Unit 9 Modules 7.4, 7.5 Flashcards
In 1914, a Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip assassinated this Austrian Archduke, triggering the start of World War I.
Franz Ferdinand
Political connections during World War I consisting primarily of Great Britain, France, and Russia. Italy joined in 1915 and the United States in 1917. (Triple Entente)
Political party during World War I consisting primarily of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.
Central Powers
British passenger liner struck by German submarine torpedoes off the coast of Ireland on May 15, 1915. The U-boat torpedoes sank the ship, killing 1,198 people, including 128 Americans.
German submarines that used torpedoes to strike the Lusitania passenger ship down. The killing of 128 Americans made the US riled up into wanting to join WW1, but not fully yet.
1917 message in which Germany offered Mexico an alliance to help Germany distract the US with, guaranteeing the Mexican Cession territories back to Mexico in return. The British, who tapped the message line, reported back to the US, leading them into entering World War I. The message’s publication in American newspapers helped build public support for war.
Zimmerman Note
established in 1917 to create propaganda and promote censorship to generate enthusiasm for World War I and stifle antiwar dissent. led by George Creel, was established to create propaganda to support the war effort. They created posters, movies, speeches and censored the press, and they encouraged bond drives to raise money for the war.
Committee on Public Information
1917 act authorizing a nationwide draft. Congress passed this in order to draft men ages 18-45. In result 2.8 million Americans (Doughboys) were drafted into the military and 400,000 Black soldiers were drafted and served in segregated units. After this and the rush to enlist, there was a shortage of industrial workers throughout the Northern part of the nation.
Selective Service Act
The 2.8 million Americans that were drafted into the military for WW1. Nickname popularly given to United States soldiers during World War I. The term was first used during the American Civil War when it was applied to the brass buttons that looked like muffins on uniforms and then to infantrymen.
Dough Boys
Established in 1917 after the United States entered World War I. These army troops served in Europe under the command of General John J. Pershing, and led as an independent American military.
American Expeditionary Force
Government commission created in 1917 to supervise the purchase of military supplies and oversee the conversion of the economy to meet wartime demands. This embodied a government-business partnership that lasted beyond World War I.
War Industries Board
The head of the Food Administration that was created to ration food and encourage Americans to grow “victory gardens’’. He sought to increase the military and civilian food supply mainly through voluntary conservation measures. He generated a massive publicity campaign urging Americans to adopt “wheatless Mondays,” “meatless Tuesdays,” and “porkless Thursdays and Saturdays.” The government also mobilized schoolchildren to plant vegetable gardens to increase food production for the home front. The agency, Fuel Administration, encouraged fuel “holidays” along the line of his voluntary restrictions and created daylight savings time to conserve fuel by adding an extra hour of sunlight to the end of the workday.
Herbert Hoover
New government agency created during World War I to regulate production and consumption. Its head, Herbert Hoover, sought to increase the military and civilian food supply through a massive public campaign of voluntary conservation measures such as family gardens and “meatless Mondays.”
Food Administration
A war tie that was sold in the United States to support the allied cause in World War I. Subscribing to this became a symbol of patriotic duty in the United States and introduced the idea of financial securities to many citizens for the first time.
Liberty Bonds
1917, prohibited anti war activities, including opposing the military draft. It punished speech critical of the war as well as deliberate actions of sabotage and spying.
Espionage Act
Worldwide flu pandemic, also known as the “Spanish Flu,” following the end of World War I. The pandemic ultimately killed an estimated 50 million individuals, approximately 675,000 of whom were Americans.
Influenza Epidemic (1818-1819)
It punished individuals for expressing opinions deemed hostile to the U.S. government, flag, or military. 1918, added to the Espionage Act.
Sedition Act
1919 Supreme Court ruling upholding the conviction of the Socialist Party general secretary Charles Schenck under the Espionage Act for disseminating anti-conscription pamphlets. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes argued that during wartime Congress has the authority to prohibit individuals from using words that create “a clear and present danger.”
Schenck v. United States
World War I led to this, where African Americans migrated to the North in search of war-related jobs
Great Migration
June 28, 1919 the delegates agreed to this and officially ended World War I. President Wilson traveled to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 to help create this and he hoped his Fourteen Points would become the framework for this. This severely punished Germany for its role in World War I, forcing Germany to surrender all of its overseas colonies, making their military greatly reduced, and Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war and pay $33 billion in war reparations
Treaty of Versailles
Seen as the basis for lasting peace, including freedom of the seas, open diplomacy, the establishment of the League of Nations, and the right to self-determination. The core principles President Woodrow Wilson developed into a peace plan.
Fourteen Points
The international organization proposed by Woodrow Wilson after the end of World War I to ensure world peace and security in the future through mutual agreement. The United States failed to join this because Wilson and his opponents in Congress could not work out a compromise.
League of Nations
In the Treaty of Versailles which morally bound the U.S. to aid any member nation that was attacked. This made it so the Senate could lose its power to declare war if the US joined League of Nations
Article X
what the dividing of weak empires like Austria-Hungary & Ottoman Empire into new nations was based on in points 6-13 of the 14 Points and by Woodrow Wilson’s ideas. The process by which a group of people, usually possessing a certain degree of national consciousness, form their own state and choose their own government. the process by which a group of people, usually possessing a certain degree of national consciousness, form their own state and choose their own government.
Senators who wanted the U.S. to return to isolationism after the WW1 and refused to ratify the treaty because of the League of Nations and Article X, which would make the Senate lose its power to declare war
along with Lenin, they overthrew the Russian government in Nov. 1917 and established the Soviet Union, the first communist nation. This causes Russia to stop their involvement in WW1 as the Allies.
Started the red scare. An attorney general of the United States who had a bomb explode at the doorstep of his home. After the attack on his home, he launched a government crusade to root out and prosecute Communists. He traced the source of radicalism to recent immigrants, mainly those from Russia and eastern and southern Europe. To track down suspected radicals, he selected J. Edgar Hoover to head the General Intelligence Division in the Department of Justice. Although his raids ended, the Red Scare extended throughout the 1920s.
A. Mitchell Palmer
The fear of Communist-inspired radicalism in the wake of the Russian Revolution. This culminated in the Palmer raids on suspected radicals.
Red Scare
when In 1920, Republican Warren Harding won the Presidency on a promise for this and rejecting the League of Nations. This helped Harding’s victory and with the victory, the Senate voted against the treaty and the United States never joined the League of Nations
“Return to Normalcy”
From 1914 to 1919 This was fought in Europe. This “Great War” began as a result of competition over imperial territories,the build up of powerful, and industrial Militaries. European rivalries led to two military Alliances that threatened to draw European nations into war. There was the Triple Entente (Allies) - England, France, Russia and the Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. Started in 1914, when Serbian Nationalists assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The US was neutral until Zimmerman Telegram. The Treaty of Versailles ended this war, which the Triple Entente (Allies) won and germany was blamed for the war.
World War I