Unit 7: Biological Male Pelvis Flashcards
What is the perineum?
An anatomical region in the pelvis, located between the thighs and represents the most inferior part of the pelvic outlet
Is the space between the pelvic floor and the skin.
What systems do structures within the perineum support?
Urogential and gastrointestinal systems
What are the anatomical borders of the perineum?
Anterior - pubic symphysis
Posterior - tip of the coccyx
Laterally - inferior pubic rami and inferior ischial rami and the sacrotuberous ligament
Roof - pelvic floor
Base - skin and fascia
How and what two regions is the perineum divided into?
The perineum is divided into theoretical regions, by drawing a line transversly between the ischial tuberosities.
This creates a anterior urogenital triangle and a posterior anal triangle.
What are the surface landmarks of the perineum?
Anteriorly - mons pubis in females, base of penis in males
Laterally - medial surface of the thighs
Posterior - superior end of the intergluteal cleft
What is the main contents of the anal triangle?
The anal aperture (found centrally)
External anal sphincter muscle
Ischioanal fossae x2 (lateral spaces to the anal apeture)
Pudenal nerve - supplies the perineum with somatic fibres
What is the function of the ischioanal fossa?
Contain fat and connective tissue, allows for expansion of the anal canal during defecation.
Extend from the anal region to the pelvic diaphragm.
What makes up the urogenital system?
The external genitalia and the urethra
What are the layers of the urogenital triangle?
(deep to superficial)
Deep perineal pouc
Perineal Membrane (not in anal triangle)
Superfifical perineal pouch
Perineal fascia
Skin - the urethral and vaginal orifices open out onto the skin
What is the deep perineal pouch?
A potential space between the deep fascia of the pelvic floor and the perineal membrane
It contains part of the urethra, external urethral sphincter and the vagina in females.
May also contain the bulbourethral glands and deep transverse perineal muscles
What is the perineal membrane?
A layer of tough fascia, perforated by the urethra and vagina. Provides a surface for attachement of muscles of the external genitalia
What is the superficial perineal pouch?
A potential space between the perineal membrane and the superficial perineal fascia.
Contains erectile tissue for the penis and clitoris
Muscles: ischiocavernous, bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal muscles.
The greater vestibular glands
Bound posterior to the perineal body
What is the perineal fascia?
A continuity of the abdominal fascia that has two components:
Deep fascia: covering superficial perineal muscles and protruding structues
Superfifical fascia - made of a superficial later continous with the Campers fascia of anterior abdominal wall, deep layer continous with scarpa’s fascia of the anterior abdominal wall.
What is the perineal body?
An irregular fibromuscular mass
At the junction between the urogential and anal triangles
Lies just deep to the skin, acts as a point of attachment.
What muscle attach to the perineal body?
The levator ani
The bulbospongiosus muscle
The superficial and deep transverse perineal muscle
External anal sphincter
External urethral sphincter muscle
What is the anatomical difference of the perineal body in males and females?
Females - tear resistant between the vagina and external anal sphincter, supports the posterior vaginal wall against prolapse
Males - between the bulb of the penis and the anus
What is the major neurovascular supply to the perineum?
Pudendal nerve S2 to S4, travels along the inner surface of ischial tuberosities, thorugh Alcocks canal through a thickening of the obturator fascia
Internal Pudendal artery
What muscles make up the pelvic floor?
levator Ani
What is the function of the pelvic floor?
Support pelvic viscera
Resist intra-abdominal pressure
Maintain fecal continence
What innervates the pelvic floor?
S2 3 4
Keep the ** off the floor
What is pelvic organ prolapse?
Caused be weakness in the pelvic floor muscles
When organs in the pelvic cavity slip down from their normal position and buldge into the vagina (females) or anus (males and females)
This is not life-threatening but can cause pain or discomfort.
What are the three muscles that make up the levator ani?
How does puborectalis help maintain faecal continence?
Forms a sling around the rectum at the anorectal function.
