TPO51 Flashcards
🔹(of a time) especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event; auspicious; favourable
🔸he couldn’t have arrived at a less opportune moment
🔹done or occurring at a favourable time; well timed.
🔸the opportune use of humour to lower tension
🔹a wide continuous area of something; area; stretch; tract
🔸the green expanse of the forest
🔹the distance to which something expands or can be expanded.
🔸the moth has a wing expanse of 20 to 24 mm
🔹a channel for conveying water or other fluid.
لوله- مجرا- آبگذر
🔸nearby springs supplied the conduit which ran into the brewery
🔹a person or organization that acts as a channel for the transmission of something.
🔸as an actor you have to be a conduit for other people’s words
🔹a tube or trough for protecting electric wiring.
🔸the gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit
🔹any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.
🔹an important route in a system of roads, rivers, or railway lines.
🔸George Street, main artery of Edinburgh’s Golden Mile
🔹material carried away from a glacier by meltwater and deposited beyond the moraine.
🔸outwash deposit
🔹(in certain Arabic-speaking countries) a valley, ravine, or channel that is dry except in the rainy season.
🔹land used for pasture.
مرتع- چراگاه
🔸its rolling flood plain and adjoining hills offered rich pasturage
🔹the occupation or process of pasturing cattle, sheep, or other grazing animals.
🔸the human species has only engaged in pasturage for 12,000 to 15,000 years
🔹a deposit of clay, silt, and sand left by flowing floodwater in a river valley or delta, typically producing fertile soil.
رسوب- آبرفت
🔹(of land) used or suitable for growing crops.
🔸acres of arable land
🔹(of crops) able to be grown on arable land.
🔸arable crops
قابل کشت- زراعی
🔹form fissures or breaks, especially through large-scale faulting; move apart.
🔸a fragment of continental crust which rifted away from eastern Australia
🔹tear or force (something) apart.
🔸the nascent rifted margins of the Red Sea
شکاف زدن
🔹bend (something flexible and relatively flat) over on itself so that one part of it covers another.
🔸Sam folded up the map
🔹cover or wrap something in (a soft or flexible material).
🔸a bag was folded around the book
🔹hold or clasp (someone) in one’s arms affectionately or passionately.
🔸Bob folded her in his arms
🔹a pen or enclosure in a field where livestock, especially sheep, can be kept.
🔹a group or community, especially when perceived as having shared aims and values.
noun: the fold
🔸government whips tried to persuade the waverers back into the fold
🔹clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent; scrub
🔸she scoured the cooker
🔹remove (dirt or unwanted matter) by scouring.
🔸use an electric toothbrush to scour off plaque
صیقلی کردن- زدودن- تطهیر کردن- زدودن
🔹subject (a place, text, etc.) to a thorough search in order to locate something.
🔸David scoured each newspaper for an article on the murder
🔹move rapidly in a particular direction, especially in search or pursuit of someone or something.
🔸he scoured up the ladder
🔹extreme scarcity of food; deprivation
🔸drought resulted in famine throughout the region
🔹a shortage; scarcity; deficiency
🔸the cotton famine of the 1860s
🔹a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts; desease
🔸the vines suffered blight and disease
🔹a thing that spoils or damages something.
🔸the vacant properties are a blight on the neighbourhood
🔹an ugly, neglected, or rundown condition of an urban area.
🔸the city’s high-rise social housing had become synonymous with urban blight
🔹have a severely detrimental effect on; ruin; wreck; spoil
🔸the scandal blighted the careers of several leading politicians
🔹subject (someone) to military training exercises.
🔸a sergeant was drilling new recruits
🔹instruct (someone) in something by the means of repeated exercises or practice.
🔸I reacted instinctively because I had been drilled to do just that
🔹produce (a hole) in something by or as if by boring with a drill.
🔸drill holes through the tiles for the masonry pins