Human Destiny - 5 pillars Flashcards
What are the 5 pillars?
Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj
What is the Shahadah?
A declaration of faith - “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messeger”
What is Salah?
Pray facing Mecca five times a day; dawn, noon, afternoon, evening and night
What is zakat?
It is a Muslims duty to give 2.5% of their income to the poor/needy.
What is Sawm?
During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims cannot eat or drink from dawn to dusk
What is Hajj?
If possible, Muslims must go on a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life.
What was the role of the Shahadah?
ended the worship of many gods - polytheism. The Qur’an says “O Messenger, say: ‘He is God, the One…’”
What does the Shahadah show about the worship of God?
One is not simply a Muslim because of a birth right e.g. where one is born geographically. All Muslims must be a Muslim as a result of a conscious choice and recite the Shahadah.
When is the Shahadah carried out?
Recited 5 times a day from the minaret and whispered by the father into the ear of a new born baby and whispered by faithful Muslims as they die. It is recited when a person converts to Islam
What does the Qur’an say about Salah?
“Set up regular prayers; for such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times.”
What does Salah say about Allah?
Indicates that there is One God whom a Muslim must submit to through prayer. God is compassionate and merciful and will listen to the prayers of the faithful.
How is Salah carried out?
Wudu-minor ablution - mouth, nose, hands, forearm, face, head and feet in accordance with the Sunna
Rahkahs - prayer movements during prayer
Friday prayer - Jummah prayer for all adult males
Prayer in the mosque preferable
Du’a prayer - personal prayer
How does the Qur’an support Sawm?
“Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may learn restraint…”
What is important in Ramadan?
Congregational prayer
What is believed to have happened in the second half of Ramadan?
The time when the Qur’an was revealed to prophet Muhammad. Therefore, some retreat for 10 days to meditate, pray and read the Qur’an.
When in the day should Muslims fast and what are they not allowed to do?
Fast until sunset and then stop until sunrise the following morning. Must forego eating, drinking and sexual relations.
What does Sawm tell Muslims about Allah?
God is forgiving and people pray for forgiveness during Ramadan. God is merciful and allows some people not to fast such as the elderly and pregnant women. The 99 names of God are remembered on silent retreat and through reading the Qur’an.
Give the Qur’anic quote that supports Zakah.
“O ye who believe spend out of the bounties provided for you.”
What does Infaq mean?
Spending for the sake of God.
What does Zakah say about God?
Everything comes from God and belongs to God, including money and personal possessions. Wealth and possessions have been bestowed on us as part of the divine trust of earthly possessions. Reflects that God is compassionate and merciful and the loving one.
What are the 3 forms of giving?
Sadaqat, voluntary charitable giving, zakat - 2.5% of one’s net worthy goes to the community treasury and this is incumbent on all Muslim adults.
What does the Qur’an say about Hajj?
“for Hajj are the months well known. If anyone undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity or wickedness nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good ye do be sure God knoweth it.”
What is the importance of the Kaaba?
Has the black stone which was brought there by angel Jibril. Ibrahim was told to raise the foundations of the Kaaba. He was ordered to purify it so he destroyed the idols and the Kaaba was devoted to the worship of One god, which Muhammad restored during his lifetime.
Why do pilgrims wear white?
Symbolise their death shroud. A reminder that God will judge them in the afterlife. God is all knowing and knows their good and bad deeds.
How is Hajj carried out?
Twelfth month of the lunar calendar. Wear Ihram in order to enter haram sacred space. Pilgrims go to Arafat at midday on the ninth day of the twelfth month. Sermon is preached in memory of Muhammad’s farewell sermon and pilgrims pray for forgiveness.