This creates an anal rectal angle that is maintained by contraction of the puborectalis muscle at 80 degrees.
What other muscles, not in the pelvic floor are important?
The piriformis - leaving by the greater sciatic fossa
Obturator internus
What is the iliac wing?
The inner surface of the ilium underneath the iliac crest
Where is the linea terminalis/arcuate line?
A landmark on the pelvis, is the circular brim between the true (lesser) and false (greater) pelvis.
What are the key differences between the male and female bony pelvis?
The female pelvis….
has a greater angle at the pubic symphysis (above 90 degrees)
has a more circular arcuate line (mare is more heart shaped and narrower)
The female pelvis is shorter and wider
The promontory is more pronounced in males than females.
Identify the three different muscles that make up the levator ani.
Where is the coccygeus muscle located?
Posterior to levator ani
Makes up the pelvic floor
Attachs to the ischial spine, pelvic surface of the sacrospinous ligament, and the lateral margin of the coccyx and sacrum.
What is the distinction between the true and the false pelvis?
The true pelvis is the space between the linea terminalis and the pelvis floor muscles
The false pelvis is the space between the most superior part of the ilial wings and the linea terminalis - this is often termed part of the abdominal cavity.
What makes up the Pelvic Cavity?
Is formed by both the true and false pelvis
Is the space between the most superior part of the iliac wings and the pelvic floor muscles
What is located in the true pelvis?
The bladder, reproductive organs and the rectum
Give a basic description of the layout of viscera in the female true pelvis?
Rectum is the most posterior structure
The uterus sits anterior to the rectum, the uterus becomes the vagina inferiorly and exits the pelvis
The bladder is the most anterior structure and becomes the urethra inferiorly which leaves the cavity.
Give a basic description of the arrangement of structures in the male true pelvic cavity.
The most posterior cavity is the rectum
Anteriorly to the rectum sits the bladder
Anteriorly to the anal canal sits the prostate and the ejaculatory duct.
The testes are located outside the pelvis and body in the scrotum
What is the main difference between what biologically females and males contain within the urogenital triangle?
Females contain the vaginal and urethral orfice
In males the urethral orfice is at the tip of the penis
What are the main components of the reproductive system in men?
Epididymis - narrow tightly coiled tube attached to the testicles
Ductus deferens - continous with epididymis, excretory duct of the testis
Ejaculatory ducts
What are the three accessory glands in the male reproductive system?
A single prostate
A pair of seminal vesicles - produce fluids that will turn into semen
A pair of bulbo-urethral glands
Give an overview of anatomical location of the testes and how this effects their lymphatics
Testes develop high on the posterior abdominal wall then descend, normally before birth, through the inguinal canal and into the scrotum of the perineum.
They descend with their VAN and lymphatics and ductus deferens, hence drain into the lumbar lymph nodes not the inguinal or pelvic.
What pouch surround the testis?
An elongated musculofascial pouch,
What is the spermatic cord?
A connection between the pouch containing the tests and the abdominal wall.
What two layers surround the testes?
The tunica vaginalis - sac of peritoneum, only found on the lateral and anterior aspects
The tunica albuginea - thick connective tissue capsule overlying seminiferous tubules.
What is the function of seminiferous tubules?
How do they link up to the epididymis?
Produce spermatozoa
Combine together to become straight tubules, which join to a connecting chamber called the rete testis, which make up the mediastinum testis.
These become efferent ductule which drain into the epididymis
Give an overview of the anatomy of the epididymis.
Where is it located?
What are its main components?
Occurs along the posterolateral sides of the testis.
Made of two key components:
- efferent ductules - formed an large coiled mass on the posterior superior testis forming the head
- the true epididymis - single long coiled duct which efferent ductutles drain, continues posteriorly to form the body and tail of the epididymis.
Spermatatozoa flow inferiorlt through the epididymis into the ductus deferens
Give an overview of the function and location of the ductus deferens.
Ductus deferens is a long muscular duct, transports spermatozoa from the tail of epididymis to the ejaculatory duct in the pelvic cavity.
