Neuro: MAS, Brunstrumm, RLA Flashcards
With the Hoehn and Yahr Classification of Disability, what is Stage 1?
Minimal disability, unilateral symptoms
With the Hoehn and Yahr Classification of Disability, what is Stage 2?
Bilateral, or midline involvement (no balance impairment)
With the Hoehn and Yahr Classification of Disability, what is Stage 3?
Postural instability present but can still live independently
With the Hoehn and Yahr Classification of Disability, what is Stage 4?
All symptoms present, standing/walking only possible with assistance
With the Hoehn and Yahr Classification of Disability, what is Stage 5?
Wheelchair or bed bound
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?
An outcome measure that is used to help determine the severity of injury
What are the 3 components of the Glasgow Coma Scale?
- Eye Opening
- Best Motor Response
- Verbal Response
What is a 0 in the Modified Ashworth Scale?
There is no increase in tone (Normal)
What is a 1 in the Modified Ashworth Scale?
Slight increase in tone, end of range (May catch and release)
What is a 1+ in the Modified Ashworth Scale?
Slight increase in tone through less than 1/2 range
What is a 2 in the Modified Ashworth Scale?
Marked increase tone through most of the range
(Still moves easily)
What is a 3 in the Modified Ashworth Scale?
Passive movement difficult
What is a 4 in the Modified Ashworth Scale?
Rigid (No movement)
What is the 1st Stage of the Brunnstrom’s Stage of Recovery?
There is Flaccidity and no movement
What is the 2nd Stage of the Brunnstrom’s Stage of Recovery?
Spasticity begins and no Voluntary movements
What is the 3rd Stage of the Brunnstrom’s Stage of Recovery?
Spasticity worsens, Voluntary movement occurs in only synergy
What is the 4th Stage of the Brunnstrom’s Stage of Recovery?
Spasticity declines, some voluntary movement out of synergy may occur
What is the 5th Stage of the Brunnstrom’s Stage of Recovery?
Spasticity continues to decline, relative independence from synergistic movement
What is the 6th Stage of the Brunnstrom’s Stage of Recovery?
Spasticity disappears; Full isolated/coordinated movement
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 1: No Response?
Complete absence of observable change in behavior
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 2: Generalized Response?
Demonstrates generalized reflex response to painful stimuli
- Responds to repeated auditory stimuli with increased or decreased activity
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 3: Localized Response?
Demonstrates withdrawal or vocalization to painful stimuli
- Turns toward or away from auditory stimuli
- Blinks when strong light crosses visual field
- Follows moving object passing within visual field
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 4: Confused/Agitated?
Alert and heighted state of activty
- Purposful attempts to remove restraints or tubes or crawl out of bed
- Absent ST memory
- May cry out or scream out of proportion to stimulus even after its removal
- May exhibit aggressive or flight behavior
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 5: Confused, Inappropriate Non-Agitated?
Alert, not agitated but may wander randomly or with a vague intention of going home
- May become aggitated in response to exernal stimulation, and/or lack of environmental structure
- Not oriented to person, place, or time
- Unable to learn new information
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 6: Confused, Appropriate?
Inconsistently oriented to person, time and place
- Able to attend to highly familiar task in non-distracting environment for 30 min with moderate redirection
- Max assist for new learning with little or no carry over
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 7: Automatic, Appropriate?
Consistently oriented to person and place, within highly familiar environments. Moderate assistance for orientation to time
- Able to attend to highly familiar tasks in a non-distraction environment for at least 30 min with minimal assist to complete tasks
- Minimal supervision for new learning
- Demonstrates carry over of new learning
- Overstimates abilities
With the RLA of Cognitive Function, what are the Characteristics of Level 8: Purposeful, Appropriate?
Consistently oriented to person, place, and time
- Independently attends to and completes familiar task for 1 hour in distracting environments
- Able to recall and integrate past and recent events
- Uses assistive memory devices to recall daily shedule, “to-do” list and record critical information for later use with stand-by assistance