Teleological argument Flashcards
What does Ahadiyya mean?
How can Ahadiyya be seen when one looks at the human eye
One can see the harmony and interconnections between the different parts. The fact that each human eye has the same purpose points to one God. Also, the similarity between the design of eyes points to one God not many. If there were two equally omnipotent powers, then design would be chaotic because they would be fighting over design.
Give the Qur’anic quote that shows there aren’t multiple Gods.
“If there were other gods in the heavens or in the earth besides Allah, both the heavens and earth would have been in a state of disorder.
What does Turner say about design?
Points out that as every human eye is unique in itself it points to a continuous creation rather than a creation which is set in motion by God and then left to run of its own accord.
What does wahidiyya mean?
Give the quote which reflects unity and explain it.
“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, these are indeed signs for men of understanding” This shows how the different planets work together to form night and day.
Give the Qur’anic quote about the creation of man.
“And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then we placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging.”
What does Razi say about the sperm?
Points out that even if this was the case and the sperm contains the components to produce the different organs, it does not contain within it the ability to ensure that the organs are always in the same place. he says that this requires wisdom which a sperm which is a part of nature simply does not have. It requires an intelligent creator.
Give the creation quote from Surah 2:29.
“It is He who created for you all, all things that are on earth; moreover, His design comprehended the heavens.”
What does Milani say about the watch?
Says that when we look at it, everything is designed towards its purpose to keep you within the time. That it is very precise - can rely upon it for catching the train. If there is design, you must appreciate the designer.
What does Milani say about the painting?
When we look at it, we can conclude that it has a designer even though we have not met the artist. When there is order, somebody has made the order.
How does Hume criticise the idea that design is from the classical theistic God?
Why conclude that design in the universe is from the classical theistic God. Surely it could be the work of several lesser Gods, or an apprentice God who has moved on to create bigger and better worlds.
How do Muslims respond to evil in the world?
The Qur’an says “Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better”. So, without evil, there is no good. Evil allows humans to grow and is a part of God’s plan.
Why does Hume argue that we can’t conclude that there is only one designer?
Humans do not have sufficient knowledge and experience of the creation of the world to conclude that there is only one designer. We only have experience of things we have created and designed. This is too limited to draw similar conclusions about the creation and design of the world.
What is Hume’s Epicurean Hypothesis?
As the universe is eternal, in this unlimited time, it was inevitable that random particles would form a constantly ordered state. If the world is ordered, then this could be due to chance.
What does Hume say about imperfection in the world?
The designer could not be infinite and perfect because of the evidence of flaws in the world e.g. suffering and death.
How does Mill criticise the design argument?
There is too much evil in nature for the designer of this world to be loving e.g. the way that a cat plays with a mouse before it kills it. Nature can be very cruel and so if there is a designer, then the designer must also be cruel.
Give Mill’s quote.
“nearly all the things which men are hanged or imprisoned for doing to one another are nature’s every-day performance”
What does Darwin say about design?
This world looks well designed due to natural selection and survival of the fittest. If a species does not adapt to its environment, then it will die out. Thus, everything will always look well designed.
What does Saleem say about evil?
Saleem says that “evil” is a part of the order e.g. a poisonous animal does not make all food they touch poisonous. It works within its order.
What does Aristotle say about evil?
Evil is not evil in nature - it is just living beings fulfilling their purpose.