Oneness of God Flashcards
What are the 6 articles of faith?
Belief in Allah, his angels, his holy books, his messengers, in the last Day and life after death
How can the 6 articles of faith be categorised?
Tawhid - the unity of God. Risalah - God’s messengers (includes angels and holy books); akhirah - the last things (life after death and judgement)
What does the name Allah tell Muslims about God?
Allah is the name given to God in Arabic and is only ever used of God. There is no plural for Allah in Arabic. Both of these suggest that there is only one God.
What is the Shahadah - the first pillar of faith?
“There is only one God, Allah and Muhammad is his messenger” The father will recite this into a new-born baby’s ear, and it should be the last words that a dying Muslim speaks.
Give the quote from Surah 112 that shows the oneness of God.
“Say he, Allah, is the one and only, God the Eternal, Absolute. Allah is he on whom all depend. He begets not nor is He begotten. And none is like Him.”
Give the Qur’anic quote which shows Allah as the sole creator.
“[He is] Creator of the heavens and earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”
Give the Qur’anic quote which shows Allah’s omnipotence.
“To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah is the final goal of all”
What does Sherif say about creation?
“Mankind is the noblest object of divine creation…..Allah set up man as his vice regent on earth, to him alone did he teach the names of all things. He created all things for the sake of Man.”
What do Muslims believe about creation?
Allah create out of nothing (ex nihilo). He created everything including the angels, jinns and demons. He created 7 heavens.
Give the quote that shows that there cannot be two equally omnipotent powers.
“Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah, they both (heaven and earth) would have been ruined. So exalted is Allah, Lord of the Throne, above what they describe.”
Give the Qur’anic quote about shirk.
“yet there are men who take for worship others besides Allah as equal…if only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty; that to Allah belongs all power and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty”
What is shirk.
The worst sin a Muslim can commit. This is to compare Allah to other gods or to put anything above Allah in importance e.g. money, other humans, power.
What is the difference between major and minor shirk?
Major shirk is deliberate and minor shirk is unintentional hero worship of a person or material things.
What do Muslims believe about God’s control of the Ends of the World?
Believe that God has the power to bring the world to an end. Has the power to judge humans and decide on where they should go - heaven or hell.
What do Muslims believe about the Angels Raqib and Atid?
Two angels sat on each shoulder who write down the actions of the human during their lifetime. This becomes the book of deeds which is handed to the person on the Day of Judgement. If they receive the book in their right hand they are going to heaven (Jannah). If it is handed to their left hand they are going to hell (Jahannan).
Give the Qur’anic quote about Raqib and Atid.
“Behold two guardian angels appointed to learn his doings, one sitting on the right and one on the left.”
Give the quote that reflects God’s immanence.
“We are nearer to man than his jugular vein.”
What do Muslims believe about God’s immanence?
They believe that God is part of the universe, so science and learning will be a discovery of God.
What does Turner say about Allah’s immanence?
“The Koranic conception of Allah is as a Creator who is never absent from his creation…he is one who manifests Himself constantly through His creation.”
What do Muslims believe about God’s Mercy?
Allah created Adam and put him in charge of the earth (a vice-regent). However, as he is merciful, he sent Prophets to show humans how to be a vice-regent. They also believe that God will be forgiving of Muslims who try their best but commit sins.
Give the quote which shows God’s mercy and compassion.
“With my punishment I visit who I will; but My mercy extends to all things”
What do Muslims believe about human responsibility?
As part of being in the oneness of Allah, Muslims believe in the oneness of creation. As vice-regent, they are responsible for ensuring that this continues. They should also seek oneness of humanity - unity and harmony within humanity
Why do Muslims chant “Allahu Akbar” at the start of Salah?
This means God is the greatest - like Anselm’s definition. He is necessary, omnipotent, omniscient, has a plan, can change what is happening, is infinite.
Give the Qur’anic quote which describes Major Shirk.
“They love them as they should love Allah”
How do Muslims keep Allah central in their thoughts?
They say the Shahadah throughout the day and pray 5 times a day