Tolerance - society Flashcards
What was the constitution of Medina?
Brought in by Muhammad gave rights to non-Muslims
What rights were given under the constitution of Medina?
Non-Muslim members have equal political and cultural rights as Muslims.
Have autonomy and freedom of religion. Non-Muslims will not be obliged to take part in religious wars of the Muslims.
Non-Muslims will take up arms against the enemy of the Ummah and share the cost of war. There is to be no treachery between the two.
What deal did Muhammad make with the Jews?
Allowed them to grow out their side locks and observe the Sabbath, provided they paid a special tax called the jizya.
How did the dhimma contract become less tolerant after Muhammad?
Dhimmis were not allowed to:
- Build a house higher than a Muslims
- Ride a horse
- Hold a position of authority over the affairs of Muslims
- allowed to worship but it must be low profile and not allowed religious symbolism.
What did Ghazali teach about who would go to heaven?
Most non-Muslims will enter heaven. Only those people who had heard may times, understood and felt the reality of the good in it, but then rejected that good, would not enter heaven.
What did al-Biruni say about other cultures?
Thought that all cultures were related to each other as they were made by people. He did not judge others as right or wrong.
What is Diya?
Blood money - the money that somebody must pay a victim’s family for killing their relative
What is Qisas?
Doing to someone what they have done to you - eye for an eye
How does the Qur’an support Qisas?
“we prescribed for the people of Israel an eye for an eye.” suggests it should be applied equally. However “a free man for a free man”, suggests that it should only apply to those equal in status.
What did Muhammad say about Qisas between a believer and unbeliever?
“A believer is not to be killed for the killing of an unbeliever”
What happened with Abu Yusuf?
He ordered qisas against a Muslim who had killed a dhimmi. The family of the Muslim lashed out at Yusuf. Yusuf then asked the family of the murdered dhimmi to show proof that he had been paying the tax that offered dhimmis protection - he hadn’t. So the Muslim payed the family diya instead.
What did Hanafi teach about Qisas?
A dhimmi’s life was equal to that of a Muslims because of the dhimma contract. Only dhimmis are equal not infidels. A Muslim cannot be killed for killing an unbeliever as they are not covered in the dhimma contract.
What did Al-Shafi’ teach on Qisas?
A beliver cannot be killed for killing an unbeliever under any circumstance. If an unbeliever kills a Muslim. they should be killed even if they are a dhimmi as Allah allows the killing of a non believer who has killed a believer.
What did Al-Shafi say about Muhammad’s example of Qisas?
Earlier tradition of Muhammad killing a Muslim for retaliation for his killing is unreliable and not to be trusted.
What were Hanbali’s teachings on Qisas?
Similar to Al-Shafi’I’s and said the dhimmi’s life was not permanently protected and that a Muslim life is superior. If a dhimmi kills a dhimmi then they are liable to qisas.
What did Ibn Hazm teach about Diya?
A Muslim should not have to pay blood money if he kills an infidel.
What do the Malikis and Hanbalis teach about Diya?
Follow the Hadith which says that diya should be payed for killing a Jew or Christian but it should be half of that payed for a Muslim. Less than this for a Zoroastrian and a polytheist. This was because diya for a woman is half because she is “deficient in intelligence and religion” - a polytheist is worth less than a women.
What do the Hanafi’s teach about diya?
Base their teaching on Qur’an 4.92 and so diya for a dhimmi is equal to that of killing a Muslim. Al Sarkhsi supports this because of the dhimma contract.
What does Al-shabi say about the value of dhimmis?
Dhimmis are akin to a Muslim because they are free and human
What did Hanafi’s teach about the value of dhimmis?
Dhimmis had equal status due to the dhimma contract but not because they were human. If they do not pay Jizya then they are not protected.
What do the Malikis teach about the value of dhimmis?
A Muslim may be killed for killing an unbeliever but only if the murder was intentional and in other cases, half the blood money would be given for a Muslim should be given for a slain dhimmi
What did the Hanbali’s teach about the value dhimmis?
Fixed Diya at one half of what a Muslim was worth but full diya was given if the murder was intentional.