Trellising, Viticulture And Farming Flashcards
What region in Portugal requires irrigation?
Alentejano IGP requires irrigation because of it’s hot growing season on the arid plains.
What is mildew?
A disease which primarily affects the leaves which become discolored and drop off- reduces photosynthesis.
What is bouilloe bordelaise?
The Bordeaux mixture
What is Odium?
Also known as powdery mildew. It is a fungal growth that attacks young leaves and grapes by forming white spots that spread across the surface of the affected part. The cure is sulphur treatments
What are four elements of climate?
Temperature, rainfall, sunshine and wind.
What is the preferred temperature for grape vines to grow?
50-68 degrees average. Red grapevines prefer 70 degree average in summer and whites 66 degree average. This is between the latitudes of 30-50 degrees.
What is the minimum amount of sunshine required for photosynthesis?
1300 during the growing season.
What are some ways to adjust the microclimate of a vine?
Winter pruning
Leaf removal
Shoot positioning
Trellising systems
Name three other names for bush vines
En Vasso
Name some fungal diseases that affect the vine?
Odium- powdery mildew Downy mildew Eutypa Dieback Esca Black Rot Bunch Rot
How does powdery mildew affect the vine?
Affects all the green parts of the plant, leaves, shoots. Can be controlled by spraying with sulfur.
What is Peronospora?
This is downy mildew. It affects the green parts of the vines causing leafs to fall off, limiting photosynthesis. Spores are on the underside of the leaves. Cure is to use the Bordeaux mixture.
How is Eutypa Dieback spread?
The spores are carried by rain and enter the vine through pruning wounds.
What is Esca and how does it affect the vine?
Also called Black Measles- affects growth, berry development or wood to rot from the inside. Spread by wind or pruning shears.
How does black rot affect a vine and how is it controlled?
Black rot forms on leaves, shoots and berries and is controlled fungicide sprays.
What are two types of bunch rot?
Botrytis is one and grey rot is another.
What are two bacterial diseases that affect the vine?
Pierce’s disease and Crown Gall
What is Pierce’s disease?
Bacteria is transmitted by the glassy-winged sharpshooter.
How does Crown Gall affect the vine?
The vine develops tumors on the trunk. Infected budwood is often the cause.
Leaf roll and fan leaf virus are what type of diseases?
Viral diseases
How is leaf roll virus spread?
Spread through the propagation of infected vines or the mealy bug.
What is fan leaf degeneration?
Soil nematodes feed on infected roots. This deforms shoot growth, causes poor fruit set and berries.
What is the minimum amount of sunshine required for photosynthesis?
1,300 hours per year.
What is the minimum required amount of rainfall or water for a vine in a year?
20-30 inches
What are several ways to adjust the micro climate of a grapevine?
Winter pruning
Leaf removal
Shoot positioning
Trellising systems
What do these three terms relate to?
Barrel making
Chauffage (warming of the wood)
Cintrage (shaping)
Bousinage (toasting)
Viticulture is generally restricted to what latitude bands?
30 and 50 degrees North and South
Who developed the California Heat Summation Index? What is the premise on which this is based?
Winkler: The system is based on the hypothesis and observations that grapevines do not grow if the temperature is below 50 degrees F. Each day during the growing season is assigned growing degree days according to the amount that the day’s average temperature exceeds this threshold: one degree day per degree over 50 degrees F. All the days during the growing season are then added up with the sum of the growing degree days used to determine the region’s classification.
Tendone training is known as what in Portugal and Italy?
Pergola in Italy and Enforcado in Portugal
What are the factors that contribute to physiological ripeness?
Must weight, pH, tannin ripeness, phenolic, seed lignification.
How much rainfall is needed to support viticulture?
20-30 inches annually.
“En Vaso” is a type of what training system and where is it found?
Goblet or head training, found in Spain
What is the Bordeaux mixture?
A spray of copper sulfate, water and lime. It was developed by 1885 to prevent outbreaks of downy mildew.
Define: Pigeage, Remontage, Delestage.
Pigeage: Punching down
Remontage: Pumping over
Delestage: draining tank and refilling it on top of the cap.
What is debourbage?
Settling of the must; beginning of clarification process.
What is “mugron”?
Taking an existing cane and directing it back into the ground to develop roots and propagate.
What is the second wine of La Conseillante?
Duo de Conseillante
Second wine of Chateau Lafleur?
Les Pensees de Lafleur
Second wine of Chateau L’Evangile?
Blazon de L’Evangile
Define the term “recepage”?
Cutting vines down close to the ground. Petrus did this after the 1956 frost.
What is collage?
It is a French term for fining. Egg whites, isoglass and bentonite are three things used for fining.
What are two things that happen to a vine during verasion?
Canes lignify
Sugar moves from leaves to berries to change color
What is a zaranda? What grape would most likely be destemmed and crushed this way?
A Chilean bamboo grate used to de stem pais.
What is cloud seeding?
A type of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the micro physical processes within the cloud. (Dry ice or silver iodide dumped into a cloud to make it rain, also used as hail prevention). Used most commonly in China
How does a hail cannon work?
It is a cone-shaped tower that’s supposed to disrupt the formation of hailstones by creating shockwaves. An explosive charge of acetylene gas and air is fired through this tower which makes a loud boom followed by the reverberating whistling sound of a 200mph shockwave. The thinking is that the shockwave will disrupt the hailstones as they’re formed.
Name three fungal diseases that affect the vine.
Powdery mildew (odium) Downy mildew (peronospora) eutypa Dieback Esca Black Rot Bunch Rot
Name the three main bacterial diseases in grapevines.
Pierce’s disease
Crown Gall
Bacterial Blight (spread by pruning tools and rain)
Where would you find zocos?
Stone walls around the vines in the Canary Islands.
What is “trie de nettoyage?”
This is the removing of clusters with black rot before the Sauternes harvest.
What is botrytis?
A parasitic fungus of the ascomycetes family. Spores are present in vineyards. Fungus consumes the berry and dedicates the fruit. Sugar, glycerol and dextrin increase. Flowering is the most crucial period for generation of botrytis. After the flowers drop off, there are two openings in the green grape to which the stems were attached. Botrytis spores enter here. The spores are dormant at this time. After the grapes stop metabolizing, the spores wake up and start consuming the sugars within the grapes. Spores attack the sugar first and consume 50% of what’s in the grape. Then they attack the acidity.
What is passerillage?
Shriveled grapes but no botrytis.
Pourriplein is what?
Botrytis Spores consumed sugar without increasing concentration of acids and flavors. Grapes can be less sweet than botrytized.
What is “pourriture aigre?”
Botrytis rot that turns the juice into vinegar.