Unit 2 Flashcards
an intellectual and cultural “re-birth” from 1350-1600
The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects; Saw his era as directly related to ancient Greece and Rome, NOT to “Dark Ages”
Georgio Vasari
Renaissance intellectual that created term “Dark Ages”
combo of free men seeking independence from local nobles (who owned land) AND nobles who moved to city for $$$$
Urban nobility
middle-level merchants/businessmen in Renaissance cities who couldn’t vote and were heavily taxed
most famous revolt of popolo in Florence in 1378
Ciompi Revolt
despots, or one-man rule
mercenaries in Renaissance Italian cities
rule by a few people or small group
most senior elected official in Venice
ruling family of Florence
Stressed personality, uniqueness, genius, full development of one’s talents, quest for glory
Renaissance individualism
studied classics to understand human nature and uniqueness of humans
Renaissance humanism
dominant ideals shifted toward “here and now” (often acquisition of material things)
Renaissance secularism
term to describe Renaissance from 1500-1527; dominated by Rome
“High Renaissance”
era of Renaissance dominated by Mannersim
“Late Renaissance”
Artistic style of distorted figures, confusing themes
Pico della Mirandola; man is special because God made him in His image
On the Dignity of Man
Castiglione; Ideal man is multi-lingual, educated in humanities, skilled in arts (a “Renaissance man”)
The Courtier
Lorenzo Valla; used textual criticism to show Roman emperor did NOT turn western Roman empire over to pope in 4th century
Donation of Constantine
Christine de Pisan; Women should be given humanist education as well
The City of Ladies
Lorenzo Valla; sensual pleasure highest good
On Pleasure
Machiavelli; How a ruler should gain, maintain, and increase POWER
The Prince
Use of contrasts between light and dark to create three dimensional figures
All elements in painting converge on single point in distance to create depth and realism
Single point perspective
Leonardo da Vinci
The Last Supper
each letter was carved and re-arranged; perfected by Johann Gutenberg, Johann Fust, Peter Schoeffer
Movable type
Erasmus of Rotterdam; Criticized Church, said it had moved away from its original ideas
In Praise of Folly
Thomas More; Described perfect world where everyone was educated in classics and property did not exist; said key to reform was to reform things (property) that made people bad
Alberti; woman’s job was to stay at home, serving of meals, education of children, supervising servants
On the Family