Others Flashcards
🔹willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.
🔸a receptive audience
🔹able to receive signals or stimuli.
🔸the goldfish’s vision is receptive to a wider band of light than almost any other animal
🔹(of a female animal) ready to mate.
🔸only the dominant male would have had access to the receptive female
🔹an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader; revolt
🔸the authorities put down a rebellion by landless colonials
🔹the action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention; defiance; disobedience
🔸an act of teenage rebellion
take for granted
🔹assume that something is true without questioning it.
مسلم گرفتن
🔸George had taken it for granted that they’d get married
🔹to push someone gently, usually with your elbow, in order to get their attention
🔸Jill nudged him in the ribs.
🔹to move something or someone a short distance by gently pushing
🔸She nudged the glass towards me.
🔸David nudged me out of the way.
🔹to move forward slowly by pushing gently
🔸I started to nudge my way to the front of the crowd.
🔹to gently persuade or encourage someone to take a particular decision or action
🔸We’re trying to nudge them towards a practical solution.
🔹to almost reach a particular level or amount
🔸Outside the temperature was nudging 30 degrees Celsius.
🔹having become successful or rich by one’s own efforts.
خود ساخته
🔸a self-made millionaire
🔹distort or corrupt the original course, meaning, or state of (something); distort
🔸he was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice
🔹lead (someone) away from what is considered natural or acceptable.
🔸Hector is a man who is simply perverted by his time
منحرف کردن
🔹provide or supply (food, drink, or other goods) as one’s business.
🔸shops purveying cooked food
🔹spread or promote (an idea, view, etc.).
🔸we didn’t want to purvey gloom and doom
🔹a person’s sense of identity with someone or something; empathy
همذات پنداری
🔸children’s identification with story characters
be in line with
🔹similar to, or at the same level as something; In keeping with given expectations, norms, ideals, or rules; following; in accordance with
🔸The company’s results are in line with stock market expectations.
🔹a thing inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.
کتیبه- ثبت
🔸the inscription on her headstone
🔹(with reference to an object, especially a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it.
🔸the ball bounced away and he chased it
🔹(of light, sound, or an electronic signal) come into contact with an object or surface and be reflected back.
🔸short sound waves bounce off even small objects
🔹jump repeatedly up and down, typically on something springy.
🔸Emma was happily bouncing up and down on the mattress
hang out
🔹(informal) to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
🔸You still hang out at the pool hall?
🔸I’ve been hanging out backstage with the band.
account for
🔹provide or serve as a satisfactory explanation for; explain
🔸he was brought before the Board to account for his behaviour
apart from
🔹except for.
🔸the whole world seemed to be sleeping, apart from Barbara
🔹in addition to; as well as.
🔸quite apart from all the work, he had such financial problems
🔹in relation, comparison, or proportion to something else.
🔸they were very poor, but, relatively speaking, they had been lucky
🔹regarded in comparison with something else rather than absolutely; quite; comparatively
🔸the site was cheap and relatively clean
🔹wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious; wary; careful; vigilant; prudent
محتاط- ملاحظه کار
🔸the officials were very circumspect in their statements
🔹obtain (something), especially with care or effort; obtain; acquire
🔸food procured for the rebels
🔹persuade or cause (someone) to do something.
🔸he procured his wife to sign the mandate for the joint account
🔹continue to have (something); keep possession of; preserve; maintain
🔸Labour retained the seat
🔹not abolish or alter; maintain; perpetuate
🔸the rights of defendants must be retained
🔹keep in one’s memory; remember; memorize
🔸I retained a few French words and phrases
🔹absorb and continue to hold (a substance).
🔸limestone is known to retain water
🔹keep (something) in place; hold fixed.
🔸remove the retaining bar
🔹keep (someone) engaged in one’s service.
🔸he has been retained as a freelance
🔹(time spent working) after the usual time needed or expected in a job:
اضافه کاری
🔸They’re doing/working overtime to get the job done on time.
🔸Everyone is on overtime (= being paid extra for working after the usual time) this weekend.
🔹a period of time in a sports game in which play continues if neither team has won in the usual time allowed for the game
🔹the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex; bias
🔸victims of racial discrimination
time flies
🔹used to mean that time passes surprisingly quickly
🔸Time flies when you’re having fun.
🔹an occasion when a crowd of people expresses great enjoyment with loud clapping
🔸She was given a standing ovation at the end of her speech.
🔹to criticize someone severely
🔸The coach chastised the players for their mistakes
🔹sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid; confirm; approve
تصویب کردن
🔸both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year
🔹conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour.
🔸a decent clean-living individual
🔹of an acceptable standard; satisfactory.
🔸people need decent homes
🔹bury or drown beneath a huge mass of something, especially water; swamp; submerge; engulf; deluge
🔸floodwaters overwhelmed hundreds of houses”
🔹give too much of something to; inundate.
🔸they were overwhelmed by farewell messages
🔹have a strong emotional effect on; overcome
🔸I was overwhelmed with guilt
🔹defeat completely.
🔸the Irish side was overwhelmed 15–3 by Scotland
🔹be too strong for; overpower.
🔸the Stilton doesn’t overwhelm the flavor of the trout
🔹very great in amount; profuse; enormous
🔸his party won overwhelming support
🔹(especially of an emotion) very strong.
🔸she felt an overwhelming desire to giggle
🔹possible to do easily or conveniently; practical; achievable
🔸it is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display
🔹likely; probable.
🔸the most feasible explanation
🔹happen or occur afterwards or as a result; follow; arise
🔸the difficulties which ensued from their commitment to Cuba
🔹offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being dirty; disgusting
🔸a foul odour
🔹wicked or immoral; evil
🔸murder most foul
🔹containing or full of noxious matter; polluted.
🔸foul, swampy water
🔹(of the weather) wet and stormy; inclement
🔸he walked in fair and foul weather
🔹make foul or dirty; pollute; dirty
🔸factories which fouled the atmosphere
🔹support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.); further the progress of.
🔸some regulation is still required to promote competition
🔹a group or set of twenty or about twenty.
🔸a score of men lost their lives in the battle
🔹a large number of something.
🔸he sent scores of enthusiastic letters to friends
🔹an area of activity, interest, or expertise; a section of society or an aspect of life distinguished and unified by a particular characteristic; domain; realm; field
🔸political reforms to match those in the economic sphere
🔹the quality of being clever, original, and inventive; cleverness; innovation
🔸considerable ingenuity must be employed in writing software