Types And Methods Of Practice Flashcards
What is massed practice?
When there is no breaks between trials
Positives of massed practice (3)
- Maximises practice time
- Essential skills are overlearned
- Fitness is developed
Negatives of massed practice (3)
- Not applicable to high intensity skills
- Requires high motivation levels
- No time for guidance / feedback
What is distributed practice?
The inclusion of breaks between trials
Positives of distributed practice (3)
- Time for guidance / feedback
- Can be used for high intensity skills
- Can be used by less motivated performers
Negatives of distributed practice (3)
- Less time efficient
- Breaks may cause distractions
- Not applicable for autonomous learners (want fewer stops)
What is fixed practice?
Practice in a stable / predictable environment in unchanging conditions
Positives of fixed practice (3)
- Useful for closed skills
- Unlikely to confuse
- Focusses on basic techniques
Negatives of fixed practice (3)
- Not applicable to open / complex skills
- No adaptations
- May start to become boring after a while
What is varied practice?
Practice in an unstable / unpredictable environment in changing conditions
Positives of varied practice (3)
- Useful for open / complex skills
- Improves decision making
- Prevents boredom
Negatives of varied practice (3)
- Can be overwhelming
- Not relevant to closed skills
- Core skills need learning first
What is whole practice?
Coaching an entire skill. It is not broken down into subroutines
Positives of whole practice (3)
- Time efficient
- High fluency
- Performers gain a kinaesthetic sense of skill
Negatives of whole practice (3)
- Information overload
- Physically fatiguing
- Weaker elements not practiced
What is part practice?
A skill that is broken down into subroutines that are then practiced separately
Positives of part practice (3)
- Useful for complex skills
- Useful for low organisation skills
- Allows performer to fine tune / refine technique
Negatives of part practice (3)
- No kinaesthetic sense of skill
- Time consuming
- Performer may lack understanding
What is whole-part-whole practice?
A skill is performed, errors in technique are detected and refined, then the skill is performed as a whole again to see if errors have been corrected
Positives of whole-part-whole practice (3)
- Allows for error detection
- Helpful for autonomous learners
- Detailed understanding of skill
Negatives of whole-part-whole practice (3)
- Time consuming
- Not applicable to beginners
- Not applicable to groups
What is progressive-part practice?
Part of skill is isolated and practiced. The next part is then isolated and practiced. The first and second are then practiced together (chaining)
Positives of progressive-part practice (3)
- Useful for serial skills
- Builds relationships between elements
- Used for routines
Negatives of progressive-part practice (3)
- Time consuming
- No overall kinaesthetic sense
- Not useful for discrete skills