Ascends as part of the spermatic cord and passess through the deep inguinal ring.
What is the seminal vesicle?
A one exit tubular outgrowth from the ductus deferens.
Has numerous outgrowths, contained within the connective tissue.
Sits between the bladder and the rectum
Form the ejaculatory duct, secretions contribute to a large proportion of semen.
What is the prostate?
Location and function
An unpaired accessory structure of the male reproductive system.
Is immediatly inferior to the bladder and anterior to the rectum.
Surrounds the ureter and the ejaculatory ducts.
Secretion contribute to the formantion of semen.
What are the bulbo-urethral glands?
Bilateral structures
Pea-shaped mucous glands, deep within the perineal pouch. Lateral to the urethra.
Passess through the perineal membrane to open into the spongy urethera at the base of the penis.
Contribute to lubrication of the urethra and pre-ejaculation emission from the penis.
Label the cross section of the penis.
Describe the passage of spermatozoa through anatomical landmarks?
Seminiferous tubules
Rete testis in mediastinal testis
Efferent ductules
Epididymis (head, body and tail)
Ductus deferenes
Ejaculatory duct
What are the two layers of the tunica vaginalis?
The visceral layers
The parietal layers
What are the three sections of the epididymis?
The head
The body
The Tail
Describe the journey of the ductus deferens.
Starts at the testis where the epididymis ends
Continues out of the scrotum as part of the spermatic cord
Passess through the inguinal canal and out of the deep inguinal ring.
Crosses over the external iliac vein and artery, descends into the pelvic inlet and travels medially.
Travels posterior to the bladder and anterior to the anus, enlargens to form the ampulla of the ductus deferens to join up with the seminal vesciles forming the ejaculatory duct.
What type of tissue is the glans penis made out of?
Erectile tissue
The corpus spongiosum
What part of the penis runs along the ischial ramus?
The crura of the penis are anchored to the ischail ramus
This develops inot the corpus cavernosum
What is the function of the bulbospongiosus?
Is a superficial pelvic floor muscle, found in the superficial perineal pouch
Noves blood towards the penis galns, removes residual urine and semen from the urethra, aids pulsatile ejaculation of semen.
Originates at the bulb of the penis, surrounding the corpus spongiosum.
What is the function of the ischiocavernous?
Moves blood flow from the cura to the body of erectile tissue.
The urogenital hiatus lies in what muscle?
The pubococcgeus
What is the fundiform ligament?
Support the penis and anchors it in place, holds it up
Loops round the circumference
Joins to the linea alba, pubic symphysis and aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique muscles
What is the function of the puboprostate ligament?
Fuses with the pubic symphysis, wraps around the prostate and holds it in place.
What septum of the penis… what is it continous with and what is its function?
Surrounds are seperates the corpus cavernosa.
Is continuous with the tunica albugenea.
Describe the different tissues that make up the penis?
Two corpus cavernosa, contain a deep artery each
Corpus spongiosum - surrounds the urethra, expands distally to make the glans penis.
What is the dartos muscle?
What layer of the abdominal wall is it continuous with?
Sheet of smooth muscle
Associated with the srotum , aids with temperature regulation of the testis
Is continuous with Scarpas Fascia.
What sturcture do the testes descend through to enter the scrotum?
The inguinal canal
Draw a diagram to show the arterial divisions from the common iliac artery.
What do the vesical arteries supply?
The bladder
What are the branches of the internal pudendal?
Inferior rectal
Perineal branches to skin
Dorsal artery of penis
Deep artery of penis
What are the different layers that surround the testes and what structures in the abdominal wall do they orignate from?
The peritoneum becomes the tunica vaginalis
The transversalis fascia becomes the internal spermatic fasica
The transverse abdominus does not extend to cover the testes
The internal oblique becomes cremaster muscle
The external oblique apopneurosis becomes the the external spermatic fascia
The skin and scarpas fascia becomes the skin and dartos muscle
These are the layers from deep to superficial.