Unit 7: Biological Female Pelvis Flashcards
What are the major components of the female reproductive system?
Two ovaries
A uterus, vagina and clitoris in the midline
What accessory glands are associated with the female reproductive system?
The greater vestibular glands
How do the ovaries move during development?
Develop high on the posterior abdominal wall and descend before birth, alongside their neurovasculature and lymphatics.
Do not migrate through the inguinal canal.
Position themselves on the lateral wall or the pelvic cavity, suspended by a mesentry (mesovarium) a posterior extension of the broad ligament.
What is the function of the ovaries?
Site of egg production (oogenesis)
How do eggs leave the ovaries (anatomy wise)?
Mature eggs are ovulated into the peritoneal cavity and directed into the adjacent opening of the uterine tubes by cilia on the ends of the uterine tubes
What is the uterus?
A thick walled muscular structre in the midline, between the bladder and the rectum
Consists of a body and the cervix
Inferiorly joins the vagina
Superiorly uterine tubes project laterally to open into the peritoneal cavity and the adjacent ovaries.
How does the uterus expand during pregnancy?
Dramtic expansion superiorly into the abdominal cavity.
What are the uterine tubes?
What ligament is it contained in?
Extend laterally from each superior corner of the uterine tubes.
Enclosed within the mesosalpinx portion of the broad ligaments.
How and why do the ovaries connect to the uterine tubes?
The uterine tube connects superiorly to the ovaries
Due to the ovaries being suspended by the posterior aspect of the broad ligament.
Note are not directly connected rather open into the peritoneal cavity but are in very close proximity.
What are the divisions of the uterine tubes?
Leaves the uterus as the isthmus, expands when it travels superiorly to becomes the ampulla, then becomes the trumpet shaped end of the infundibulum which curves around the superolateral pole of the related ovary, ends in finger like projections called the fimbriae
Give an overview of the cervix.
Forms the inferior part of the uterus, is a short broad cylinder with a narrow opening.
opens as the external os into the vagina and opens at the internal os into the uterine cavity.
What are the two angles of the cervix?
The anteflexed angle between the uterus and the cervix
The anteverted angle between the vagina and the cervix
What is the fornix?
The end of the cervix is dome shaped so bulges into the vagina, this creates a gutter like structure called the fornix where it joints with the vaginal wall.
What is the copulatory organ in females?
Organ that is involved in sexual intercourse - the vagina.
What is the vagina?
A fibromuscular tube that extends from the perineum thorugh the pelvic floor.
The internal end is enlarged to form the vaginal vault, where semen is deposited.
How does the vagina related to other structures?
The anterior wall is related to the bladder and often fused to the urethra
Posteriorly is the rectum
The vaginal opening is posterior to the urethra opening
What is the introitus?
The external opening of the vagina
What is the vaginal fornix?
The space between the margin of the cervix and the vaginal wall
Divided into posterior, anterior and two lateral fornices.
What is the vaginal canal?
The middle opening of the vagina, is normally collapsed so the anterior and posterior walls touch
Is opened by a speculum to see the cervix.
What different peritoneal features are found in the biological female anatomy?
Median and medial umbilical folds over the embryological remnanats of the urachus and umbilical arteries respecitivly
Vesico-uterune pouch - between bladder and uterus
Recto-uterine pouch - between the rectum and uterus/cervis
What different peritoneal features are associated with the male reproductive anatomy?
The rectovesical pouch - between the rectum and the anus
The median umbilical fold - over remanant of the urachus artery
The medial umbilical fold - over the remenant of the umbilical artery.
What are the boundaries of the ischioanal fossa and what normally fills this space?
The ischioanal fossa lies between the perineal membrane and the pelvic floor muscles (medially), obturator internus and ischium (laterally).
Is mainly filled with fat funneling from around the anal apeture to the urogential hiatus.
What structures lie within the superficial perineal pouch?
The erectile tissue (clitoris or penis)
The greater vestibule glands (female only)
And the bulbospngiosus muscles, the ischiocavernosus muscle and the superficial transverse perineal muscle
List the structures that lie within the deep perineal pouch
The deep transverse perineal muscles
Compressor urthrae
Part of the urethra
The external urethra sphincter
The vagina
What is the function of the deep transverse perineal muscles?
They stabilise the perineal body and provide structural support to adjacent pelvic and perineal structures.
Essentially creaets the urogenital diaphragm, a fibrous and muscular sheet that spans from the pubic symphysis to the ischial tuberosities
What is the function of the compressor urethrae?
Constricts the urethra
How are the urethra and the vagina orientated around each other?
The urethra is anterior to the vagina
Where does the urethra lie in relation to the clitoris and the vaginal orfice?
Inferoposterior to the clitors
Anterior to the vagina
What is the function of the bulbospongiosus muscle in females?
Stabilized the perineal body
Expresses secretion of the greater vestibular glands
Assists in clitoris erection
What is the function of the ischiocavernous in females?
It assists in clitoris erection
What is the vulva vs the vagina?
The vulva is the outer part of the female genitals, including the labia minora/ majora and the vaginal opening.
The vagina is an internal muscular canal.
What is the perineal body?
The perineal body is an irregular, fibromuscular mass that acts as an attachment site for a number of perineal structures.
Is continuous with the perineal membrane
What are the main structures attaching to the perineal body?
The deep transverse perinal muscles
The external anal sphnicter
The bulbospongiosus muscle
The superficial transverse perineal muscle
What is the clinical importance of the perineal body in biological females?
May be torn during childbirth, leading to prolapse of pelvic viscera and foecal inconctinence.
When torn from surrounding muscles it is slow and difficult to heal.
What can be done in childbirth to prevent the tearing of the perineal body?
