Bones In The Body Flashcards
Name bone 1
Name bone 2
Name bone 3
Name bone 4
Name bone 5
Name bone 6
Name bone 7
Name bone 8
Name bone 9
Name the collection of bones at 10
Name the bone
The pubis bone
Name the bone
Name the bone
The ileum
Name the bone
The sacrum
Name the bone
The coccyx
Name the bone
The scapula
Name the bone
The frontal bone
Name the bone
The temporal bone
Name the bone
The parietal bone
Name the bone
The occipital bone
Name the bone
The mandible
Name the bone
The maxilla
Name the bone
The zygomatic bone
Name the bone
The sphenoid bone
How do you distinguish between teeth on the bottom and the top of the mouth?
Bottom = mandibular prefix
Top= maxillary prefix
How are teeth name from the centre out?
Central incisor
Lateral incisor
Canine teeth
Premolar (first to second)
Molar teeth (first ti third)
Name the bone
The ethmoid bone
Name the bone
The lacrimal bone
Name the bone
The sphenoid bone
Name the bone
The hyoid bone
Name the bone
The malleus
Name the bone
The incus bone
Name the bone
The sphenoid bone
Name the bone
The ethmoid bone
Name the bone
The inferior nasal concha bone
Name the bone
The ethmoid bone
Name the bone
The palatine bone
Name the bone
Left nasal bone
Name the bone
The vomer bone
Name the bone
Stapes bone
Name the bone
Name the bone
The palatine bone
Name the bone
Name the bone
The axis
How are the vertebrae named?
Third to seventh cervical vertebrae
First to twelfth thoracic vertebrae
First to fifth lumbar vertebrae
How are the ribs named?
(Left/Right) First to twelfth rib
How are the metacarpals named?
First to fifth metacarpal (first being the thumb)
How are the phalanges named on each digit?
…… phalanx of (digit)
Name the bone
The trapezium bone
Name the bone
Scaphoid bone
Name the bone
Trapezoid bone
Name the bone
The capitate bone
Name the bone
The hamate bone
Name the bone
The lunate bone
Name the bone
The triquetrum bone
Name the bone
The pisiform bone
How are the toes named?
Great toe
Second toe - fifth toe
How are the finger digits named?
Index finger
Middle finger
Ring finger
Little finger
How are phalanges different in the thumb compared to the finger?
Thumb only had a proximal and distal phalange,
Fingers have a proximal, middle and distal phalange.
How many tarsal bones are found in the foot?
Name the bone
Name the bone
The navicular bone
Name the bone
The calcaneous bone
Name the bone
The cuboid bone
Name the bone
Lateral cuneiform bone
Name the bone
Intermediate cuneiform bone
Name the bone
Medial cuneiform bone