Unit 6 Flashcards
form of feudal bondage in which a peasant was 1) obligated to stay on a piece of land (couldn’t move) 2) obligated to give service to a lord
weak political entity in central Europe largely composed of the German-speaking states
Holy Roman Empire
Austrian city laid siege to by the Ottoman Turks in the 1690s
Austrian ruling dynasty
Prussian ruling dynasty
Russian ruling dynasty
Charles VI’s attempt to guarantee that his daughter could inherit Habsburg lands without a challenge and KEEP THESE THREE TERRITORIES INTACT
Pragmatic Sanction
this nation consistently resisted Habsburg rule and won privileges in return for accepting Habsburgs
first Hohenzollern to build Prussia into a great power
Frederick William the Great Elector
Prussian nobility and land-owning class
Prussian “Soldier King”; created militaristic society and strong, centralized bureaucracy
Frederick William I
first great Russian state-builder; tsar of Muscovy
Ivan the Terrible
Russian nobility and land-owning class
Russian ruler; from Latin “caesar”
period of Russian unrest following Ivan the Terrible’s death
Time of Troubles
peasants who fled east out of the tsar’s reach during period of Russian state-building
greatest of the Russian state-builders; utilized western technology and built a city that was called the “window to the west”
Peter the Great
war between Russia and Sweden; resulted in Russia gaining Estonia and Latvia
Great Northern War (1700-1721)
emotional form of art and architecture that dominated the 1600s
palace of Louis XIV; influenced other palaces in 1600s and 1700s
palace of Habsburgs; modeled on Versailles; located in Vienna
built starting in 1702; began as military fortress; became Russia’s “window to the west”
St Petersburg
Baroque Russian palace built by Russian Empress Elizabeth
Winter Palace