Greater and Lesser Jihad Flashcards
What does Jihad mean?
To struggle
What does Greater Jihad mean?
To struggle to enjoin good and avoid evil; within oneself.
Who introduced Greater Jihad?
Averroes - spoke of greater jihad of the heart, to struggle against the temptations of the devil.
What is Greater Jihad for Muslims?
The personal, inner, spiritual struggle or effort of every Muslim to follow the teachings of Allah in their own lives e.g. overcoming things such as anger, greed, pride and hatred.
What does Sarwar say?
“A Muslim learns to control his own bad desires and actions”
What is Huquq Allah? Why is it important?
Fulfilling the rights of God e.g. the Five Pillars. Muslims must be aware of it
What else can the struggle of the greater jihad include?
Struggling with the practices of Islam which can be difficult for all Muslims including young Muslims living in non Muslim countries today - drinking, doing drugs etc.
Why do Sufis encourage Greater Jihad?
The Sufis wanted to fight against selfishness. Sufis wanted to develop their inner relationship with God and wanted to develop modesty, compassion and from this freedom. They fight against selfishness, hypocrisy and self pit.
What does the Qur’an say about hypocrisy?
“Why do you say that which you do not? Grievously odious it is in the sight of God that you say that which you do not”
How does Vardy define Lesser Jihad?
Refers to the struggle to remove evil from society.
What are the 3 types of Lesser Jihad?
Social Jihad, Political Jihad and violent lesser Jihad.
What do social and political Jihad invovle?
Involves campaigning by individuals or groups on behalf of others e.g. social Jihad - Amina Wadud - campaigns for women’s rights giving the the right to not have to wear the hijab.
What is violent lesser jihad?
Refers to the struggle in warfare, so a struggle using violence through holy war.
When did the Prophet permit lesser jihad?
Self defence, to protect Muslim from oppression, if their freedom to practise their faith was threatened.
What is social Jihad?
The struggle to remove social evil - can be seen through examples of Muslim Aid to remove the evil of inequality between the rich and the poor
What is political Jihad?
Means to remove an evil authority. - uprising during the Arab Spring of December 2010 saw a wave of civilian protests against corruption and dictatorships in North Africa and Middle East.
Give some examples of violent lesser jihad from the time of the Prophet.
Miraculous victory at Badr and subsequent battles that restore freedom of conscience - the Battle of Badr was regarded as a Just war and fulfilled the conditions required for Jihad.
What are the conditions for a war to be declared as Jihad?
All other ways of trying to settle a dispute have failed. Must be a last resort.
They are not being allowed to practice their religion freely and pray
The community is suffering under a tyrant. It is under attack and needs faith to restore its freedom
It has been declared by a religious leader.
Every effort has been made to protect civilian life and animals
The war is in self defence
They are oppressed.
Give Qur’an 2:190
“Fight in the way of God those who fight you but do not begin hostilities. God does not like the aggressor”
Give Qur’an 22:39
“Permission to fight has been given only to those who are oppressed…who have been driven from their homes for saying God is our Lord”
Give Surah 3:103
“And hold Fast all together by the rope which Allah stretches out. And be not divided among yourselves”
How do social and political jihad lead to justice and liberation?
Justice is brought about through - freeing the poor i.e. Muslim Aid, Zakat, freeing women - Amina Wadud, white Wednesday, Barlas. Setting up the welfare state.
How are social and political jihad driven by individual conscience or communal responsibility?
Sadaqah - just giving is individual. Women’s rights often led by individual conscience e.g. Amina Wadud. Wadud’s work affects women across the whole Islamic community, in this sense it is a community obligation.
How does Lesser violent Jihad lead to justice and liberation?
Justice - removes oppression from dictatorships, from forced religion, from persecution from homes. Liberation from oppression from a dictator, frees people from this. Only justice though if it is for a just cause.
How is Lesser violent Jihad a form of Fard Kifaya?
It is considered a community obligation to fight for lesser violent jihad on behalf of other Muslims in the community.
How does Greater jihad lead to justice and liberation?
If a Muslim develops virtues then this also brings about justice in the community e.g. overcoming greed will lead to social justice for the poor. However, it is an internal struggle and could lead to self-conceit. Also a difficult thing to achieve - you will never get real justice.
How is Greater Jihad a collective obligation?
Yet there is also a collective obligation to discipline the nafs - it makes a community stronger and stops extremist groups developing - these groups are borne out of insecure leaders who do not have sound faith and heart.
What are the issues with lesser Jihad?
Could lead to intolerance
Not everyone can take part in social Jihad
Different countries have different social customs - social jihad
Could misunderstand whether a leader is actually corrupt - political
Could be motivated by the wrong reasons - political