Murad Flashcards
Why did Murad claim there is a case to “revive the spiritual life within Islam”?
Writing at a time when Islam was in crisis regarding extremism and he claims that this type of extremism in Islam is not meeting the contemporary needs of the people. Islam needs to do something about this as a community
What does he call extremism?
Islamic revivalism - reviving the salaafi tradition
For Murad what was the first step to reviving Islam?
Need to see that Islam is in crisis. The whole ummah must carry out a collective self examination.
For Murad, what change does there need to be?
There has to be spiritual change - a transformation of the lower self - one cannot give into desires. Then there should be joy - tawba?
What Qur’anic quote does Murad give? What does it mean?
“No one shall enter the Garden by his works”. This means works are not important it is faith that matters and the extremism of Salaafism does not follow the Middle way of the Prophet - they will not enter the Gardens of Heaven according to the Qur’an.
What does Murad say about the faith of extremists?
The faith (din) is not stable or of sound heart. The emphasis is on following the fiqh rules rather than faith.
Why does Murad think Islam has become lost?
It has downplayed innovative thinking and yet Murad claims this innovative thinking has always been part of the development of it after the Prophet died. It should not be ignored. The extremist groups ignore it.
What is the Middle ground of Islam for Murad?
Muslims should be focused on developing the virtues and nourishing the nafs by following the way of the Sufis. There must be a return to Classical Islam. He terms this a return to activism within.
Why does Murad think extremism has developed?
There is a lot of insecurity of young men in the Islamic world. This is because it is in a period of transition from mud huts to huge glass buildings - cities are being built like never before in Islamic countries and this makes people insecure - they need something to hold onto. This makes them intolerant, narrow minded and exclusivist in their views.
Why does Murad think Salafi movements are unsuccessful?
Because they are not based on true din (faith) or tawba (joy). They do not have sound heart.
What does Murad say about Shaikh Hamdi?
He describes Shaikh Hamdi who having been a radical Islamist became western in his ways and turned his back on Islam. This is because he did not have true faith - his faith was born out of insecurity.
What does Murad say about Shaikh Hamdi?
He describes Shaikh Hamdi who having been a radical Islamist became western in his ways and turned his back on Islam. This is because he did not have true faith - his faith was born out of insecurity.
What does Murad say about following the Sufi way?
It will enable Islam to reform itself and revise itself. He writes that “God will not change the condition of His people until they change the condition of themselves” - it is for individuals to develop true din (faith) and sound heart (Qalb) and in turn this will develop the faith of the whole of the Islamic community. The individual must come to God through sound faith and heart.
Give the Qur’an quote which talks about the Ruh.
“And they ask you about the spirit; say, the spirit is of the command of my Lord and you have been give of knowledge only a little.” The spirit is the ruh which survives death. This is what Muslims should be developing as far as possible but it remains a mystery.
What does the Qur’an say about the ego?
“Slaughter your ego with knives of mujahada”. Mujahada refers to the fight against the daily nafs.
What does the Qur’an say about those who overcome their nafs?
“As for him that fears the standing before his Lord, and forbids his nafs its desires, for him, Heaven shall be his place of resort.” Heaven is the ultimate reward for those who engage in the daily fight against the nafs and develop instead the virtues.
What does Murad say about the stagnation of Islam?
Claims that some Muslim groups do not want any reform - they stick entirely toe the example of the Prophet as they consider it to be perfect and yet Islam is a religion which should develop.
How has Islam developed? For Murad what does developing Islam mean?
Fiqh laws have developed since the time of the Prophet. Developing Islam means looking at the way of the traditional Sufis for Murad and he calls this the “return to activism within”
What does Murad say about the early 4 centuries?
Muslims looked back to the examples of the early ascetics who practices night retreats, fasting frequent prayer etc. The weepers fear of Judgement day.
What does Murad say about third century Sufism?
Muhasaba self examination to detect impurities of intention and riyada - self discipline were encouraged. Humans made up of 4 parts body, mind, spirit and the self - the nafs - the spirit is the ruh which survives death.
What did third century sufis believe about salvation according to Murad?
If the heart is sound and salvation comes about the ruh - spirit is centred on the heart Qalb. When we are born the ruh is pure but it becomes tainted with the world of distractions and covered over with rust i.e. sin and distraction.
How did third century sufis believe the rust is dissolved from the ruh?
When worshipper is focused entirely on God. Keeping rules is one thing but the battle against the nafs is another. Once the nafs are controlled then the heart is clear. We become virtuous.
How does Murad’s teachings link to social liberation?
Returning to traditional Sufism means driving away Salafi extremism. By embarking on a journey of muhasaba ther ewill be less people with an insecure faith (din) who are causing problems with their extreme views and are failing to bring about social liberation and justice.
For Murad what good is to be commanded and wrong to be forbidden?
Good is sound faith, tawba (joy), a fight against the nafs, muhasaba and development of the virtues. Wrong is salaafi extremism - insecure faith, following the works and not faith, giving into the nafs, not encouraging innovative thinking. Being an unbeliever.