Apostasy throughout Islam Flashcards
What does the Qur’an say about forgiving apostates?
“Forgive and overlook”
What did Muhammad allow capital punishment for?
“A married person who commits adultery; a person who murders another; and a person who leaves his religion and abandons the community of Muslims.”
Where were Hanifa’s teachings on apostasy?
Allowing apostates to repent is desirable and not mandatory. If an apostate is killed before asking him to repent, the killer should not be punished.
What did Marghinani teach about apostates?
They must repent at once or suffer
What did Hanbal teach on apostates? Why?
The repentance option as mandatory. “Say to the unbeliever, if they give over their will, forgive them what is past.”
What did Al Shafi teach about apostates?
If an apostate declares the Shahadah twice at his execution but is still executed, his inheritance must go to his heir and the killer must pay blood money to his family and even suffer a punishment.
What exceptions does Al-Shaybani make?
Minors should not be put to death. They should only be imprisoned and kept in prison as an adult.
How does Al-Shafi disagree with Al-Shaybani?
Rejects not giving capital punishment to minors and apostates who were not born as Muslims because Muhammad and Abu Bakr ordered the killing of apostates and, as Islam was new, these people would not have been born as Muslims
Give some examples of vilifiying the prophet?
Muhammad ordered the execution of two singing girls who ridiculed him in their songs.
He approved of a blind man who killed a slave girl who bore him children because she repeatedly vilified Muhammad.
What was the example of Ibn Abi Sarh?
Abandoned Islam and turned to the Quraysh tribe. According to Sarh himself, when he suggested modifications to the revelation of the Qur’an, Muhammad would agree, causing him to lose faith in the Qur’an. Seen as undermining the legitimacy of Muhammad.
What do the law schools teach about vilification?
They all agree that it is a capital punishment offence
They do not agree about the repentance option.
What did Taymiyya teach about vilification?
Sees vilification as aggravated apostasy and believes that, unlike common apostasy, culprits should not be allowed to repent as it would encourage them to carry on with their dreadful activities.
What do Hanbal and Anas teach about vilification?
They are ascribed two different views. One which says that a vilifier is not allowed to repent and should be killed and another which says that repentance can be accepted. The same two views are ascribed to the Shafi’l school
Which countries recognise apostasy as a capital offence?
Afghanistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen and Mauritania
What happened to Salman Rushdie in Iran?
Wrote the Satanic verses and ayatollah Khomeini issued a Fatwa against him. Most Muslims proclaim that these verses came from the devil but Rushdie said that they had come from Gabriel.
What happened to Hossein Soodmand in Iran?
Converted from Islam to Christianity whe he was 13 years old, was executed by hanging in 1990 for apostasy.
What apostasy case took place in Sudan?
1985 - Muhammad Taha was accused of apostasy because he said Muslims should focus on Muhammad’s message in Mecca which was on equality, rather than focusing on his message in Medina. The authorities disliked this because it challenged the assumption that god had overturned earlier Qur’anic verses with the Medina revelation.
What are Afghanistan’s apostasy laws?
Prescribes the death penalty for the crime of apostasy. The apostate can avoid prosecution and/or punishment if he or she confesses of having a mistake of apostasy and rejoins Islam.
What are Egypt’s laws on apostasy?
Egypt’s penal code is silent about any punishemnt for apostasy, however the constitutional enshrinement of sharia, means the death sentence is a possibility for apostasy.
What are apostasy laws in Iran?
Guarantees freedom of thought, conscience and religious belief and practice. But states that no law may be enacted that contradicts the established provisions of Islam.
What are apostasy laws in Pakistan?
As of 2014 there are no laws that criminalizes apostasy. However, apostates can be prosecuted under Pakistan’s blasphemy law, which carries the death penalty.