Turtle Top Flashcards


Back Take from front head lock - leg spear


From front head lock top. With head and arm trapped and gable grip control…

Pass your arm around their neck to the near side of the head. Reach across under their chin and grab theirfar tricep for the cross face…

Then bring your other arm over their back and pass it between their inner thigh and their hips. As you do this pivot around so that your knee is parallel to theirs…

Sit back and use the hand under their far leg to pull them into your back control…

Thread your leg into the space where your hand was as you come around to take the back…

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Transition to back or side control


From front headlock top…

You have a grip on their chin and on their tricep/ elbow. Your weight is on you shoulder and between their shoulder blades. You are walking around towards your grip on their arm and they are following you to prevent you from just taking their back…

Punch through to side control
If they do not over commit while following you around…
Square up and switch your elbow grip to an under hook…
Keep your chin control and make them look towards your under hook as you punch towards their far hip or shoulder to twist them and flip them into side control…

Knee block to back take
Another alternative is to get one of your knees behind the tricep of the arm you have the elbow grip on…
if its the same side knee…plant it in their arm pit and back step…grabbing their far hip as you do so…
take back the and harness grip…
If its your cross side knee behind the tricep just step around normally, stabilize and harness grip…

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Back Take with leg pull


From sprawl position top…

Bring your forearm over their neck and pass your hand under their arm on the inside, grabbing their tricep…

Pass your other arm around to their far hip or grab their far ankle and pass around perpendicular to them. Get your knee between their arm and thigh…
Get a harness grip and bump them forward with your rear knee. Put your foot between their feet (they cant roll to the knee bar if you have the harness grip)…

Use your rear your foot between their legs to pull their near foot outwards in a circle towards you. This will collapse their hip and cause them to collapse farther forward…

As they come forward use your harness grip to pull them towards you as you slide your knee under their near collapsing hip and around their leg to get a hook. Figure 4 with your other foot behind their thigh so that you control their one leg…

Your harness grip under their opposite arm combined with the figure 4 will keep them from turning in either direction. If you can feed the latch on the figure for under the calfof the leg you are holding…

You should now be on your side with a harness grip and their the bottom leg figure 4’d and trapped…

Pull them into you using the harness grip so that their top shoulder twists towards you and away from the ground…

Trap their wrist with your under hooking hand and pass your arm across their neck for the RNC…

Finish the RNC by letting go of the wrist and grabbing a gable grip. If necessary get a behind the head choking grip…

If they tuck the chin to defend the RNC…

Keep control of their wrist and put your choking arm’s thumb behind their jaw line and saw across…

If they don’t lift their chin just bring the arm across their chin and grab a gable grip to twist their neck. They should be looking over their shoulder towards you for this move…

The pressure from the neck crank will cause them to lift their chin, when they do slide your arm under and finish the RNC…

For an added twist take the wrist that you’re controlling, bring it behind their back-and pass it behind your head arching your neck to trap the arm…
Get an RNC behind the head grip squeeze and twist to finish…

If you come to the figure for position and they ball up to defend themselves…

Let go of your grips, sit up, turn your hips towards their feet and unhook your figure 4…

Grab their calf that is under your figure 4ing leg and pull it up toward you…

Reconnect your figure 4 and fall to your back, pull down on their toes for the calf cutter…

If you go for the figure for back control set up but they stay very tight in a turtle position …

Pass your leg all the way around them collapse your knees on their hips and stand over them looking the harness grip…

Once you get the harness grip they will try to roll towards their free side as they do-follow their hip with your knee and spin around to come to me on belly top…

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Turtle Break - Walk Around


From turtle top…

You have a seatbelt grip. Your near knee is mirroring their near knee and your other leg is posted out for base…

Feed your far arm as deep as you can under them so that the eye of your elbow if near their each. Bite down with your arm on their neck and put your top shoulder on top of the opponent s head. Post out with both feet. Maintain your harness grip…

Walk your feet towards their head while maintaining downward pressure with your shoulder. You want to force their head down so that they want to forward roll…

Walk until your parallel to them and then switch your hips so that you’re on your back. Pull them into a forward roll and they will roll over your shoulder and into back control…


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