Cardiology Flashcards
Name 3 lymph nodes of lymphocentrum mediastinale (thorax)
Lnn. Mediastinales Craniales
Lnn. Mediastinales Caudales
Lnn. Mediastinales Medii
Name the layers of the pericardium
Pleura pericardiaca
Pericardium Fibrosum
Pericardium Seroseum (Lamina parietalis/visceralis) [Lamina parietalis pericardii serosi & Lamina visceralis pericardii serosi]
Name the cavity between Lamina parietalis and visceralis
Cavum pericardii
Name the 2 arteries leaving the acrus aortae, directly in the dog
Truncus brachiocephalicus
Left subclavian artery (A. Subclavia sinistra)
Name the artery useful for pulse examination in large animals
A. Fascialis
Name the superficial vein of the neck useful for blood collecting
V. Jugularis externa
Name 2 unpaired branches of aorta abdominalis
Celiac artery
Cranial mesenteric artery
Name the most cranial part of the diaphragm
Cupula diaphragmatis
Name the serous membrane that surrounds the thoracic cavity
Name the layer of tissue that encloses the heart? Name the next layer that covers it
Pleura pericardiaca
Describe the location of the heart precisely
Middle mediastinum
Lower part of the thoracic cavity
3/5 of its mass is left of medial plane (60%)
5/7 in ruminants
Name the vessel receiving blood from the femoral artery, and name the vessels receiving blood from the femoral vein
Artery > A. Poplitea
Vein > V. Iliaca externa
What vein drain the intestines ?
Messenteric Vein
Name 2 branches of a subclavia
A. Suprascapularis
A. Thoracica externa
Name the large lymphatic vessel passing through the hiatus aorticus and entering the V. Cava Cranialis or to the V. Jugularis externa
Ductus Thoracicus
Name 2 main lymph collecting ducts and underline which one goes directly through hiatus aorticus
Ductus Thoracicus (underlined)
Ductus lymphaticus dexter
Name 2 superficial veins in the pelvic limb and underline the bigger one in the horse
V. Saphena (underlined)
V. Femoralis
Name the surfaces of the spleen and what structures do they border?
Fascia gastrica > stomach
Fascia parietalis > diaphragm
Fascia visceralis > intestines
Name the 2 extremities of the spleen
Dorsal extremity
Ventral extremity
Name the vein accompanying the aorta Thoracica in the dog
V. Azygos dextra
Where does the vein from the organs flow into?
Vena cava caudale
How is the aortic arch attached to the pulmonary trunk?
Lig. Arteriosum (reminants of the ductus arteriosus)
Where would you take a horses pulse?
A. Fascialis
A. Metatarsa dorsalis
Name 2 branches of the carotis externa
A. Maxillares
Truncus linguofacialis
Name at least 2 lymph nodes from territory of abdominal cavity
Lnn. Renales
Lnn. Gastrici
Lnn. Lienales
What sends impulses to contract the right side of the heart?
Sinoatrial node
Name in Latin the groove running between atria and ventricles
Sulcus coronarius
Name the 3 layers of the vein laterally
Tunica adventitia
Tunica media
Tunica intima
Name 2 lymph centres draining organs of thoracic cavity
Lnn. Thoracicum dorsale
Lnn. Thoracicum ventrale
Give 2 examples of lymph nodes from lymphocentrum branchale
Lnn. Pulmonales
Lnn. Tracheobronchales medii
Lnn. Tracheobronchales craniales`
Name 3 parts of the facies visceralis lienis
Facies Renalis
Facies gastrica
Facies intestinalis
What connects musculi papillares to the walls of the heart?
Chordae tendinae
Name the fibres that support ostium atrioventricularis sinistra
Anulus fibrosus atrioventricularis sinistra
What bypasses capillary beds?
Arteriovenous Anastomosis
Name the valves between the right atrium and ventricle and their cusps
Tricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)
+ Cuspis parietalis
+ Cuspis septalis
+ Cuspis angularis
What stops the back flow of blood in veins?
Valvulae venosae
Name the structure which separates the right ventricle from the left ventricle
Septum Interventricularis
Name the 3 layers of the cardiac wall
Name the fibres in the wall of the heart for contraction
Purkinje fibres
What sends impulses to the purkinje fibres?
Atrioventricular node
Name the blood vessel formed by the fusion of the V. Iliaca interna and V. Iliaca externa
V. Iliaca communis
Name in Latin the structure connecting the pericardial sac, with the diaphragm in a dog
Lig. Phrenicopericardium
Name 3 types of capillaries
Name the opening between the left atrium and ventricles
Ostium atrioventricular sinistra
Name the structure separating the left and right ventricles
Ventricular septum
Name the structure forming a ligament with fibrous pericardium in dogs
Lig. Phrenicopericardium
Name the direct continuation of A. Poplitea
A. Tibialis cranialis
What artery is blood pumped through to go into the body
Name the surface of the spleen opposite to facies parietalis
Facies visceralis (visceral surface)
What divides the Left and right septum?
Interventricular septum
Give 2 examples of lymph nodes from lymphocentrum bronchale
Lnn. Tracehobronchales dextrii
Lnn. Tracehobronchales sinistri
Name the opening between the left atrium and ventricle
Ostium atrioventriculare sinistra
Name the fibres in the wall of the heart for contraction
Purkinje fibres
What muscles open and close valves of the heart?
Musculi popillares
What makes up the aorta valve?
Right, left and septal semilunar cusps
Name 2 trunks forming cisterna chyli
Trunci lumbales
Trunci visceralis
What makes up the pulmonary valve?
Right, left and intermediate semilunar cusps
Name in Latin the vessel leaving the right ventricle
Truncus pulmonalis
What makes up the endocardium?
Smooth endothelium
Loose connective tissue
What makes up the myocardium?
Cardiac muscle
What makes up the epicardium?
Loose connective tissue
Name the valve between the left atrium and ventricle and their cusps
Bicuspid valve (left atrioventricular valve)
Cuspis parietalis
Cuspis septalis
Which animal have V. Azygos sinistra?
Ox & Pig
What artery is blood pumped through to go to the lungs?
Pulmonary trunk
What ligament connects the spleen to the stomach?
Lig. Gastricolienale
Name 2 semi-lunar valves
Valva Aortae
Valva Trunci Pulmonaris
Name 2 arteries of the heart
Left coronary artery
Right coronary artery
Name in Latin 2 main lymph collecting ducts
Ductus Thoracicus
Ductus lymphaticus dextra
What is the main vein in the pelvic limb for injections?
Vena saphena lateralis