Urinary system Flashcards
Urinary system purpose & functions
- eliminate waste from the body
- regulate blood volume & blood pressure
- control levels of electrolytes and metabolites
- regulate pH of blood
- stroes & excretes urine
-tied together with blood in cardiovascular system
The three layers of smooth muscle that make up the wall of the urinary bladder are collectively referred to as the:
detrusor muscle
expulsion of urine from bladder
- controlled by micturition reflux
expels urine outside the body
conducts urine from kidney to bladder
urinary bladder
stores urine until it is voided
renal pyramid
structural units that constitute the medulla
outer portion of the kidney
renal pelvis
major calyces empty into this funnel-shaped region
Which organ is responsible for filtering the blood?
the urinary bladder is lined with:
transitional epithelium
The apex of a renal pyramid is called the renal:
The arteries that run along the corticomedullary junction of the kidney are the:
arcuate arteries
the kidney is covered by:
a fibrous capsule
the right kidney is positioned _____________ than the left kidney
more inferiorly
the renal vein, renal artery, and ureter connect to a kidney at:
its hilum
what is a nephron?
functional filtration unit of kidney
a nephron consists of:
a renal corpuscle & renal tubule
nephron function
filters blood
produces urine
what are the 2 types of nephrons?
- cortical nephron- maintly sits in cortex (outer layer of kidney) - 85% of nephrons
- juxtamedullary nephron - 15% - closer to medulla/cortex border
glomerular filtration
movement of substances from blood within the glomerulus into capsular space
tubular reabsorption
movement of substances from tubular fluid back into the blood
tubular secretion
movement of substances from the blood into the tubular fluid
1st step
blood is filtered by nephron
~starts with renal corpuscle (glomerulus and glomerulus capsule)
3 main steps of urine formation:
The afferent arteriole brings blood to:
glomerular capillaries
blood leaves the glomerulus in the:
efferent artieriole
a cluster/tangle of small capillaries with 3 unique features
1) 1 of only 3 portal systems of the body [there is blood flow from artery to capillary to portal vein to capillary again] portal vein = efferent arteriole
2) blood kept under arteriolar (very high) pressure
3) the capillaries are very leaky [have holes]
Glomerular capsule
aka Bowman’s capsule
surrounds glomerulus
made of 2 layers
-visceral layer [surface]
-parietal layer [simple squamous ET, outside of capsule]
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
this specialized structure will regulate blood pressure and glomerulus filtration rate
-juxtaglomerular cells [part of afferent arteriole— release renin=blood pressure increase]
-macula densa [part of DCT- modified cell group -monitor ion concentration, monitor urine content & blood pressure]
kidney stones
formed of uric acid. calcium oxalate, or calcium or magnesium phosphate
-form in collecting ducts/renal pelvis
-cause pain in kidney area to ab/pelvis area
60% pass on their own our ureter and body
others may need to be removed with lithotripsy (aiming ultrasound shock waves to break the stones into smaller pieces)
Blood flows from the renal artery next into the:
segmental arteries
most secretion occurs in which nephron segment?
distal convoluted tube
peritubular capillaries:
vessels involved in reabsorption
the glomerulus is the site of:
plasma filtration
__________________conducts blood out of the glomerulus
efferent arteriole
Tubular fluid from the proximal convoluted tubule next travels to the:
nephron loop
Reabsorption is the movement of fluid and solutes from the:
tubular fluid into the peritubular capillaries
The glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule and glomerulus make up the:
renal corpuscle
Which substance would NOT normally be expected in urine?
normal substances in the urine could include-
nitrogenous waste
Name the layers of the filtration membrane in the glomerular membrane
fenestrated endothelium
basement membrane
visceral layer
Name the functions that are carried out in the renal tubules
formation of urine
nephron loop helps to -
concentrate urine
Fluid from the proximal convoluted tubule next travels into the:
nephron loop/loop of Henle
The capillaries that make up the glomerulus are unique (different from other capillaries in the body) for two reasons:
they are fenestrated and contain relatively high pressure blood
secretion, reabsorption, and filtration are all functions of the-
identify 1 and 2
1- liver
2- gallbladder
The mesentery that attaches at the feature highlighted is the:
lesser omentum
identify this tissue
circles = renal corpuscles (with the glomerulus)
identify this
(inner- transitional ET)
Identify this and what do you see?
~Cortex: renal corpuscle
Identify this and what do you see?
~Cortex: renal corpuscle [glomerulus & renal capsule]
~renal tubules (Proximal and distal convoluted) – don’t need to differentiate
~Medulla: loops of henle
identify this area
deep cortex of kidney
[includes renal corpuscles with glomerulus & renal capsules; renal tubules; collecting duct]
Identify this area
Kidney- Medulla
[straight tubules, collecting ducts & loops of henle]
Identify this- what kind of tissue is it?
-note: transitional epithelium allows the passing of urine by expanding
The ureter is made of _______________________, allowing for ____________________________
The ureter is made of transitional epithelium which allows passing of urine by expanding
Identify this + the specific region
Cortex of kidney
[there are renal corpuscles present]
11a. Renal cortex
11b. Renal corpuscle (or
Identify this
The pyramids and renal columns are part of the:
medulla of the kidney
Urine flows from the ureters directly into the:
urinary bladder
Identify this + what is the arrow pointing to?
Cortex of kidney; Renal corpuscle (Glomerulus)
Identify A, B, C, D
A- Glomerulus / Renal corpuscle
B- Afferent arteriole
C- Efferent arteriole
D- Peritubular capillaries
Identify E, F, H, I
E- collecting duct
F- Loop of henle
H- arcuate vein
I- arcuate artery
Identify J, K, L, M
J- interlobar vein
K- Interlobar artery
L- Interlobular vein
M- Interlobular artery
Identify 1 and 2
1- renal vein
2- renal artery
what is the green arrow pointing to?
Pink arrow?
Black arrow?
Green- segmental artery
Pink- interlobar artery
Black- arcuate vein
Identify the orange arrow
Yellow dot?
orange= interlobular arteries
[blue=interlobular veins]
Yellow dot= fibrous capsule
Identify 3 and 4
3- ureter
4- renal pelvis
Identify A
Renal column
Identify A, B, C, D, E
A- Major calyx
B- Minor calyx
C- renal cortex
D- renal medulla
E- renal pyramid
Where is the hilum?
identify the blue
renal papilla
what is A?
Renal sinus (space)
identify the highlighted structures
identify the highlighted structures
minor calyces
identify the highlighted structures
major calyces
identify the highlighted structures
identify the highlighted structures
urinary bladder
identify the green area
urethra [female]
identify A
renal pelvis
Trace the route of glomerular filtrate on its path to the collecting duct of a nephron
glomerular capsule > proximal tubule > descending nephron loop > ascending nephron loop > distal tubule
Identify A and B
A- Rugae
B- Trigone
identify A
female urethra
What is indicated by D in the above image?
renal column
pancreas, ureters, colon, kidneys, esophagus, and rectum are all positioned:
The detrusor muscle makes up:
wall of urinary bladder
________ conducts urine from kidney to bladder
what makes up the medulla of the kidney?
renal pyramids
What regulates blood pressure and glomerulus filtration rate?
the juxtamedullary apparatus
the site of plasma filtration is the-
Reabsorption is the movement of fluid and solutes from the:
tubular fluid into the peritubular capillaries
Does filtration occur in the renal tubules?