Unit 3 Flashcards
Church beliefs, much of which may include dogma
the state of being unmarried; implies chastity
the lack of sexual behavior
holding more than one Church office at one time
clerical pluralism
Church office
Dutch reformers who sought to live simply, aid the poor, and use Christ as their model
Brethren of the Common Life
universal; including and pertaining to all believers
German Catholic monk who sparked Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Catholic idea that penance and good deeds could gain you salvation
justification by works
state of being saved from sin and its consequences (eternal damnation, Hell)
Lutheran idea that salvation comes through simple faith in Christ
justification by faith
written by Martin Luther, outlined idea of justification by faith
On Christian Liberty
literally, a portion of the Church’s treasury of merit that one bought for remission of sins
published by Martin Luther in 1517; challenged indulgences, papal power, and papal wealth
Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences
self-punishment as a means to obtain forgiveness of sins
communion; refers to Christian sacrament of taking the body and blood of Christ as per his instructions at the Last Supper
Lutheran idea that the “Church” was the entire community of Christian believers
priesthood of all believers
Catholic belief that bread and wine actually become body and blood of Christ during communion
Lutheran idea that Christ is present at communion spiritually but the bread and wine are NOT actually His body and blood
written by Martin Luther; said liberty meant freedom from the Catholic Church in Rome, NOT freedom from legally established SECULAR powers (your prince)
Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of the Peasants (1525)
German prince that protected Martin Luther once he was deemed a heretic
Frederick the Wise of Saxony
said religion in the German lands would be determined by each individual ruling prince; you had to follow the religion of your prince
Peace of Augsburg
written by John Calvin; outlined Calvinist thought and doctrine
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Calvinist idea that God, at the beginning of time, decided who would be saved and who would be damned
Protestant group that believed only adults could make a free choice about religious faith
Church of England; created by Henry VIII
Anglican Church
cancellation of marriage; as if the marriage never took place; used by Catholic Church, where divorces are against Church doctrine
established Presbyterian Church in Scotland modeled on Calvin’s Reformed Church
John Knox
Catholic response to Protestant Reformation; addressed numerous abuses within Church while reaffirming much Catholic doctrine
Council of Trent
female Catholic order of Counter-Reformation; focused on educating women
Ursuline Order of Nuns
male Catholic order of Counter-Reformation; spread faith to Americas and Asia, established Catholic schools
Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
founder of Jesuits
Ignatius Loyola
list of readings the Catholic Church deemed heretical and against the faith
Index of Prohibited Books