Memory Hooks Flashcards
Whole practice
- Organisation = High
- Fluency (high)
- Ability (high/experts)
- Realistic (realistic to actual)
- Time (quick)
Part practice
- Organisation = Low
- Fluency (low)
- Ability (low/beginners)
- Realistic (not)
- Time (consuming)
Attribution - Analysing effectiveness of attribution theory
SPELL it out
S - Stable or Unstable?
T - Positive attribution?
E - External or Internal?
L - Luck?
L - Learned or Mastery?
Attribution - How to motivate using attribution
T - Talent/fitness
I - Internal
T - Train hard
E - Effort
Massed practice
+ Motor programme grooving
+ Ability level high
+ Simple skills
+ Discrete skills
- Dangerous skill
- Demotivating
Varied practice
V - …
A - Ability high
R - Replicates game situation
I - Information processing
E - Environmental skills (open/externally paced)
S - Schema is developed
Positive Transfer
SWEEP the transfer across
Similar Skill - Must be used when attempting positive transfer E.g. javelin + over arm throw
Well Learned First Skill - Is essential before achieving positive transfer E.g. over arm throw must be effective before transferring it to javelin
Emphasis - Must be placed on similarities between skills E.g. hip twist for throw + javelin
Elements - Of practice identical to elements of game E.g. passing practice 4v4 replicates passing in game
Positive Reinforcement - Praise when positive transfer takes place as it strengthens S-R bond between two skills
Operant conditioning
Operant CONditioning
CON = CONsequences
Strengthening S-R bond by:
1) Positive reinforcement - Praise
2) Negative reinforcement - Avoid
3) Punishment - Forfeit
Methods used include:
TE = Trial and Error
SC = Structure the conditions
BS = Behaviour shaping
Cognitive theory of learning
COG = Problem = Problem Solving
Problem = Ice cream addiction (MR WIPPI)
W = Whole - The skill should be learnt in its entirety
I = Intervening Variables - The mental process involved in decision making
P = Past Experience - What stored motor programmes are there which support
P = Perception - How to overcome / thinking
I = Insight - Solve the challenge / develop an understanding
Stages of Learning
Stages become phases
- Fluency
- Feedback
- Additional Information
- Sporting Example
Cognitive = Low
Associative = Improved
Autonomous = High
Cognitive = Extrinsic (coach)
Associative = Still extrinsic / some intrinsic
Autonomous = Intrinsic
Additional Information:
Cognitive: Trial and error - mental picture
Associative: Developing kinesthesis
Autonomous: Habitual - No conscious thought
Sporting Example (Basketball):
Cognitive - Learning to dribble with both hands
Associative - Dribbling with strong hand, keeping ball at waist height and head up
Autonomous - Dribbling whilst focusing on strategies e.g. where and when to pass
Type A / Type B personality
Type A = AAA
- Anxiety (high)
- Arousal (high)
- Aggression (high)
Origins of attitude
S = Social groups
P = Parents / past experiences
E = Education
R = Religion
M = Media
Zone of optimal functioning
P = Peak flow
A = Autonomous
A = Automatic
A = Attention style
C = Confidence
Social Facilitation
Positive PAT is watching
Personality is extrovert
Ability is high because the player has well learned motor programmes
Task Type is gross and simple because it uses large muscle movements and has low perceptual load
Social Inhibition
Negative PAT is watching
Personality is introvert
Ability is low because of a poorly learnt motor programme
Task Type is fine and complex because it involves high levels of intricacy and high perceptual load
Enhancement of positive transfer
- Teach similar skills together
- Ensure previous skill overlearned
- And point out similarities
- Mastery model
- Positive reinforcement
- Ensure fundamentals taught first
- Progressive practices
Changing attitudes -> Persuasive communication
Who persuades
What do they communicate
Who receives the info
Changing attitudes -> Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive -> changing the beliefs
Affect -> changing the emotions
Behaviour -> change the behaviour
Zone of optimal functioning
Peak flow
Attention style
Goal setting -> effectiveness
C = Confidence -> short term goals can help raise both self and sport confidence
A/A = Anxiety / Arousal -> controlled using short term / process and performance goals
A = Attentional -> only focus on parts of performance that are relevant to your goals
M = Monitor performance -> helps a performer focus
P = Persistence -> if achieved, it is very effective