Cumulative Final Review Flashcards
Anatomical position and specific regional and directional terms are used in anatomy to:
provide a standard that facilitates communication and decreases chances for errors
The inside of the elbow, a common site for blood draw, is called the _______ region
Cutting a coronal/frontal section through the body would separate the:
anterior and posterior portions of the body
The back of the knee region is referred to as the _________ region
The body cavity that holds the brain and is the space inside the skull is the ________ cavity
The palm is ______ to the back of the hand
Body structures that are found “towards the front” are described as :
The layer of serous membrane that directly contacts an organ is called:
You fall and break your pedal region. What part of the body is affected?
The ______ region is the “front” of the knee:
The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity from the ______ cavity
The wrist is referred to as the _______ region
A word that means “away from the head” is:
The _________ system is responsible for taking in food, digesting it, and absorbing nutrients.
A midsagittal plane of section divides the body into:
equal left and right halves.
Cell membranes are primarily made of a double layer of:
Cells that produce lots of protein have a lot of:
The cell organelle that contains the DNA is the:
The intercellular junction that forms a strong “spot weld” between the cytoskeletons of adjacent cells is:
Cells that use a lot of energy (like muscle cells) would be expected to have many of this organelle:
The three major components of __________________ are cells, ground substance, and protein fibers.
connective tissues
____________ tissues are found as coverings and linings in the body.
The epithelial tissue made of a single layer of long rectangular cells, often found in areas where absorption and secretion are important is:
simple columnar
What tissue type is shown here?
simple cuboidal ET
The image is an illustration of what tissue type?
simple squamous ET
What tissue type is shown in the top half of the above image (where all the arrows are)?
stratified squamous ET
The tissue type shown in the above image is?
adipose CT
What tissue type is shown in the above image?
areolar CT
The tissue type shown in the top half of the above image is?
simple columnar ET
The upper arm region (the “bicep” area) is referred to as the _________ region
Which organ system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients around the body?
cardiovascular system
A person lying face ______ is lying prone.
Which term describes dividing the body or body structures into superior / inferior sections:
transverse section
The buccal region is ________ to the oral region.
The pericardial membrane is found around the _____ within the _____ cavity.
heart, thoracic
Proteins produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum are packaged and modified in the:
Golgi apparatus
The type of cell-cell junctions composed of interlocking protein pores that span the gap between the cells and allow cytoplasmic exchange are:
gap junctions
_________ increase the surface area of a cell and are useful for absorption.
Release of the contents of a vesicle outside the cell membrane is called:
Diffusion is the movement of molecules :
down a concentration gradient.
Generally, cartilage has poor healing abilities. This is primarily due to:
the avascular nature of cartilage, limiting nutrients to only those that diffuse in
The tissue lining the alveoli of the lungs is specialized to allow rapid simple diffusion through the epithelial cells. These epithelial cells are most likely:
simple squamous ET
Biceps tendon forms a strong attachment between muscle and bone. It is exposed to high degrees of stretch in one direction. The biceps tendon is most likely which of the following connective tissues:
dense regular CT
An epithelial tissue that is composed of multiple cell layers with cube shaped cells at the basal layer and flattened cells at the apical surface is a _______________ epithelial tissue.
stratified squamous ET
The immature bone cells responsible for the secretion of new osteoid matrix (osteogenesis) are:
Mammary glands (milk glands) function to release their cellular products onto the cell surface by releasing apical portion of the cell into a duct. This moderate secretion is an example of ____:
apocrine secretion
In cartilage and bone, cells are found in small spaces called:
The bone cell type that is responsible for the dissolving/removal of old bone is the:
The___________ membrane is composed of epithelial and connective tissue layers.
The epidermal cells that protect other cells from the damaging effects of UV light are:
The _________ pili muscle is responsible for the formation of “goose bumps”.
From which specific stratum are many of the accessory structures in the skin derived:
stratum germinativum/basale
The anatomical term / region for the eye is:
The anatomical term / region for thigh is:
The anatomical term / region for posterior elbow is:
The anatomical term / region used for the hand is:
The anatomical term / region used for the forearm is:
The anatomical term / region used for the armpit is:
The anatomical term / region used for the posterior leg is:
The specific glands in the skin that secrete an oily product onto the skin and into hair follicles use what type of exocrine secretion:
The layer just below the skin, connecting the cutaneous membrane to underlying structures, is primarily composed of what tissue type:
adipose tissue
In connective tissue, the extracellular matrix is made of protein fibers and the:
ground substance
The most superficial layer of the epidermis is the:
strata corneum
The supportive struts or “little beams” of osseous tissue comprising the lattice of spongy bone are called:
The component of the plasma membrane that stabilizes the membrane at high or low temperatures:
elastic cartilage CT
identify tissue
compact bone CT
What is indicated by the red arrows in the above image? (pointing to thin dark lines, narrow channels through the ECM)
As children, _____________ are more active, and bones are increasing in size.
The weakest of the cartilages is: