Unit 9 Urogenital Flashcards
What is Dysuria?
Painful burning or discomfort with urination
This symptom often indicates inflammation or irritation in the urinary tract.
What does Nocturia refer to?
Getting up more than once at night to urinate
It can disrupt sleep and may indicate underlying health issues.
What is Hematuria?
Blood in urine; pink or red-tinged urine
This can be a sign of various conditions, including infections or kidney stones.
Define Oliguria.
Decreased output of urine
It may indicate dehydration or kidney dysfunction.
What is Proteinuria?
Protein (albumin) in urine; urine is foamy
This can indicate kidney damage or disease.
What are S/S of Renal and Urologic Disorders?
- Hesitancy (Weak or interupted urine stream
- Feeling the bladder has not empited completely but unable to urinate more
- Dribbling at the end of urination
- Frequency: need to urinate or empty bladder more than every 2 hours
What are the constitutional symptoms of renal and urologic disorders?
- Fever, Chills
- Fatigue, malaise
- Anorexia, weight loss
List three musculoskeletal symptoms associated with renal and urologic disorders.
- Unilateral costovertebral tenderness
- Low back pain, flank, inner thigh or leg pain
- Ipsilateal shoulder pain
S/S of Renal and Urologic Disorders
What is a common sign of renal and urologic disorders in women?
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
This can indicate various underlying conditions related to renal or urologic issues.
S/S of Renal and Urologic Disorders
What term describes painful menstruation in women?
Dysmenorrhea can be associated with urologic disorders.
What about menstrual pattern might indicate renal and urologic disorders?
If there are changes in menstrual pattern
Such changes may reflect hormonal imbalances or other health issues.
S/S of Renal and Urologic Disorders
What are pelvic masses or lesions indicative of for women ?
Potential renal or urologic disorders
These findings often require further investigation.
S/S of Renal and Urologic Disorders
What is the term for pain during intercourse?
This is more for women
Dyspareunia can be a symptom related to urologic issues.
What is a common symptom of renal and urologic disorders in men related to urination?
Difficulty starting or continuing a stream of urine
This symptom may indicate issues such as bladder obstruction or prostate problems.
What type of discharge may indicate a urologic disorder in men?
Discharge from penis
This can be associated with infections or sexually transmitted diseases.
What are penile lesions indicative of in men?
Potential urologic disorders or sexually transmitted infections
Lesions can vary in appearance and may require medical evaluation.
What type of pain can be a sign of renal and urologic disorders in men?
Testicular or penis pain
This pain may arise from various conditions, including infections or trauma.
What does enlargement of scrotal contents signify in men?
Possible urologic issues
This can be caused by conditions such as hydrocele, varicocele, or tumors.
What is a possible symptom of renal and urologic disorders related to the groin area?
Swelling or mass in groin
This could indicate hernias, lymphadenopathy, or other underlying conditions.
What is a common sexual health issue related to renal and urologic disorders in men?
Sexual dysfunction
This can encompass a range of problems including erectile dysfunction and reduced libido.
What are inflammatory disorders of the kidney and urinary tract caused by?
Bacterial infection, change in immune response, toxic agents such as drugs and radiation
These factors can lead to various renal conditions.
What are the Upper Track Pain Patterns for Urogenitcal disorders?
- Renal Pain is typically felt in the** posterior subcostal and costovetebral region** (dark red). Can radiate to Low back
What are the Lower Track Pain Patterns for Urogenitcal disorders?
Pain is usually felt suprapubically or ipsilaterally on the lower abdomen. Pain may also be perceived in the low back area.
- LBP may occur as the first and only symptom with bladder and urethral pain
What are the Lower Track Pain Patterns for Urogenitcal disorders?
- While this may be painless, the primary pain is in the lower abdomen, suprabubic and perineum. It may refer to the low back, sacrum, testes, and inner thighs
What can Inflammatory disorders of the Upper Urinary Tract be caused by?
Bacterial Infection, change in immune response, and by toxic agents such as drugs and radiation
Inflammatory disorders of the Upper Urinary Tract
What is pyelonephritis?
A renal infection affecting the renal parenchyma (kidney tissue)
Pyelonephritis can be classified as acute or chronic.
Inflammatory disorders of the Upper Urinary Tract
What is renal papillary necrosis?
A condition involving the necrosis of renal papillae
This condition can lead to urinary obstruction and other complications.
Inflammatory disorders of the Upper Urinary Tract
What is renal tuberculosis?
A form of tuberculosis that affects the kidneys
It is a serious infection that can lead to significant renal damage.
Inflammatory disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
What is cystitis?
Inflammation with infection of the bladder
Cystitis is commonly associated with urinary tract infections.
Inflammatory disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
What is interstitial cystitis?
Inflammation without infection
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that causes bladder pressure and pain.
Inflammatory disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
What is urethritis?
Inflammation and infection of the urethra
Urethritis can be caused by various factors, including sexually transmitted infections.
What are the S/S of Inflammatory/Infectious Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract?
- Recurring pelvic pain
- Urinary frequency and urgency
What are some predisposing factors for Lower urinary tract infections?
- Presence of residual or stagnant urine
- Changes in urinary pH or concentration
- Obstruction of urinary excretion
- Diabetes mellitus
- Gout
- Hypertension
- Medical procedures requiring urinary catheterization
These factors can enhance the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.
What are primary causes of urinary tract obstruction?
- Acquired or congenital malformations
- Strictures
- Renal or ureteral calculi (stones)
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Neoplasms of the urinary tract (e.g., bladder, kidney)
Primary obstructions are directly related to the urinary tract itself.
What are secondary causes of urinary tract obstruction?
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Gynecologic conditions such as pregnancy
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Endometriosis
- Neoplasms of the pelvic (prostate) or abdominal structures
Secondary obstructions are caused by external factors affecting the urinary tract.
