lateralis and medialis
Spina cunei
Name the part of the membranous labyrinth between scala vestibule, housing spiral organ of Corti
Cochlear duct/scala media
Name the fat tissue surrounding the periorbital
Corpus adiposum orbitae
Name the structures of the skin that covers bony protuberances
Bursae synoviales subcutanea
What is the longest muscle of skin
M. cutaneous trunci
What is the latin name for the structures situated on limbus palpebarum anterior
gll. sebaceae
gll. ciliares
What is the name for the structure of conhunctiva containing gl. superficialis
Plica semilunaris conjunctivae
Name 2 parts of tunica fibrosa bulbi
Scelera, Cornea
Name 3 ossicles of the middle ear
Malleus (hammer)
Incus (anvil)
Stapes (stirrup)
Name the segment of the skin which produces sistratum medianum of lamina (paries corneus)
Tubuli epidermales coronae
Name the structure separated by zona alba
Paries corneus
solea cornea
Specify main patterns of hair streams in domestic mammals
Flumina pilorum
Vortex pilorum convergens
Vortex pilorum divergens
Linea pilorum convergens
Linea pilorum divergens
Cruces pilorum
What is the name for the structures surrounding the saccus conjunctivae
Tunica conjunctiva bulbi
Tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum ( palpebral conjunctiva
Zonula ciliaris lies between
Corpus ciliare - ciliary body
Camera posterior bulbi - posterior chamber
Camera vitrea bulbi (corpus vitreum)- vitrous chamber of the eye with viterous body
What is the name for the layer of lamina, which is outstanding by its construction? What structure produces it
Laminae epudermales form stratum internum
Name the layers of the optic part of the eye
Stratum pigmentosum
Stratum nervosum
Name 2 opening s between the middle and internal ear
Fenestra vestibule
Fenestra cochleae
Name the hair that lie in vestibulum nasi (nose hairs)
What is the cone-shaped live sac fibrous covering, from periosteum which surrounds the eye
Which branch of systemic anatomy describes the sense organs and common integument
Name 2 muscles of the skin
mm. cutanei
mm. arrectores pilorum