Tradition - the Imamate Flashcards
What was the issue with Muhammad’s successor?
Muhammad never named a successor and was the seal of the prophets, so there was no need to name a successor as prophet. However, the Muslims still needed the leader.
Who do Shi’a Muslims believe to be Muhammad’s designated leader?
His cousin and son in law, Ali
How do Shi’a Muslims believe Muhammad named the next leader?
The tradition claims that Muhammad stopped at an oasis called Ghadir al-Khumm and declared “whoever has me as his patron, has Ali as his patron”
Who became the first Caliph and why?
Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s loyal friend, he came from a tribe which the tribes in Mecca and Medina got on well with. Abu Bakr was a good political decision.
What was the issue with Ali?
The tribes of Mecca and Medina disliked Ali’s tribe (the Hashim)
Which Muslims recognise Abu Bakr as the first Caliph?
Who came after Abu Bakr, and what was he like as a caliph?
Umar, Islam grew and was very successful under his leadership
What did Muhammad request of Ali?
His presence at Muhammad’s death, but this was thwarted by Aisha and other Children of Muhammad.
What did Muhammad and Ali have in common?
Both belonged to the same tribe - the Hashim and therefore Ali should follow as leader.
What do Shi’a Muslims believe about the appointment of Abu Bakr?
Abu Bakr deceitfully was appointed as Caliph whilst Ali washed Muhammad’s dead body.
What did Muhammad pass on to Ali?
Divine light
What do Shi’a Muslims believe about the divine imams?
Semi divine and infallible, performed miracles, could interpret the hidden meanings of the Qur’an. They had miraculous births. Each Imam was a descendant of Muhammad
Name 3 of the Imams.
Ali, Hussan and Hussayn (Muhammad’s grandchildren)
What are Orthodox Shi’a Muslims known as?
The twelver Shi’a
What do Shi’a Muslims believe about the twelfth Imam?
That he never died and went into hiding. He will come again to bring about the end of the world. He will restore justice in the run up to the day of judgement - he will join with Isa to defeat the Anti-Christ.
How many Imams do some other Shi’a Muslims believe in?
Some believe that there were five and others believe that there were seven
What are the views of how one can know what the Imam says? (Descendants)
For some there are descendants of Muhammad who are in touch with the Hidden Imam.
What are the views of how one can know what the Imam says? (ayatollahs)
Other believe that there are well trained religious leaders called Mujtahids and their leaders are called ayatollahs. This hidden Imam chooses one special ayatollah - a Muhaddid each century to revitalise Shi’ism.
What do some Shi’a Muslims believe about how the message can be worked out by the ayatollahs?
Some Shia Muslims believe that the message does not just rely on this one ayatollah but on all the ayatollahs working together to work out the message of the Imams. These ayatollahs are not descendants of Muhammad.
What do Shias believe about the first 3 Caliphs?
That they were traitors to Islam (Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman). They are publicly cursed.
What do Shia Muslims believe about the Qur’an?
Believe it is not eternal. It is a creation of god and religious leaders have to interpret the hidden meanings in the Qur’an. They also believe that Sunni Muslims altered the Qur’an.
What attributes do Shias believe Ali had?
Supernatural powers - he could control the weather, communicate with the dead, lift might stoned that even armies could not move to find water beneath for the army. Supernatural knowledge and supreme understanding of things beyond this world.
Give the quotes which show Ali’s supreme understanding.
“I have never seen such a thing except to have seen God before it.”
“if the veils were to be removed from the mysteries of the world it would not add to my certitude”
“look at what is said and not at who has said it.”
What do Muslims believe about Husayn?
Ali’s son, died as a martyr for the cause of Islam at the Battle of Karbala, remembered on the day of Ashura by Shi’as. Defeat by Yazid, Muawiya’s son. He stood up for what is just - to enjoin good and forbid wrong
Who make up the Ahl al-bayt?
The twelve Imams, Fatima and Muhammad.
What is believed about the Ahl al-bayt?
They have no flaws and full knowledge of the interpretation of the Qur’anic verses.
How do Shi’ite Mutazilites authenticate the Hadiths?
Every report had to be authenticated by reason, so even if the Isnad was reliable the saying might not be.
For Shi’a Muslims, where to the Hadiths come from?
Either from the Prophet Muhammad and then is passed on through the imams after him through the isnad chain of transmission. Or a saying of one of the imams is transmitted through the other imams after him. Or the saying of an imam is transmitted via insad by his followers.