Where do renal or ureteral calculi primarily form?
In the kidney
What is the medical term for kidney stones?
What are ureteral stones?
Stones that move down from the kidney
These are the MOST PAINFUL
What type of pain is associated with kidney stones?
Acute, spasmodic, radiating
What are mild symptoms of pain associated with kidney stones?
Mild and dull flank pain
What discomfort can be caused by some renal diseases?
Lumbar discomfort
Which dermatomes are associated with hyperesthesia due to kidney stones?
T10 through L1
Which gastrointestinal symptoms may occur with kidney stones?
Nausea and vomiting
What physical sign may indicate kidney stones?
Palpable flank mass
What urinary symptom is common with kidney stones?
What is a common urinary urge symptom related to kidney stones?
Urge to urinate frequently
What is urinary incontinence?
The involuntary leakage of urine
It is an underdiagnosed and underreported problem affecting 50% to 84% of older adults in long-term care facilities.
What is stress incontinence?
**Urine leaks as pressure is put on the bladder **during activities like exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting heavy objects
It’s the most common type of bladder control problem in younger and middle-age women and may begin around the time of menopause.
What triggers urge incontinence?
A sudden need to urinate that cannot be controlled long enough to reach the toilet
It may affect people with diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or stroke.
What causes overflow incontinence?
Small amounts of urine leak from a bladder that is always full
It can occur due to an enlarged prostate blocking the urethra, diabetes, or spinal cord injuries.
What is functional incontinence?
Incontinence occurring in older people with normal bladder control who cannot get to the toilet quickly due to mobility issues
Conditions like arthritis can contribute to this type of incontinence.
What are Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence?
- Advancing age
- Arthritis or other MSK conditions
- Hx of recurrent urinary tract infection
- Enlarged abdomen
- Diabetes
- Neurologic disorders
- Meds: Diuretics, Clacium blockers, Opioids
- ACE inhitors
Theres more, theres were bolded
What is a risk factor for urinary incontinence specific to women related to childbirth?
Pregnancy (multiparity)
Multiparity refers to having given birth multiple times.
What type of birth can be a risk factor for urinary incontinence in women?
Vaginal or cesarean birth
Both types of birth can contribute to pelvic floor issues.
What conditions involving the bladder or bowel can be risk factors for urinary incontinence?
Bladder or bowel prolapse
Prolapse can affect bladder function and support.
What hormonal change is a risk factor for urinary incontinence in women?
Menopause (natural or surgically induced; estrogen deficiency)
Estrogen plays a role in maintaining pelvic floor integrity.
What is a common risk factor for urinary incontinence specific to men?
Enlarged prostate gland
This condition can obstruct the flow of urine and lead to incontinence.
What are some Screening questions you may ask for General Incontinence?
- Do you have any problem holding urine or emptying your bladder?
- Do you ever leak urine or have accidents?
What are some Screening questions you may ask for Stress Incontinence?
- Do you ever lose urine or wet your pants when you cough, sneeze or laugh?
- Do you ever loser urine or wet your pants when you get out of a chair, lift objects, or exercise?
What are some Screening questions you may ask for Urge Incontinence?
(Overactive Bladder)
- Do you have frequent, strong, or sudden urges to urinate and cannot get to the bathroom in time?
What are some Screening questions you may ask for Overflow Incontinence?
- Do you dribble urine during the day and/or at night?
- Does your bladder feel empty when your done urinating?
What are some Screening questions you may ask for Functional Incontinence?
- Can you get to the toilet easily?
- Do you have trouble dettign to the bathroom in time?
What is a common risk factor for bladder cancer?
Cigarette smoking
Bladder cancer is a major public health concern that is strongly linked to cigarette smoking.
What age group is most commonly affected by bladder cancer?
55 years and older
Bladder cancer typically occurs in older adults.
At what age does renal cancer typically develop?
Over the age of 40 years
Renal cancer is more common in individuals over 40.
List two risk factors for renal cancer.
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Long-term dialysis
- Gender (more common in men)
These factors significantly increase the risk of developing renal cancer.
What is the typical age range for individuals diagnosed with testicular cancer?
15 to 35 years
Testicular cancer occurs most often in young men within this age range.
What are some common causes of testicular cancer?
- Undescended testicle
- Family history
- HIV infection
- Previous history of cancer
The causes of testicular cancer are usually unknown, but these factors are commonly associated with it.
What is the prevalence of testicular cancer?
Relatively rare
Testicular cancer is considered a rare form of cancer.
What does the presence of any amount of blood in the urine indicate?
It always requires a referral to a physician.
This condition is known as hematuria.
What symptoms combined with fever warrant immediate medical attention?
Symptoms of urinary infection.
This could include dysuria, frequency, or urgency.
What should be done if cervical spine pain develops alongside urinary incontinence?
Notify the physician if a diagnosis of cervical disk prolapse has been made.
Referral may not be necessary, but communication is essential.
What condition in a client requires immediate referral due to bowel/bladder incontinence?
Cauda equina lesion.
This may also present with saddle anesthesia.
What should be considered for physician referral regarding urinary tract damage?
Signs of damage to urinary tract structures due to accident, injury, assault, or trauma to surrounding musculoskeletal structures
Consideration for referral includes any incident that may compromise the integrity of urinary tract structures.
What symptoms indicate a need for physician referral related to back or shoulder pain?
Back or shoulder pain accompanied by abnormal urinary constituents
Abnormal urinary constituents may include changes in color, odor, amount, or flow of urine.
What is the significance of a positive Murphy’s percussion test?
Indicates potential renal or urologic infection, especially with a recent history of such infections
A positive Murphy’s percussion test can suggest inflammation or infection in the kidney area.