unit 1 (the basics and the body) - medical vocabulary Flashcards
shortened form of medical term or phrase
abdominal cavity
portion of the ventral cavity that protects the stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, and parts of the large intestine
chemical substances that taste sour and neutralize bases
abbreviation that is formed from the initial letters of words and is pronounced as a word
characterized by rapid onset, severe symptoms, and short duration
anatomical planes
imaginary, flat sections that are visualized on various parts of the body; are used as reference points for describing anatomical location, position, and directional movement
anatomical position
a body position in which a person stands upright with the head and feet facing forward, the arms at the sides, and the palms of the hands facing forward
the study of the structures of the body
a negative-charged ion that conducts electrical currents to create a base
an anatomical term of location that describes the “head end” of the front of the body
use of a stethoscope to listen to sounds within body cavities
a classification of disease in which the immune system reacts to its own healthy tissue in the same way it reacts to foreign antigens
chemical substances that react with acids to form salts
nonrecurring or nonmalignant; a term for cancers in which the patient has a good chance of survival
body cavity
a space within the body that contains and protects internal organs and other body structures
body system
a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function
cardiac muscle
muscle tissue that is found only in the heart and that is responsible for the heart’s pumping action
cardiovascular system
the body system that pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body, carries carbon dioxide to the lungs, and carries other chemical waste products to the kidneys and lungs
a positive-charged ion that conducts electrical currents to create an acid
related to or near the tail or inferior end of the body
the basic structural unit of the body
cell division
the process by which cells reproduce; aids the growth and development of cells and replaces old, dead, or damaged cells
cell division
the process by which cells reproduce; aids the growth and development of cells and replaces old, dead, or damaged cells
cell membrane
plasma membrane, semipermeable membrane that separates the cell from its external environment
related to the cranium or near the head
a rod-shaped structure in the nucleus of the cell that contains genes
an illness or injury characterized by long duration and slow progression
combining form
a root word + a combining vowel
combining vowel
the vowel attached to the end of a root word
a short-term health problem
condition that is present at birth that may be the result of either genetic or environmental factors
connective tissue
body tissue that supports and connects organs and other body tissues
a period of gradual recovery after illness or injury
cranial cavity
the portion of the dorsal cavity that is located within the skull; protects the brain
the study of the formation, structure, and function of cells
gel-like material between cell nucleus and cell membrane that contains the organelles needed for cell function
having a weakening or fatiguing effect
the identification of a health condition
diagnostic testing
use of lab tests, X-rays, and other tests or procedures to help diagnose a condition or disease
a large muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity; used in breathing
digestive system
the body system that is responsible for the ingestion, breakdown, and absorption of nutrients into the body; also responsible for the removal of solid waste products
a long-term health problem
located away from a point of origin
back of the body
dorsal cavity
protects the organs and tissues within the backside of the body
compounds made up of ions, which conduct electrical currents in the cell cytoplasm
a disease that is ongoing and restricted to a certain population, group, or area of land
endocrine system
the body system that produces hormones and regulates some body functions
originating within the body
a sudden, widespread outbreak of a disease within a population, group, or area of land
epigastric region
the abdominal region above the stomach
epithelial cells
flat, square cells that cover the skin and also line the digestive tract and other hollow organs
epithelial tissue
body tissue that forms the skin covering the surface of the body, lines the internal organs, and makes up certain glands
the normal standing body position
the study of the causes of the pathological conditions
originating outside the body
fat cells
cells that contain large, empty spaces for fat storage in the body
fowler’s position
a semi-sitting body position
frontal plane
the vertical plane that divides the body into front and back sections (coronal plane)
parts of a chromosome that contain DNA
inherited or passed on from one’s parents
genetic disorder
a disease or condition caused by a defective gene (hereditary disorder)
genetic disorder
a disease or condition caused by a defective gene (hereditary disorder)
the study of the ways in which genes are transferred from individuals to their offspring and of the role that genes play in the health of the offspring
health information technician
a healthcare worker who organizes and manages health information data by ensuring its accuracy, accessibility, and security in both paper and electronic systems
the study of structure and function of tissues
condition in which the body’s immune system has an exaggerated response to an antigen
hypogastric region
the abdominal region below the umbilical region (pelvic region)
a term for diseases or conditions that arise as a complication of medical or surgical intervention
a term for diseases and conditions that have unknown etiologies
pertaining to a reaction between an antigen and an antibody
capable of causing an infection
closer to the soles of the feet
marked or caused by inflammation (redness, heat, fever, and swelling)
observation of one or more areas of the body
integumentary system
the body system that protects the body by functioning as a physical barrier, regulates temperature and fluid control, produces vitamin D, and provides sensory information
charged particles that conduct electrical currents in the cytoplasm of a cell
a term for conditions or diseases that are caused by a temporary deficiency in blood flow to an organ or tissue
the body position of laying facedown with knees bend while resting on the knees and chest
anatomical term of being farther from the midline, or the body position of lying on the right or left side
left lower quadrant (LLQ)
abdominal quadrant that contains parts of the small and large intestines; left ovary, left fallopian tube, and left side of uterus in females; the left ureter; the left side of the bladder; left side of the reproductive organs in males
left upper quadrant (LUQ)
abdominal quadrant that contains the liver (left lobe), stomach, spleen, part of pancreas, and parts of the small and large intestines
