Revelations - Prophets, angels, the Qur'an Flashcards
What did God create first?
The Qur’ans says that God created Angels first
Why are Angels important?
They are God’s means of communicating with humans through the prophets.
What are the properties of Angels?
Are without sin. Are male or without gender, Not female. Guard hell and praise God. No free will.
What is the role of Jibrail?
Chief angel and gives God’s messages to the prophets.
What is the role of Mikail?
Guards heaven and keeps the Devil out of heaven.
What is the role of Israfil?
Is responsible for the day of Judgement and will sound the the last Trumpet.
What is the role of Izrail?
Is responsible for taking the last breath of humans when they die.
What is the role of Iblis?
The Devil. Refused to bow to Adam - will be judged on the last day. Turns humans from God.
What did Turner say about Angels?
Mirrors that reflect the divine essence.
Angels are there because humans need them, they show God’s attributes. Explain why matter behaves with purpose.
Describe Muhammad’s childhood before he was six.
Was born in 570 CE. He was born into a prestigious clan called the Hashemite which belonged to a ruling tribe in \mecca called the Quraysh. His father Abd’Allah died when he was born.
What happened when Muhammad was 6?
His mother Amina died
What happened to Muhammad after he was 6?
He was cared for by his grandfather but died two years later. Muhammad was then cared for by his Uncle Abu Talib who was the leader of the Hashemite tribe at that time.
What happened in Muhammad’s early life that foreshadowed him becoming a Prophet?
One story tells of a monk having a vision of a prophet. He looks to the adults to see if any of them have the mark of prophethood on them. Then he looks to Muhammad as a child and found the mark between his shoulder blades.
What were the qualities of Muhammad?
He was a very good business man - made money for Kadijah. Earnt the name of trustworthy one (al-ahim) and honet one. Resolved the Ka’aba dispute. Prayed and contemplated in Mount Hira a lot. Dissatisfied with the behaviour of his tribe - gree of the people. Thought about monotheism. Showed resilience when persecuted in Mecca. Brave - Had to preach montheism which was unpopular. Had to fell to Medina - the Hirja. In medina, he was diplomatic as leader, prayed towards Jerusalem with the \jews. Set up the constitution of Medina - gave rights to the Jews and Christians.
Good business man. Honest. Trustworthy. Diplomatic. Faithfull. Monotheistic. Brave. Resilient. Just.
How do Muslims commemorate Muhammad in the first three pillars?
The Shahadah “there is no God but Allah” ended the worship of many Gods, polytheism. Salah - Revelations in Medina told Muhammad to stop facing Jerusalem and face Mecca when praying, Salah led to the establishment of mosques. Sawm - fasting in Ramadan. However, this month always had been sacred in Arabia.
How do Muslims commemorate Muhammad in the final 2 pillars?
Zakah - duty tax to the poor. Muhammad was ending the greed of the merchant. However, his own clan, the Hashim had already started to give to the poor. Hajj - Muhammad Islamised this by focusing it on one God and brotherhood of Islam.
How else has Muhammad influenced the beliefs and practices of Islam?
The Holy book - Arabs now have a guide for beliefs and way of life.The commandments of the Qur’an were put in place e.g. stop drinking, gambling, chargin interest, eating pork. the status of women was raised.
What is the difference between a Nabi and a Rasul?
A Nabi is a prophet and a Rasul is a messenger who delivers the law/scriputre
Why do humans need Prophets?
Need prophets to tell them what God is like, what the purpose of creation is and how they should behave. God cannot talk to humans directly - finite cannot meet the infinte.
How do views vary over the sinlessness of the prophets?
Some say they are sinless, some say they must have the capacity to sin, to be human and be free, indeed they did seem to sin (Moses killed a man out of anger)
How many prophets are named in the Qur’an and how many in a hadith?
25 in the Qur’an. 124000 nabi and 315 Rasul are named in the Hadith.
Why were new prophets needed?
Their messages became distorted
Which 4 Rasuls (excluding Muhammad) also brought scripture?
Isa (Injil), Musa (Torah), David (Psalms) and Ibrahim (scrolls of I brahim).
Why are all Rasuls important
They taught monotheism, showed faith in God, started practices Muslims continue today, showed virtues.
What does the Qur’an say about Ibrahim?
It says he preached montheism after the revelation from God. Told people God was the creator and should be worshipped even though he couldn’t be seen.
What qualities did Ibrahim show and when?
He showed a lot of faith and resilience - he took away the idols from the temple and the people tried to burn him because of this. Qur’an says that God rescued him from the fire. He was also prepared to sacrifice Ishmael for God when God asked him to. God stopped him.
What else happened in Ibrahim’s life?
Migrated with his wife Sarah. Took a mistress Hagar as Sarah could not have children. Hagar had Ishmael but then Sarah had Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael were cast into the desert and Hagar ran between two hills of Safa and Marwa looking for water. God gave them the well of zam Zam - remembered on Hajj
What practices did Ibrahim influence?
Started certain practices e.g. built first Ka’aba with Ishmael his son. Muslims circle this on the Hajj. Threw stones at the devil at Mina - Muslims do this on the Hajj, was prepared to sacrifice his son Ishmael for God - Muslims sacrifice a lamb on the Hajj. Muslims run between the two hills as Hagar did looking for water on the Hajj.
Describe the birth of Musa
Qur’an talks of his miraculous escape as a baby boy from Pharaoh - rescued by Pharaoh’s wife.
When and why did God speak to Moses? And what attributes did Moses show?
God speaks to him through the burning bush and tells him to free the Israelites from Egypt… Delivers 9 plagues to the Pharaoh. Pharaoh persecutes Musa. Shows resilience. God parts the red sea for the Israelites and they are free. 40 nights, God reveals messages to Musa, people to worship one God but they don’t listen. Qur’an elevates Musa and praises him for his commitment
Describe the birth of Jesus.
Born of a virgin. God creates Jesus in Mary. Jibril visists Mary and says Jesus will be a messenger of the Torah and the Gospels. Jesus talks from his cradle and says he will die and rise again and has been given the scripture.
How is Jesus similar and different to his presentation in the Bible?
Emphasis that Jesus is human - eats food, will be tried on the day of judgement. Isa performed miracles.
What do Muslims believe about the death of Jesus?
Some Muslims believe Isa did not die as the Qur’an says “They killed him not”. However this also may be the blissful state Jesus resides in now as an Islamic martyr. Qur’an says Jesus was taken up to heaven. Believe he will come at the day of Judgement and fight the anti Christ - restore peace.
Give the Qur’an quote that describes the death of Jesus?
“We Killed Christ Jesus…. but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them.” Sura 4v157
Why is the Qur’an important?
Foundation of Muslims beliefs and practices - basis of shariah - word of God.
How was the Qur’an revealed?
Revealed to Muhammad on the night of power by Jibril. Asked to recite but could not read. Asked three times. Terrified. This revelations is Muhammad’s only miracle. Ran to Kadijah and she comforted him. Received revelations for 26 years.
What do Muslims believe about the Qur’an based on the Night of Power?
Qur’an must be in original language - Arabic, unlike Bible - distorted by translation. Word of God - Muhammad could not have written it himself, even by just listening to it people believe.
How do Muslims treat the Qur’an?
Qur’an is wrapped up, kept on the highest shelf, put on a stand, Muslims wash before reading it. Comemorated at Lailat al Qadr during Ramadan. Read Qur’an and ask for forgiveness
How has the Qur’an influenced Islam?
The basis of all Muslim beliefs - 6 articles of faith (imam) - Tawhid, angels, holy books, prophets, day of judgement, predestination. Basis of Shariah law.