TPO1 Flashcards
🔹Move continuously and freely through a closed system or area.
(Garden kardan- be gardesh daravardan)
🔸Antibodies circulate in the bloodstream.
🔹Pass from place to place or person to person.
(Montasher kardan)
🔸Rumors of his arrest circulated.
🔹make or allow sth to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid.
(Khisandan- ba maye eshba kardan-ghoote dadan)
🔸soak the beans overnight in water.
🔹Rain, snow, or hail that falls to or condenses on the ground.
🔸these convective processes produce cloud and precipitation.
🔹the fact or quality of acting suddenly and rashly.
🔸they were already regretting their precipitation.
🔹the action or process of precipitating a substance from a solution
🔹wheat or any other cultivated cereal used as food
🔹rig- sangrize
🔹noee aghigh
🔹shishe einak
🔹make physically stronger or more solid.
🔸the first phase of project is to consolidate outside walls.
🔹strengthen(one’s position or power)
🔸the company consolidated its position in the international market.
🔹combine number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole
🔸all manufacturing activities have been consolidated in new premises
🔹rough or harsh in texture
🔸a coarse cloth
🔹(of person or their speech)rude or vulgar
🔸a man of coarse speech
🔹Heavily loaded or weighted down
🔸a tree laden with apples
🔹put or set down(sth or so) in a specific place
(Tahneshin kardan-kenar gozashtan)
🔸he deposited a pile of school books on the kitchen table
🔹place sth somewhere for safekeeping
(Zakhire sepordan-be hesabe bank gozashtan)
🔸a vault in which guests may deposit valuable property
🔹lie on top of-cover
Rooye chizi gharar gereftan ya khabidan
🔹(n.): soorakhe riz-manfaz
🔹(v.): be absorbed in reading or studying
🔸I spent hours poring over cookery books
🔹(v.): to think intently;ponder
(Dar daryaye tafakor ghootevar shodan)
🔸he has thoughts and pored on it
Porous=por manfaz- khelal o foraj dar
🔹block or fill in(hole or cavity)
🔸trucks arrived loaded with gravel to plug the hole and clear the rode
🔹(n.) a piece of solid material fitting tightly into a hole and blocking it up.
🔸somewhere in the pipes there is a plug of ice blocking the flow.
🔹do shakhe 🔌
🔹Become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution
(Aab kardan-Hal kardan)
🔸glucose dissolves easily in water
🔹close down or dismiss
(Faskh kardan-monhal kardan)
🔸the National Assembly was dissolved after a coup
🔹(of liquid or gas)filter gradually through a porous surface or substance
(Saaf kardan-rad shodan)
🔸the water percolating through the soil may leach out minerals
🔹spread gradually through an area or group of people
(Taravosh kardan-nofooz kardan)
🔸rainwater percolated between the sands and gravels that fill the valley
🔸the news of their secret wedding soon percolated throughout the city
🔹darz- shekaf
🔹kerm khordegi dandan
🔹cause the water or other liquid in sth to run out, leaving it empty or dry
🔸we drained the swimming pool
🔹(n.): abgozar-Zehkeshe fazelab
🔹hold on tightly to-adhere or stick firmly or closely to;be hard to part or remove from-remain very close to
🔸the smell of smoke clung to their clothes
🔸she clung to joes arm
🔹remain persistantly or stubbornly faithful to
(Vafadar Mandan)
🔸she clung resolutely to her convictions
🔹parde nazdik-gheshaa
🔹the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence
🔸there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit
🔹investment in stocks, property, etc. in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss
🔸the company’s move into property speculation
🔸A cart drawn by two horses
🔹extract an object from a container or receptacle
🔸he drew his gun and peered into a gloomy apartment
🔹be the cause of
🔹select (ticket or name)randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest,etc
🔹(n.): a person who has surpassed all rivals in a contest
🔹vigorously support or defend the cause of (Defa kardan- poshtibani kardan) 🔸he championed the rights of the working class and the popes
Ensan shenas
🔹imagine as a future possibility;visualize
🔸she envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home