Classification Of Skills Flashcards
Which 3 skills are on the continuity continuum?
1) Continuous skills
2) Serial skills
3) Discrete skills
What is a continuous skill? Give an example
Skills with no clear beginning or end
E.g. = Cycling
What is a serial skill? Give an example
These skills have several discrete elements that are then performed in a pattern or sequence of movements
E.g. = Triple jump (Hop, skip, jump)
What is a discrete skill? Give an example
Skill with a clear beginning and end
E.g. = Penalty kick in football
Which 2 skills are on the muscular involvement continuum?
1) Fine skills
2) Gross skills
What is a fine skill? Give an example
A skill that involves inticrate movements using small muscle groups. The movement is precise and requires high levels of hand-eye coordination and control
E.g. = A snooker shot
What is a gross skill? Give an example
A skill that involves large muscle movements. They are not very precise and require more movement to produce high levels of power
E.g. = Long jump
Which 2 skills are on the environmental influence continuum?
1) Open skills
2) Closed skills
What is an open skill? Give an example
Skills that are affected by the environment. Involve a lot of decision making as movements have to be adapted to the changing environment
E.g. = A midfielder in a football match
What is a closed skill? Give an example
Skills that are not affected by the environment. They are determined by the performer in a set routine and unchanging environment
E.g. = Tennis serve
Which 2 skills are on the pacing continuum?
1) Externally paced skills
2) Self paced skills
What is an externally paced skill? Give an example
The speed at which the skill is performed is controlled by the environment (E.g. an opponent). Is usually an open skill
E.g. = Dribbling in football
What is a self paced skill? Give an example
The speed at which the skill is performed is controlled by the performer. Is usually a closed skill
E.g. = A shot off the tee in golf
Which 2 skills are on the organisation continuum?
1) High organisation
2) Low organisation
What is a high organisation skill? Give an example
A skill where the sub-routines are closely linked and difficult to separate
E.g. = Cartwheel