Learning Flashcards
4) спешно готовиться к экзамену, зубрить
study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination.
— Хотя в эти дни занятий нет, студенты усиленно зубрят, готовятся к
контрольным, которые будут на следующей неделе.
— зубрить перед экзаменом
To Cram
Although there are no lessons this week, the students are all cramming for next week’s tests.
to cram for an exam
- обучение
- teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups.
- a sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university.
— бесплатное обучение
— обучение чему-л.
— пройти дополнительный курс обучения
free tuition
tuition in
to receive extra tuition
добросовестный, сознательный
taking care to do things carefully and correctly
— сознательное отношение
— добросовестный работник
— добросовестно относиться к чему-л.
conscientious attitude
a conscientious worker
to be conscientious about
the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc.
A Curriculum
the school curriculum
(British English) Spanish is on the curriculum.
noun phr,
a system of education in which people study at home with the help of special Internet sites and television and radio programmes, and send or email work to their teachers
A distance learning
a distance learning programme/package
a person who has a university degree
A graduate
a graduate of Yale/a Yale graduate
- ) невежественный, необразованный, безграмотный
2) несведущий, незнающий
— Я не знал причины.
— не знающий фактов
— Я несведущ в этой области
I was ignorant of the cause.
ignorant of the facts
I am ignorant in this field.
невнимательный, небрежный, нерадивый, халатный
not paying attention to something/somebody
— Он невнимателен в работе
He is inattentive in his work.
well educated and enjoying activities in which you have to think seriously about things
[usually before noun] connected with or using a person’s ability to think in a logical way and understand things
— умственные способности
— мыслящие люди
— интеллектуальная книга/пьеса
— интеллектуальные темы
intellectual facilities
intellectual people
an intellectual book/play
intellectual topics
good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability
a highly intelligent child
to ask an intelligent question
1) интенсивный, напряжённый
involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time
— интенсивный курс
— экологические последствия интенсивного сельскохозяйственного производства
an intensive course
the ecological effects of intensive agricultural production
хорошо осведомленный
… (about something) knowing a lot
— хорошо знать что-л./разбираться в чём-л.
— Как вы думаете, вы более осведомлены о жизни, чем ваши родители были в вашем возрасте? …
to be knowledgeable about
Do you think you are more knowledgeable about life than your parents were at your age?…
Verb, Noun
a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course
A lecture, To lecture
to deliver/give a lecture to first-year students
to attend a series of lectures on Jane Austen
a lecture room/hall
пробный экзамен
A mock exam
to copy another person’s ideas, words or work and pretend that they are your own
To plagiarise
He was accused of plagiarising his colleague’s results
designed to help students to learn about something without a teacher to help them
a class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic
A seminar
Teaching is by lectures and seminars.
a graduate seminar
a seminar room
Noun phr
особые потребности
(in the context of children at school) particular educational requirements resulting from learning difficulties, physical disability, or emotional and behavioral difficulties.
Special Needs
Bonnah involved the relocation of a student with special needs from the traditional school system to one better equipped to deal with his needs.
a period of teaching in a university that involves discussion between an individual student or a small group of students and a tutor
a short book or computer program that gives information on a particular subject or explains how something is done
A Tutorial
The total number of hours spent in lectures, tutorials and practicals varies according to the course of study.
An online tutorial is provided.