Episiotomy is formed
A professional cuts through the centre of the perineal body
This increase the space for the foetus to exit the birth canal and prevent further tearing
The body can then be stitched up and allowed to heal.
Describe the course of the pudendal nerve.
It arises from the sacral plecux which lies on the piriformis muscle
Exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen
Reenters the pelvis by the lesser sciatic foramen, then travels down the ischioanal fossa of the anal triangle.
As it passes through the triangle it gives off an inferior rectal nerve
In the urogenital triangle is divides into a perineal nerve and the dorsal nerve of the erectile tissue.
Where is the perineal nerve found?
In the superficial perineal pouch
Where is the dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris found
Travels in the deep perineal pouch
What type of innervation does the pudendal nerve provide?
Is a somatic nerve
Sensory innervation
Motor innervation
What innervation is associated with the psoas major muscle?
The ilioinguinal nerve - lateral aspect of the psoas major, travels along the iliac crest
The genitofemoral nerve - pierces the psoas major muscle
What does the ilioinguinal nerve supply?
Branches into the anterior scrotal (males) or the anterior labial (females).
Provides motor innervation to the internal abdominal wall.
Sensory innervation to the scrotum and root of penis in males.
Sensory innervation to the mons pubis and labium majus (females)
What does the genitofemoral nerve supply?
After piercing through the psoas major muscle it quickly branches into a femoral and a genital branch
Genital branch - sensory to scrotum, labia and mons pubis, motor to cremaster muscle (surronds testes)
Femoral branch - sensory cutaneous innervation to skin of the upper thigh.
What two ligaments does the pudendal nerve reenter the pelvis between?
Travels through the lesser sciatic foramen
Between the sacrospinous ligament and the sacrotuberous ligament
What is the bony landmark of the perineal nerve block?
What is the clinical importance of this procedure?
Aims to block the pudendal nerve as it enters the lesser sciatic foramen.
The ischial spine is palpated for as the landmark, the sacrospinous ligament may by anaesthsised first followed by the pudendal nerve
Aims to releive pain during childbirth
Done intravaginal route.
What is the mons pubis?
A layer of adipose tissue that lies over the pubic symphysis.
What is the vestibule?
A region in the female genitlia contained within the labia minora around the utethral and the vaginal hiatus.
What makes up the vulva?
The external female genitilia, including the labia minor, labia majora and the clitoris
What is the deal with the labia?
The labia majora - is the outer often hair-covered structure.
The labia minor - is the inner pink structure, circumferences the clitoris as the hood, then forms a double layered ring around the clitoris, vaginal and urethral hiatus.
What are the different portions of the uterus?
The uterine cervix
The uterine corpus (further split into the fundus and the body)
What are the different sections of the fallopian tubes?
The uterine part
The isthmus
The ampulla (fertilisation)
The indundibulum
The fimbriae (waft oocyte into fallopian tube)
What is the round ligament in the female reproductive system?
A cord like structure that extends from the uterus to the labia majora, through the inguinal canal.
Is the female equivalent of the sperm duct.
Anchors the uterus and helps maintain the anteverted position during pregnancy.
What structure are the round ligament and the ovarian ligament in biological females a remnant of?
The gubernaculum
A fibromuscular band that aids the descent of the gonads during embryogenesis.
What is the ovarian ligament?
A short tube like ligament.
Anchors the inferior aspect of the ovary to the proximal region of the fallopian tubes and the lateral angle of the uterine body.
How is the broad ligament and the uterus related?
The peritoneum extends down over the reproductive organs, the layer that lines the uterus is called the perimetrium (external uterus layer).
This is continous with the broad ligament laterally.
What are the different divisions of the broad ligament?
The mesosalpinx - associated with the fallopain tubes
The mesovarium - associated with the ovary.
The mesometrium - lateral to the uterus
What pouches form from the peritoneum in the reproductive system?
Why are these important clincally?
The uterovescial pouch - between the uterus and the bladder
The uterorectal pouch - between the uterus and the rectum
Fill with fluid, blood, pus during an abdominal infection or internal injury.
What is the vasculature of the ovaries?
Ovarian arteries (bilateral) direct branches from the abdominal aorta
Ovarian veins - on the right is a branch from the IVC on the left is a branch from the left renal vein.
What are the branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac in females?
The umbilical - becomes the superior vesical
The obturatory artery
The inferior vesical
The middle anorectal
The internal pudendal
The inferior gluteal.
What are the branches of the internal pudendal artery in males?
The inferior anorectal
The artery of the bulb of the penis
The deep artery of the penis
The dorsal artery of the penis
What are the branches of the anterior division of the internal illiac in biological females?
Umbilical which becomes the superior vesical
The obturator artery
The uterine artery
The middle anorectal
The inferior gluteal
The internal pudendal
What does the uterine artery branch into?
The vaginal artery
With an inferior vesical branch
What are the branches of the internal pudendal artery in biological females?
The inferior rectal
Urtehral arteries
Artery of the bulb of the vestibule
Deep artery of the clitoris
Dorsal artery of the clitoris.
What is the difference antomtically of the fundus and the fornix of the female reproductive system?
Fornix - where the cervix bulges into the vagina
Fundus - the uppermost curve of the uterus
What is the intramural part of the fallopian tube?
Section that is still within the uterus walls.
Not yet branched out of the uterus.
What are the boundaries of the anal triangle?
Anteriorly - posterior edge of the perineal membrane or superficial transverse perineal muscle
Posterior - coccyx
Posteriolateral - sacrotuberous ligaments
What are the boundaries of the urogenital triangle?
The ischail rami - anteriorly
Posteriorly - the superficial transverse perineal muscle
Corners are the pubic symphysis and the ischial tuberosities.