unit 12 (urinary) - medical vocabulary Flashcards
a drug that fights or prevents bacterial infections
the absence of urine production
the removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination
Bowman’s capsule
a membrane that surrounds the glomerulus of each nephron inside the kidney
BUN (blood urea nitrogen)/creatinine ratio
a test that measures the levels of urea and creatinine in the blood
case management nurse (CMN)
a registered nurse (RN) who can work in a variety of settings and makes sure that a patient receives the most efficient and effective care for his or her particular condition
computed tomography (CT)
a process in which radiographic images of a specific section of the body are taken from multiple angles and then analyzed by a computer to identify injury or disease; also known as computerized tomography
creatinine clearance
a urine test that estimates glomerular filtration rate (GFR), providing a measurement of how well the glomeruli (filtering units) of the kidney are functioning
inflammation of the bladder
herniation of the bladder through the vaginal wall in females
calculi of the urinary bladder; bladder stones
a visual examination of the urinary bladder using a cystoscope
a condition characterized by excessive amounts of urine
diabetes insipidus (DI)
a condition characterized by polydipsia and polyuria; caused by inadequate secretion of, or resistance of the kidney to, the action of ADH
diabetes mellitus (DM)
a condition characterized by improper secretion or utilization of insulin; characterized by glycosuria, hyperglycemia, polydipsia, and polyuria
an artificial method by which waste materials are removed from the blood after kidney failure
dialysis technician
a healthcare worker who operates machines that remove metabolic waste products and excess fluids from the blood of patients whose kidneys are not functioning properly
an abnormal increase in production of urine
dipstick urinalysis
a type of urinalysis that is used to screen for chemical changes
a drug that increases urine output
difficult or painful urination
the involuntary discharge of urine
excisional biopsy
surgical removal of an entire lesion or tumor
a substance made up of water, sugar, salts, urea, smaller amino acids, and other wastes
the process during which the kidneys separate metabolic waste products from the blood
inflammation of the glomeruli in the kidney
a cluster of capillaries in the shape of a tiny knot or ball
a condition in which carbs or sugar are excreted in the urine
a condition in which blood or blood cells are excreted in the urine
a type of dialysis in which a machine receives waste-filled blood from the patient’s bloodstream, filters the blood, and then returns the cleansed blood to the patient’s body; sometimes called an artificial kidney
a depression in the kidney that serves as a passageway for blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves
incisional biopsy
incision into body tissue for removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination
interstitial cystitis
chronic inflammation of the bladder wall
intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
X-ray examination of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder using a contrast agent
kidney transplant
a surgical procedure in which a kidney is removed from a live or deceased donor and implanted into a patient with renal failure
two bean-shaped organs that perform the crucial tasks of filtering metabolic waste products, ions, and excess water from the blood and forming urine
kidneys, ureters, and bladder (KUB) X-ray
an X-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder
laboratory (lab) tests
examination of body fluids or tissues taken from the patient to aid in diagnosing health problems