Unit 2 - Idioms Flashcards
If success …………… , it makes you think that you are better or more important than you really are.
თავში ავარდნა
Да, вы проделали хорошую работу над этим проектом, но не …………….
Go to your head
Yeah, you did a good job on that project, but don’t let it go to your head.
- Be able to think quickly and make sensible decisions
- To stay calm and rational, especially in times of stress.
სწორი გადაწყვეტილებების მიღება , სიმშვიდის შენარჩუნება
Альпинизм опасен, поэтому вы должны быть осторожны.
Have your wits about you
Mountaineering is dangerous, so you need to keep your wits about you.
Not knowing very much about something, because other people are keeping it secret from you
როცა გიმალავენ რაღაცას და არ იცი
Президента держали в неведении о ситуации
In the dark (about)
The president was kept in the dark about the situation
Know the important facts about a situation
იცოდე მნიშვნელოვანი ინფო
поверь мне, когда я скажу, что знаю, что здесь происходит.
Know what’s what
trust me when I say that I know what’s what around here.
Not have any way of proving that you are right about something
არგუმენტის არ ქონა
Честно говоря, вы совершенно не правы, и у вас არგუმენტი
Not have a leg to stand on
Frankly, you are completely wrong and you have not got a leg to stand on
Used for saying that someone cannot understand what is important in a situation because they are thinking too much about small details
დეტალებზე ჩაციკვლა და მთავარის გამაზვა
То, как он одержим одной дверной ручкой, когда мы ремонтируем весь дом, заставляет меня думать, что он ……
Not see the wood for the trees
The way he’s obsessing over one doorknob when we’re renovating the entire house makes me think that he can’t see the wood for the trees.
Guess what is happening or what something means based on what you have seen or heard
მიხვდე რა ხდება
Я думаю, что ……….. и понял, что Джон все это время крал у него.
Put two and two together
I think he put two and two together and realized that John had been stealing from him this whole time.
Taking a very short/long time to understand or realise something
სწრაფად / ნელა ხვდებოდე რაღაცეებს
Она довольно быстро справляется, поэтому я уверена, что она выяснит, в каких направлениях вы ее оставили.
Quick / slow on the uptake
She’s pretty quick on the uptake, so I’m sure she’ll figure out the directions you left her.
Something that ……… sounds familiar to you, although you cannot remember the exact details
გეცნობოდეს რაღაც, მაგრამ ვერ იხსენებდე
Ваше описание ….. , но я не думаю, что когда-либо был там сам.
Ring a bell
Your description rings a bell, but I don’t think I’ve ever been there myself.
Сегодня холодно, а ты не будешь носить пальто? Вы Crazy ?
Round the bend
It’s freezing today, and you’re not going to wear a coat? Have you gone around the bend?
Argue or worry about very small details or differences that are not important
უმნიშვნელო დეტალებზე ჩაციკვლა
Я действительно думаю, что это была ваша ответственность, а не Дэйв, но давайте не будем расстраиваться из-за этого.
Split hairs
I actually think it was your responsibility, not Dave’s, but let’s not split hairs about it.
Spend some time thinking about the situation you are in before you decide what to do next
ფიქრი, რა გააკეთო
Хорошо останавливаться время от времени и подводить итоги того, куда движется ваша жизнь.
Take stock (of)
It’s good to stop every now and then and take stock of where your life is going.
something you say that means a person’s character, especially if it is bad, will not change, even if they pretend that it will
A leopard can’t/doesn’t change its spots
The machines and pieces of equipment in your house that make life easy and comfortable
1. все удобства
В собственности есть все современные удобства
All mod cons
(All modern conveniences)
The property has all mod cons
Change a situation by doing something that is very different from what most people usually do or have done in past
Их подход к обучению спорту сломал почву.
Break the mould
Their approach to sports teaching broke the mould.