Life after death - attributes of God Flashcards
How does Barzakh show a loving God?
To realise that there is continuity between Barzakh and our current lives. A loving God needs to make this realisation clear.
How does Barzakh show a loving God? (Free will)
God has created people with free will to live life ethically ready for the Barzakh period and for the Day of Judgement according to modernists so merciful and loving. Gives them the opportunity to answer the three questions at Barzakh correctly.
How do Heaven and Hell reflect a loving God?
Those believers who do good will go to heaven on the Day of judgement and the disbelievers will go to Hell - this shows a merciful God as they have been shown the way through the message in the Qur’an.
How does the day of judgement show a loving God?
Allah will never punish a person more than exceeds the crime so a just and merciful God.
How does Akhirah show a loving God?
It is there to warn the living - shows God is merciful
How does the word Abad show a loving God?
Abad used in the Qur’an in connection to Hell means a lengthy period of time or eternity. If it means a lengthy period of time then God will not punish finite sins for eternity and that shows He is a merciful and Just God.
How does Barzakh reflect a Just God?
People who do some good and some bad are not let off the hook - this is to warn people who are alive - shows God’s mercy.
How does life show God is Just?
Life is a test and Angels who record the good and bad deeds ready for judgement - God is a just God. Gives people the opportunity to pass the test.
What does life allow people to do?
Gives the people a chance to redeem themselves and to be totally purified which would suggest that God is a just and merciful God. They can try to pass the test that Allah has given them and worship him.
What do the Prophets show?
Allah sent Prophet Muhammad to show the way so there is no excuse to be a disbeliever. God in his mercy tried to help.
How does Barzakh suggest a non loving God?
God does not let those that did some good off the hook. They are still shown the gates of hell. Even pious people can sin and they will not be let off - not very just or merciful.
How does Judgement suggest that God is not loving?
Sunni Muslims believe that our lives are mapped out for us by Allah - predestination. Means Muslims are held to account for their belief and worship on Day of Judgement for something they have no choice over.
What challenge does Hell pose to God’s love?
Because finite sin with infinite punishment is not just. The creation of Hell by Allah could show he is not omnipotent as God knows that people will choose to do the wrong but hasn’t the power to do anything about it. If God is omniscient and knows we will sin but does nothing about this then God is not loving
How could life after death suggest God is not loving?
Muslims perhaps only behave out of fear of punishment. Modernists such as Ervin have claim that we should seek out the nature of sin and be responsible for it in this life - at least people act ethically for a less fearful motive and this could indicate a more loving God who allows people to reflect on their lives.
How does Barzakh suggest God is not Just?
God judges Muslims based on their faith. Their actions should count as well.
How does Heaven suggest an unjust God?
You might think that Heaven should be more about dwelling in union with God, a different type of happiness than a physical happiness. An odd reward from a pure and loving God.
How does Akhirah show Tawhid?
There is a continuum shown between the earthly life and Barzakh. The questions in Barzakh then prepares the way for the day of Judgement so everything is unified by God.
What are the benefits Ibadah?
Worship is to help prepare a Muslim for the afterlife and judgement - the Day of Reckoning. It shows whether they have shown submission to the will of Allah.
What does the Qur’an say about showing God’s nature?
Allah is referred to as ‘Sovereign of the Day of Recompense’
What does Nawfal say about free will?
Claims that we have a unique free will and we are responsible for our ethical behaviour. Which Muslims are judged on in life after death. This shows Allah’s justice.
How does Akhirah show God’s omniscience?
Allah knows the secrets of men’s hearts. Allah is all knowing - 99 names.
Give the quote which shows that life is not meaningless, it is a test?
“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey God and His Messenger.”