lymphatic system
the body system that works with the immune system to protect the body from harmful microorganisms and that maintains a proper balance of blood and lymphatic fluid in the body
a term for cancers that tend to spread, get progressively worse, and become life threatening
the ways in which a disease prevents or shows itself (clinical presentation)
near midline, or center, of body
medical assistant
a healthcare worker who performs administrative and clinical tasks in a healthcare setting, typically in a physician’s office
medical coder
a healthcare worker who assigns special codes to patient medical records based on the type of evaluation and treatment received by the patient
medical terminology
the language of science and healthcare - used by professionals to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively
the process by which sex cells divide
a term for disorders that interfere with the chemical processes involved in converting food to energy and in sustaining life
midsagittal plane
the vertical plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves
the process by which most body cells divide
muscle cells
long, slender cells found within muscle tissue; contain fibers that allow muscular tissue to contract and relax
muscle tissue
body tissue that specializes in contracting to produce bodily movement
muscular system
the body system that allows voluntary and involuntary body movement and produces body heat through energy generated by muscles
a term describing new, abnormal growth that may or may not be cancerous
nerve cells
long cells with several fibrous extensions by which nerve impulses are carried
nervous system
the body system that transmits messages about sensory stimuli between the brain and other parts of the body
nervous tissue
body tissue that is made up of neurons, which receive and conduct electrochemical impulses between the brain and other parts of the body
an infection acquired in a hospital setting that was not present upon admission
an infection acquired in a hospital setting that was not present upon admission
the controlling structure of the cell that is responsible for the cell’s main function and reproduction
relating to chemical processes in the body that occur after ingesting food
the process of looking at a patient, asking questions, and gathering data
use of the sense of smell to detect abnormalities
a term for diseases or conditions that do not take hold unless the immune system is in a weakened state
a collection of tissues working together to perform a particular function
specialized structures that allow specific functions to occur in cells
a life form made up of interdependent parts, all of which work together to maintain life
application of light or firm pressure on the skin above internal organs or structures to check for abnormalities
a physician who specializes in the study of disease
the study of disease processes that happen inside the body
patient history
the written description of symptoms in a patient’s record
pelvic cavity
the portion of the ventral cavity that protects the urinary bladder, urethra, portions of the large intestine, and the reproductive organs
tapping areas on the surface of the body to produce a vibrating sound
a measurement of how much acid or base is present
physical examination
the process of assessing a patient’s health and signs and symptoms of disease (a physical)
the study of how the structures of the body function
the tail/rear end of the body
a single letter or group of letters attached to the front of a root word (location, time, or number)
a forecast or prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease or condition
the body position of lying flat with the face down
located near a point of origin
the 4 areas of the abdominopelvic cavity, divided by 2 imaginary lines that intersect at the belly button
reproductive systems
the body systems in males and females that allow human beings to produce offspring
respiratory system
the body system that transports life-sustaining oxygen through the body to the organs and tissues of the body, expels carbon dioxide, filters airborne pollutants and microorganisms from the respiratory tract, and regulates the pH levels in the body
right and left hypochondriac regions
upper part of the abdomen on both sides of the epigastric region beneath the cartilage of the lower ribs
right and left iliac regions
the lower part of the abdomen, starting between the iliac crests (inguinal regions)
right and left lumbar regions
abdominal region of the back lateral to the lumbar spine (lower back)
right lower quadrant (RLQ)
the abdominal quadrant that contains parts of the small and large intestines; the right ovary, right fallopian tube, and right side of the uterus in females; the right ureter; right side of the bladder; right side of the reproductive organs in males
right upper quadrant (RUQ)
the abdominal quadrant that contains the liver (right lobe), gallbladder, part of the pancreas, and portions of the small and large intestines
root word
central part of a medical word (body part)
sagittal plane
the vertical plane that divides the body into unequal left and right sections
objective observations used to diagnose diseases
sims’ position
the body position of lying on the side with the hip and knee straight, and the other hip and knee bent or flexed
skeletal muscle
muscle tissue that is attached to bone and works with the skeletal system to generate movement at will (voluntary muscle)
skeletal system
the body system that provides support and shape for the body, protects internal organs and tissues, produces red blood cells, and stores minerals such as calcium
smooth muscle
muscle tissue that is not consciously controlled, but that enables alternating contracting and stretching motions (visceral/involuntary muscle)
spinal cavity
the portion of the dorsal cavity that is located within the spinal column; protects the spinal cord
a single letter or group of letters attached to the end of a root word (condition, disease, diagnostic or surgical treatment, or therapeutic remedy)
located closer to the top of the head
the body position of laying flat with the face up
marks that have specific meanings and are used to save time when recording data
the patient’s awareness of abnormalities and discomfort that indicate disease; based on subjective perceptions
a set of signs or symptoms that occur together as a part of a disease process
a term for diseases for which there are treatments but no cures
thoracic cavity
the portion of the ventral cavity that protects the heart, lungs, esophagus, and major blood vessels of the chest (chest cavity)
a combination of similar cells
transverse plane
the horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower sections
umbilical region
the abdominal region surrounding the belly button, or umbilicus
urinary system
the body system that filters blood to remove waste products and regulates electrolyte and fluid balance in the body
describes the ‘belly” side of the front of the body
ventral cavity
the body cavity that protects the organs and tissues within the front side of the body