Unit 2 Modules 3.4-3.5 Flashcards
another name for Loyalist by the American patriots, who opposed the American Revolution & maintained their loyalty to the British King.
Battles in the American Revolution near the Delaware River, led by General George Washington. The colonists won in both, making the British retreat back to New York City. This reasserted American control of New Jersey, improving morale of colonists.
Trenton & Princeton
Key American Revolution Battle fought at New York. The patriot victory there in October 1777 provided hope that the colonists could triumph & increased the chance/ was the reason French would formally join the patriot side
The Battle of Saratoga
encampment of Washington’s Continental Congress during winter of 1777. The Battle of Saratoga’s patriot victung energized Washington & his troops in this event.
Valley Forge
wealthy Philadelphian, eavesdropped on conversations of the British officers who occupied her house & carried detailed hidden reports to Washington.
Lydia Darragh
Came with critical assistance from foreign volunteers. A Purssian officer recruited by Benjamin Franklin & Marquis de Lafayett to help the Americans win the Revolution, he was also a German officer who converted the revolutionary army into a disciplined fighting force.
Baron Friedrich von Steuben
French aristocrat who fought with the continental army in the American Revolution. Recruited von Steuben, and advocated for constitutional monarchy. Later becomes one of the most powerful men in France during the French Revolution.
Marquis de Lafayette
A French nobleman who marched 5000 troops from Rhode Island to Virginia to fight Cornwall’s & the British in October 1781 at the Battle of Yorktown. He is also a French general who commanded the French force to help the colonies. Led the French army in America.
Comte de Rochambeau
Decisive Battle in which the surrender of British forces on December 19, 1781, at Virginia, effectively sealed the patriot victory in the Americas. When the French naval ships cut off Cornwallis & the British’s supply ships.
Battle of Yorktown
treaty that formally ended the American Revolution.
Treaty (Peace) of Paris, 1783
1786 statement from the Virginia Assembly Statute that ensured the Separation of church & state, & largely guaranteed freedom of religion. Many other states followed Virginia’s lead
Statute of Religious Freedom
Plan for national government proposed by the Continental Congress of 1777 & ratified in March 1781. It gave the national government limited powers, reflecting widespread fear of centralized authority, and was replaced by the Constitution in 1789.
Articles of Confederation
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson to regulate lands of Natives just claimed in the Treaty of Fort Stanwix. It provided that these territories be surveyed & divided into adjoining townships. Hoped to carve nine small states out of the region to create more western farmers’ representation, ensuring the confined dominance of their views in the rational government. An act of the confederation congress that provided for the survey, sale, & eventual division into states of the Northwest Territory to pay back debts from the Revolution. The congress couldn’t tax.
Land Ordinance, 1785
A modified 1785 one, that clarified the process by which territories could become states. It adressed concerns about Natives & the question of slavery. It encouraged some fair treatment of Natives & abolished slavery throughout the Northwest Territory but mandated the returns of fugitives. This did not address territory south of the Ohio River.
Northwest Ordinances, 1787
1786 rebellion by Western Massachusetts farmers caused primarily by economic hardships in the aftermath of the American Revolutions.
Shays’ Rebellion
agreement by France to provide aid & loans to the colonies in the American Revolution, considered the turning point of the Revolution. The French agreed to help as they resented Britain over the results of the French & Indian war. Also known as the Franco-American Alliance, it encouraged trades, military alliance against Britain between France & America, and guaranteed French possessions in the West Indies. (In short: A defensive alliance between French & America during the American Revolution to go against the British.)
Treaty of Alliance, 1778